Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 656 Ouch, Ouch, I Didn't See It

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Of course! I look prettier in women's clothing! By the way, second senior brother, where have you been? Senior brother said you haven't seen anyone for half a year! And you haven't contacted me!" Ning Xi said in a sad tone.

Tang Lang raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "Everyone~"

The two talked about the old days for a long time, until Tang Ye, who was on the side, said, "Tang Lang."

Tang Ye called out the man's name, without any expression on his face, and a trace of inquiry flickered in his eyes.

"Aha! Brother, long time no see~ Did you miss me?" Tang Lang stuck to him as if he had no bones, and his whole body lay on his shoulders.

Tang Ye stretched out a hand expressionlessly and waved the person away, "Master has been looking for you."

Tang Lang persisted and stuck to it again, "Is it only the master? What about you?"

On the side, Ning Xi covered her eyes, "Oh, oh... I can't see it! There is a child here! You will destroy the flowers of the motherland!"

Tang Lang flicked her forehead, "Are you going to return the flowers? Overlord flowers?"

Ning Xi: "...Get out! I'm Little White Flower!" She is in such a miserable state now, isn't she a miserable little White Flower!

Who knows, Tang Lang seemed to have heard some big joke, and burst into laughter on the spot, clutching his stomach, "You...Little White Flower...? Hahahahaha..."

Ning Xi's face turned dark, "Damn it! Why can't I be a fool? Are you laughing like this?"

"Hahahaha..." Tang Lang held his stomach, laughing so hard that he couldn't speak.

In the next second, Ning Xi couldn't see exactly what Tang Lang did. She only saw Tang Lang, who was still laughing, swung his arm at the back of Tang Ye's neck, inserted a syringe, and quickly injected him with a tube of transparent liquid...

Tang Ye didn't even have time to react, so he passed out.

"Damn it! Second Senior Brother! You... What are you doing? Why are you pricking Senior Senior Brother?" Ning Xi was stunned.

"Little idiot! Of course it's to save you!" Tang Lang said, catching Tang Ye's limp body, and carefully placed him on the side of the road.

Ning Xi was still confused, "Save... me?"

"I don't have time to say more, come with me!"

While urging, Tang Lang quickly helped Ning Xi into the car, and then sat in the driver's seat by himself.

As soon as Tang Lang sat in, he was dumbfounded, "Damn it! Where did Satan get the old antique from? How does this broken car drive?"

"I will, I will! But my leg is hurt and I can't move!"

"Teach me quickly!"

"Okay, okay, let me tell you..."

The two of them were tossing around the car when an arm suddenly came in through the window and dragged Tang Lang out of the driver's seat.

I saw that Tang Ye, who had just fainted, was standing there slightly shaking, grabbing his clothes, with an extremely gloomy and terrifying expression, "Tang, Lang!"

Tang Lang turned around and took off his coat to get away. He looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, "Fuck! Tang Ye, you pervert! I've already used double the dose, why did you wake up so quickly?"

Tang Ye looked at him motionless, his black eyes like a blood-stained sharp blade, "Explain."

Tang Lang frowned slightly, and his tone was a little impatient, "There is nothing to explain, the fact is what you see."

Tang Ye's face was as cold as ice: "You betrayed the organization."

Tang Lang snorted, his eyes shifted, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "Oh, yes, what's up? You want to clean up the house?"

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