Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 659 Sorry, I'm Late!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At this moment, behind Lu Tingxiao, a military off-road vehicle sped up.

Afterwards, the car door opened, and Minister Naka hurried over accompanied by several subordinates.

Obviously, the captain saw that the situation was getting out of control and he was out of control, so he quickly notified his superior.

Minister Naka rushed to Lu Tingxiao with a nervous expression on his face, "Mr. Lu, you promised me peace! It will be resolved peacefully!"

"I said try my best." Lu Tingxiao said expressionlessly.

"Mr. Lu, I know you are eager to save your wife, but in fact there is no other way. When they leave the border of country X and reach the sea, we have a lot of opportunities to do it again! There is no need to fight head-to-head at this time, right?" Minister Naka persuaded earnestly.

Hearing this, Lu Tingxiao's expression began to waver.

As soon as the minister saw something interesting, he immediately made persistent efforts to understand it with emotion and reason.

After persuading for a long time, finally, Lu Tingxiao let go with a dark complexion: "Withdraw."

Opposite, the silver-haired man mocked, "Hey... why did you withdraw? Did I agree?"

He knew a long time ago that with Lu Tingxiao's temperament, he would never do such an irrational thing for a woman. This battle would never be won.

However, Feng Jin didn't know, so he hurried up to persuade him to accept it as soon as he was good, and don't provoke the other party to change his mind again, and at the same time ordered everyone behind him to retreat immediately.

Only then did the man yawn lazily, and boarded the armored vehicle with a dispirited expression.

Anyway, that girl is already with him, want to snatch her back?


At sea... At sea, that is his world!

Seeing the people on the opposite side retreat and leave, Minister Naka finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he was more worried.

Lu Tingxiao cared so much about his wife, how could he let it go!

The worst thing was that he was not sure about rescuing Mrs. Lu. He said that on purpose just now to stabilize Lu Tingxiao's mood. In fact, if Satan were to go out into the sea, it would be like a dragon entering the sea. It would be impossible to save someone!

Minister Naka made up his mind to send people to rescue him as much as possible at that time. Whether he can save people and what accidents will happen is beyond his control.

"Mr. Lu, let's go back to Dib City first, discuss specific countermeasures, and take a long-term plan..."

Minister Naka was trying to appease Lu Tingxiao, but Lu Tingxiao suddenly said with a sharp expression, "Go back to the Philadelphia border!"

Minister Naka was at a loss and didn't understand what Lu Tingxiao was going to do at the border at this time, but because of his guilty conscience, he made everyone rush to the border in Philadelphia as promised.

When there were still a few hundred meters away from the border, Lu Tingxiao suddenly jumped out of the tank and walked forward quickly.

"Hey—boss—this way—"

Beside the boundary marker not far away, a person shouted at the top of his voice.

There seemed to be a brown-haired man standing there, half-supporting a slender long-haired girl by his side. The girl looked a bit like...

After seeing the two of them clearly, Lu Tingxiao's eyes tightened, and he walked faster.

Beside the brown-haired man, the girl was seriously injured, lost a lot of blood, and had another night of intense nervousness. At this moment, her mind was completely blurred, and she could only vaguely see a familiar figure walking towards her in front of her. She murmured subconsciously, "Lu... Tingxiao..."

A second before she lost consciousness, she felt herself suddenly wrapped in a warm embrace, and a slightly trembling voice came from her ears——

"It's me! Sorry! I'm late!"

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