Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 945 Adorable Little Expression

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"What abduction, director, this is my godson!" Ning Xi said speechlessly.

Shen Mian stared at Xiao Baozi's face and looked again and again, her eyes became brighter and brighter, and she exclaimed, "This kid's background is really good! Are you interested in entering the entertainment circle?"

Ning Xi's mouth twitched, "He's only five years old, okay?"

"What's wrong with being five years old! Be famous as soon as possible! You give him to me, and I promise to make him popular!" Shen Mian's eyes brightened, "This temperament, eyes, and nose... I can guarantee that I will never be disabled when I grow up!"

"No thanks!" Of course it won't be disabled, just look at his father.

"Are you sure? Do you have his parents' contact information? I'll talk to his parents!" Shen Mian didn't give up.

"Don't talk about it, I can decide this matter, and he still has to study! Director, don't mislead your children, okay?"

"Hey, you girl, how many people put children in my place and I still won't accept it..."


Shen Mian followed covetously for a long time, but after being ruthlessly rejected by Ning Xi, she could only leave with a face full of regret.

As soon as Shen Mian left, many people immediately surrounded her, "Wow! This kid is so cute!"

"That's right! It's cute!" Ning Xi looked proud.

"It's so cute, isn't it! No wonder Director Shen wants to dig it!"

"I really want to hug you!"

Xiaobao's eyeballs moved around nimbly, looking at this elder sister and then at that elder brother. After hearing this sentence, he immediately hugged Ma Ma's neck tightly, and buried his little head on Ma Ma's shoulder, like a groundhog.

Ning Xi patted Xiao Baozi's back, chuckled lightly, and apologized, "I'm sorry, he's a little shy and doesn't like to talk."

"Oh, I'm so cute even if I'm afraid of being born, so cute, so cute, this little expression! Actually, I plan not to have children in the future, but if my baby can be so cute, I'd like to have one too!" Ji Yumeng squatted there with her face in her hands, so cute that she almost melted.

Looking at Ning Xi who was surrounded, Qi Fang's pillow was almost bitten by him...

First Jiang Muye, then Zhuang Keer, and today there was a cute little boy who came to visit the class. What is the origin of this guy?

"Oh—oh my God! Why is it that he gets all the limelight—"

"Stuntling." Shen Hanchen snorted coldly.

Qi Fang immediately agreed, "That's right!"

Qi Fang glanced at Ke Mingyu in the corner. Originally, he wanted to draw Ke Mingyu to the united front. Ever since he helped Ning Xi once, Qi Fang had decided to completely exclude him from the Three Musketeers, even though he had never been involved...

Although Ning Xi really wanted to play with Xiao Baozi for a while longer, but the next scene was about to start, so she hurriedly kissed Xiao Baozi, "Ma Ma is going to make up and change clothes to get ready for work, please stay here and wait for me for a while, okay?"

With a lot of snacks stuffed into his arms by the staff, Xiao Baozi nodded obediently.

"Xiao Tao, please take care of him for me."

"Okay Brother Xi, hurry up!" Xiao Taole accepted the task in a dizzy manner.

Well, I always feel that when Brother Xi called himself "Mom" just now, his tone and expression were so gentle and gentle, he was almost like this little guy's real mother...

Ning Xi had just entered the dressing room not long ago.

The little bun who was sitting on the chair obediently waiting for Mama suddenly stared in one direction without blinking.

That's... Ke Mingyu's direction.

The little bun stared at it for a while, lowered his eyes, then raised his head, stared at it for a while, and then tilted his head as if he encountered some problem.

"Pfft, Xiaobao, what are you looking at?" Xiao Tao who was next to him looked at the cute little guy, her heart almost melted.

The little bun blinked, jumped off the chair suddenly, and then ran towards Ke Mingyu...


[Aw... why did I find out that there are double monthly tickets on the last day... I am heartbroken and beg everyone for a ticket/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~~]

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