Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 927: Totally My Type

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Jiang Muye was really aggrieved, if he was not as good as Lu Tingxiao, he would admit it.

Now, a newcomer who appeared out of nowhere can make Ning Xi completely ignore him, it's unbearable!

Seeing that Ning Xi was still fidgeting like a cat scratching, Jiang Muye said helplessly, "Can I help you find out about this guy?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Ning Xi nodded immediately.

Ning Xi looked through today's filming schedule, and found that she and Ke Mingyu had only one scene today, so she couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Most of the plots of this drama are concentrated on the hero and heroine, and there are not many plots of the male second, but most of the opponents of the male second are with the heroine.

The next scene is the scene between Shen Hanchen and Qi Fang.

It's also a kiss scene, two men.

The plot is because Shen Hanchen found that his feeling for the heroine was getting more and more wrong, and he once doubted whether he liked men, and panicked, he found Qi Fang to test.

This scene can be regarded as the biggest joke in the whole play.

Most of Qi Fang's scenes are quite funny. If this role is played well, it will actually be very pleasing.

"Come here." Si Xia stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, and suddenly called Jiang Xiaohai who was sitting beside him playing games.

"What are you doing!" Jiang Xiaohai played without raising his head.

Si Xia simply walked over, and then grabbed Jiang Xiaohai's chin and face, getting closer...

"Ouch..." When they were about to touch each other's lips, the two turned their backs together to make a vomiting appearance.

All the staff on site burst into laughter.

The scene was NGed more than a dozen times before it finally passed. The two rushed over to rinse their mouths as soon as the filming was over.

After rinsing his mouth, Qi Fangsheng leaned back on the chair with nothing to love, "The retribution came too fast... I will never gloat about other misfortunes from now on..."

Shen Hanchen wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, glanced at Qi Fang, and immediately turned his head, obviously disgusted.

"Damn! What does it mean to be so disgusted! It was you who kissed me forcefully, and I was the biggest victim, okay?"

Looking at these two people, Ji Yumeng laughed so hard that she almost couldn't straighten up...

The scene was full of laughter, when the director's assistant suddenly brought a girl over, as if someone had come to visit the set.

After seeing the girl behind the director's assistant, Qi Fang immediately revived with full blood, "Wow! Beauty! Big beauty! And she's totally my favorite type! Sister Gao Leng Yu!"

Qi Fang was so excited that his whole body boiled.

Shen Hanchen also straightened up, his expression changed slightly, Zhuang Keer, the eldest lady of the Zhuang family?

How could she come here?

He met him once when he attended a dinner party with his father, not to mention just looking at his demeanor, he would definitely not admit his mistake.

Seeing Qi Fang, Shen Hanchen and all the men at the scene looking at the girl with salivating faces, Ji Yumeng puffed her cheeks and looked unhappy.

" looks good there? With a cold face, it looks like someone owes her eight million! Why do you men like this kind of woman?"

"Hahaha... I think you are jealous, right?" Qi Fang teased.

"Who is jealous!" Ji Yumeng was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. Her appearance is sweet, and she is indeed most envious of those aura-cool beauties...

"Who is that beauty? If it's a star, why don't I have any impression?" Qi Fang asked, poking his head.

"The number one lady in the imperial capital, Zhuang Ke'er." Shen Hanchen replied.

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