Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 658 Kiss me down... kiss me down...

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

This guy is obviously mediocre in talent, but he can reach this level, he is simply inhuman!

There is no point in continuing to fight. It is still the same as before, and it is still a tie.

But time waits for no one, the people who meet Satan and the others are coming soon, he can't delay any longer, he has to take the little junior sister away quickly!

Gotta find a way... find a way...

Oh shit! Think shit! Tang Ye is too rigorous, and his moves are flawless!

He was just distracted for a short time, and he was punched in the face by the opponent, and there was a burning pain at the corner of his mouth, "Fuck! Tang Ye! You murdered your husband!"

Start so hard!

"If you get distracted again, I won't give you a second chance!" Tang Ye's eyes were extremely cold.

Tang Lang's face was ashen, damn it! I don't believe you when you are not distracted!

After another hundred moves, Tang Ye tried to take the opponent's life with one hand, but Tang Lang did not retreat but advanced. Tang Ye was not afraid at all. Tang Lang couldn't attack him when he got close at this time. Instead, he was looking for his own death.

Tang Lang got closer and closer, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth curled up strangely. By the time Tang Ye realized something was wrong, it was too late. Tang Lang directly kissed his lips...Kissed...Kissed...Kissed...

Taking advantage of Tang Ye's distraction, Tang Lang grabbed his lifeline first, and pushed him against the car door, "Brother, you lost."

Beside him, Ning Xi was stunned, showing a horrible expression, "Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My titanium alloy dog ​​eyes! Second senior brother! What's wrong with you!"

"Soldiers never tire of being deceitful." Tang Lang looked proud instead of ashamed, and turned to the ashen-faced Tang Ye with a smile, and said leisurely, "Brother, don't you deny it?"

Tang Ye's face changed several times like a revolving lantern, before resisting the urge to beat this guy until his own mother didn't recognize him, took a deep breath, and fulfilled his promise: "Get out."

Tang Lang: "Cha!"

Then, as if afraid that Tang Ye would regret it, he threw Ning Xi onto his shoulder and ran away without a trace. At the same time, he quickly took out his phone and sent a message: [Withdraw! ]



On the other side, the situation between the two parties is stalemate, and they are still in a tense confrontation.

The captain's mouth was dry with persuasion, but the other party was still completely unmoved.

Time passed bit by bit, and there was a gleam of white light in the sky, and the sky was about to dawn. However, neither side had the intention of retreating.

The silver-haired man yawned, with a slightly impatient expression on his face, "It's so long-winded, do you want to fight or not?"

On the opposite side, Lu Tingxiao, who was about to speak, took out his phone and glanced at it casually. After seeing the text message on the phone, he paused for a moment, but soon returned to normal, and no one noticed the difference.

Then, he looked at the man opposite again: "As you wish."

When the silver-haired man heard the words, bloodthirsty flashed in his eyes.

Feng Jin wholeheartedly hoped that even if his master lost his mind, at least the other person was Lu Tingxiao, so he should be able to hold on. How could he know that Lu Tingxiao was also unreliable, and his face immediately looked bitter.

What was even more difficult was the captain on Lu Tingxiao's side, "Mr. Lu, you can't fight!"

It's not a matter of winning or losing. The problem is that the current situation in country X is chaotic. Such a main force cannot be lost here, otherwise other countries will definitely take advantage of it.

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