Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 926 How can you be so cute!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"woke up?"

"Hmm..." Ning Xi yawned, stretched lazily, then pulled out the pillow behind her, hugged her in her arms, dazed.

Although Ji Feixue was dressed in men's clothing, but because she had just woken up and was in front of Lin Yu, who knew her identity, she was unprepared, and all the aggressive and unruly aura that was intended to maintain her manly image faded away. Her expression was soft, and there was still a bunch of dumb hairs on her head, like a dazed kitten, looking extremely cute...

In an instant, the staff and actors on the scene were all cute!

"Oh! Ex... Senior is so cute! So cute! How can you be so cute! I didn't expect senior to have such a side!" Ji Yumeng took out her mobile phone and took a picture excitedly, "As expected of senior! It's amazing!"

The melon seeds in Qi Fang's hand fell to the ground with a thud, and seeing the scene of the girl cradling the pillow in the wicker chair, her cheeks felt inexplicably hot.

Depend on! hell!

He actually thinks this annoying guy is cute...

Shen Hanchen was also taken aback for a moment, from a man who was so annoying and even a bit annoying to such a cute and cute girl, this span is probably greater than Ke Mingyu's transformation just now...

"Does it look good?" Ji Feixue tilted his head, looking at the complete works of Shakespeare in the man's hand.

"Hide it well." The man looked at her, and said something that Ji Feixue sounded inexplicable.

Moreover, the man's tone sounded as if his air pressure was relatively low and he was not very happy at this moment.

"Ah? Why?" Ji Feixue looked puzzled, but the expression on his face was ignorant and clear. In front of Lin Yu, she was completely her true character.

The man didn't speak, just turned over one of the pages and handed it to her.

Ji Feixue lowered her eyes, and saw that the page that Lin Yu had turned over had been filled with a person's name without knowing when she hadn't realized it.

It's full, it's all Si Xia... Si Xia...

Ji Feixue's cheeks flushed instantly, and she snatched the book over, "I hate it! How can you read other people's books casually!"

After speaking, Teng Teng Teng held the book and opened the door and ran out of the balcony.

Behind him, the man looked at the back of the girl leaving, feeling helpless and funny. However, after all this was gone, there was an undercurrent of loneliness and so deep that no one could detect it...

"Very good! Pass!" Shen Mian breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Ning Xi, this time the performance is very good! It's exactly what I want!"

Even better than he expected!

What he wants to achieve is that the image of the heroine, whether as a man or a woman, must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Ning Xi played the role of a man so well that he was almost afraid that she wouldn't be able to play a woman well... As expected, he was too worried...

"Xiao Ke's performance today is also very good, keep it up!" Shen Mian also praised Ke Mingyu without hesitation.

Out of pity for talents, he is even considering helping Ke Mingyu find a suitable brokerage company.

Otherwise, it would be a pity if such a good seedling goes the wrong way.

After the filming, Ning Xi couldn't help but want to get close to Ke Mingyu, but was stopped by Jiang Muye, "Calm down!"

"Leave me alone!"

"I don't care about you, just wait for the scandal to be slapped to death by Ling Zhizhi!"

"Sister Zhizhi is not so cruel!"

"Hehe, isn't she cruel? She's just naive! If you want to die, I won't stop you!"

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