Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 660 We Will Meet Again Soon

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Philadelphia, pier.

On the surface of the sea, the fog gradually dissipated, the sun was slowly rising, and the sea surface was filled with bright golden light, but someone's face was cloudy and rainy.

"Where are people?" The man arrived with the crowd, but only saw an empty broken car.

It was rare for Tang Ye not to wear glasses, and he was standing there with his back facing the sea, his expression dazed, he didn't know what he was thinking, when he saw someone coming, he slightly raised his eyes, and said in a gloomy tone, "I was taken away by Lu Tingxiao's men."

"Can someone take someone away in your hands?" The man's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and the fire in his eyes jumped.

"It's Tang Lang who came." Tang Ye's expression was obviously not very good.

The man's eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed, "Tang Lang..."

No wonder... No wonder Lu Tingxiao compromised just now, he really pretended! Deliberately bargaining with the old man and saying so much nonsense to delay time, just to let Tang Lang have enough time to save people secretly...

damn it! He fell for it!

He specially sent Tang Ye to take Ning Xi away, but he didn't expect... there would be such an accident as Tang Lang...

Hearing this, Feng Xiaoxiao and Feng Jin on the side also showed extremely shocked expressions.

Who would have thought that Tang Lang, who had been missing for more than half a year... would become... Lu Tingxiao's man!

"How is it possible! This is impossible!" Feng Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it, "Second senior brother can't possibly betray us!"

She, Tang Ye, and Tang Lang were adopted by their master when they were very young. The three of them grew up together, and they are closer than brothers and sisters. Naturally, it is difficult to accept this fact.

However, with the facts in front of him, it was impossible for Tang Ye to lie.

Moreover, it was obvious that Tang Ye, who had personally confronted Tang Lang just now, was in a worse mood at the moment.

Feng Xiaoxiao was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable, so she didn't even dare to ask more details...

She knew that although the two of them always fought back and forth on weekdays, and Tang Ye always disliked Tang Lang's appearance, in fact, the two of them had a very good relationship, and they had been going through life and death, and they always cooperated most tacitly when they were on missions.

Now, the most uncomfortable thing is probably Tang Ye.

"With your strength, will you lose to him so easily?" The man's eyes flickered with suspicion, obviously not very convinced.

Even if Tang Ye couldn't win, it was impossible to lose, and he lost so quickly.

Whenever these two fight, they don't fight for most of the day, and they often fight for three days and three nights without being able to tell who is up.

Feng Xiaoxiao actually thought it was quite strange, but she didn't know how to ask. In fact, in her private heart, she had a little suspicion that the elder brother was soft-hearted...

Of course, she didn't dare to say such a thing!

Tang Ye's expression froze, without any explanation: "If you lose, you lose."

At this time, Feng Jin on the side glanced at the time, and anxiously urged, "Get on board! It's time to set off!"

The man didn't ask any more questions, but turned around, staring fixedly at the sleeping city behind him.

His slender fingers gently brushed back the silver hair fluttering in the sea breeze, revealing the eye that was covered by bangs and had never been shown to anyone.

The phoenix eye is more beautiful than a woman, but there is a scar that runs across the eye. Although the scar is very shallow, it still destroys the perfection of that eye, but it adds a wild and dangerous atmosphere to the man...

"Heh, Lu Tingxiao, we will meet again soon..."

When the time comes, I will take back everything that belongs to me.

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