Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 657 Don't ask men if they can do it

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Seeing the other party's indifferent expression, Tang Ye's hands beside him clenched into fists, and even the knuckles of his fingers began to turn white and creaked. Behind the glasses, there was a monstrous anger and a faint pain in his always indifferent eyes, "You..."

Looking at Tang Ye's injured eyes, Tang Lang's face moved slightly, and he avoided his gaze, closed his eyes, and said, "Senior Brother, let's fight, whoever wins, who takes away Junior Sister, how about it?"

After a moment of dead silence, Tang Ye finally said, "Okay."

Next to him, Ning Xi, who was still out of the situation, was completely stunned.

What... what's the situation...

The second senior brother betrayed the organization?

Then who did he rely on?

No, just now the second senior brother suddenly fainted and the senior brother wanted to save her...

Could it be that he took refuge in the Great Demon King?

No way?

This unscientific! How could the second senior brother have anything to do with the Great Demon King?

But at present, it seems that this is the only possible explanation. Otherwise, why would the second senior brother appear at this time, and dare to confront Satan and come to save her?

At the moment Ning Xi lost her mind, the two people in front of her had already made dozens of moves correctly.

However, the tragedy was that Tang Lang was crushed to death with every move, and was always on the defensive, leaving no room for offense.

The little flame of hope that had just risen in Ning Xi's heart was extinguished little by little, and she said anxiously, "Second senior brother! Are you good at it!?"

Tang Lang gritted his teeth while responding to Tang Ye's almost crazy attack, "Don't ask a man if he's okay!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Lang's momentum changed instantly.

Ning Xi's eyes lit up immediately, Tang Lang finally got serious.

Sure enough, the situation on the scene changed immediately.

Tang Lang started to fight back, and the fight between the two was evenly matched. Even if Tang Lang was serious, he didn't take it very seriously.

The corner of Ning Xi's mouth twitched, she was ashamed to say, you have been missing for more than half a year, of course the master can only teach the elder brother.

What's worse!

Tang Lang's talent is really abnormal, so he learned Tang Ye's new moves on the spot, and returned them as they were.

Ning Xi was simply amazed to see it. She only regretted that there was no melon seed fruit plate at the moment, otherwise it would be more exciting to enjoy!

After being hit by the few tricks Tang Lang learned on the spot, Tang Ye felt as if he had been stepped on some taboo... Under the blow, he suddenly took a few steps back, and then stabilized his figure.

Looking fixedly at Tang Lang, after standing for a while, he raised his hand and slowly took off his glasses.

When Ning Xi saw this, her heart skipped a beat.


Careless, she didn't realize until now that the senior brother didn't take off his glasses after the two fought for a long time.

This means that the big brother just now didn't try his best at all!

Not only Ning Xi, but also Tang Lang on the opposite side showed nervous and vigilant expressions.

Ning Xi's worries were indeed fulfilled...

Tang Ye, who took off his glasses, was like a ferocious beast that had been unsealed, and its force value was incredible!

Moreover, Ning Xi could tell that the second senior brother was also forced to use his full strength this time.

In short, the fight between the two of them was very dark.

At this moment, Tang Lang had no idea how many times he had cursed "pervert" in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Tang Ye had reached a bottleneck. With his understanding, it was absolutely impossible for him to make another breakthrough in just half a year, so he thought that he would definitely win this time, but who knew, he still underestimated him.

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