Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 946 Find Your Mom

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Xiaobao ran up to Ke Mingyu and stood still, then continued to stare at him without blinking.

Ke Mingyu: "..."

Soon, just standing there and watching couldn't satisfy him anymore, Xiaobao started to circle around Ke Mingyu, looking around him once, and then again, with that little expression as if he was doing some important scientific research.

Xiaotao was dumbfounded while watching from the sidelines, coughed lightly and said to Ke Mingyu, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ke, this child may like you very much and wants to play with you..."

Ke Mingyu stretched out his long arm, and supported the little bun who was circling around and almost tripped over a small stone. There was a trace of near collapse hidden in the corner of his forehead: "It's okay."

Not far away, Qi Fang saw black lines all over his head, "Sure enough, likes gather together and people are divided into groups. Isn't this kid's aesthetics as deformed as that guy's? He doesn't look for so many handsome men and beauties, but he goes to Ke Mingyu to play!"

Shen Hanchen only glanced up, then continued to read his script without interest.

Qi Fang groaned for a while, flipped through the script in boredom, and then muttered, "The next scene is Ning Xi and Ke Mingyu's rivalry scene... Oh, this scene is Ning Xi wearing women's clothing... It's been two days since I joined the team, and it seems that I have never seen Ning Xi wearing women's clothing. Tsk, it's really unimaginable..."

"Xiao Tao, can you do me a favor and bring me Ning Xi's bag!" Ye Qiu's voice came from the dressing room.

Xiaotao hurriedly responded, "Okay! Immediately!"

"Mr. Ke, can you please take a look at this kid? I'll be right back." Seeing that Xiaobao and Ke Mingyu are having a good time? Xiaotao asked Ke Mingyu for help.


After Xiaotao left, Xiaobao was still wandering around Ke Mingyu.

Ke Mingyu glanced in the direction of the dressing room. Ning Xi should be putting on her makeup soon. If she saw Xiaobao circling him like this...

"Don't circle around me." Ke Mingyu stroked his forehead, and finally couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, Xiaobao blinked, stopped in front of Ke Mingyu, and finally stopped turning.

However, those bright eyes never left him, staring at him like a kitten full of curiosity, and even tentatively stretched out a small hand toward his face...

In this regard, this child is surprisingly similar to Ning Xi, even this reaction is exactly the same...

Ke Mingyu's expression seemed to be cracked, and he lowered his voice, "Go to your mother, go."

Fortunately, at this time Ning Xi came out of the dressing room after putting on her makeup and clothes, and the little bun immediately ran towards Ma Ma.

Ke Mingyu heaved a sigh of relief, and then, looking at the door of the dressing room, his gaze suddenly darkened.

At this moment, Ning Xi was wearing a pink and tender one-piece collar floral dress, revealing her beautiful collarbone, and her curves looming downwards. Her long black hair, like a waterfall, outlined a gentle curve around her waist, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be filled with stars. The beauty of her eyes was so unreal. Before, her skin color might have been deliberately darkened by the makeup artist. It seems to be shining...

"Ah! Word! Oh my god! This... is this our brother Xi? Sister Ye Qiu, have you learned some magical skills? You have changed into a living person!"

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