Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 950 When Can You Marry Me?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!


Lu Tingxiao leaned over and kissed the girl, a heart that had been suspended a hundred thousand miles in the sky finally returned to his body.

Ning Xi tilted her head, and looked at him in amazement, "Lu Tingxiao, I never knew that your acting skills are so good, you almost robbed me of my job!"

"It's because I have a good teacher." Lu Tingxiao said.

"Ah? You still have a teacher! Who is it? Why don't I know?" Ning Xi asked curiously.



"I read all the books and notes you put on my side." Lu Tingxiao replied.

Hearing this, Ning Xi didn't know what to say.

From customizing masks to learning acting skills, it will take at least several months to prepare so much...

I'm afraid Lu Tingxiao has been doing these things silently since the last time they came back from Philadelphia.

She fully knew how busy he was usually, and he was handling big cases worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but he spared so much time for such insignificant things, just to spend more time with her, but he was afraid that she would get angry, so he took great pains to hide it.

Her profession is generally not recognized by the so-called celebrity and aristocratic circles, but he is willing to accompany her in person, to understand her, and to protect her.

" one has been so nice to me..." Ning Xi hugged the man in front of her, " moved that I want to marry you immediately, what should I do!"

"The Civil Affairs Bureau seems to be off work now, but I can call them back, or just let them come home with their equipment." The man spoke quickly, and his dark eyes shone brightly.

"Pfft, stop making trouble!" Ning Xi laughed.

Lu Tingxiao sighed, resting his chin on the girl's shoulder, "Ning Xi, we've only just started dating. Although it's very abrupt to ask, it's true, I've been thinking about this every day, every minute, every second... When... can you marry me?"

Ning Xi looked at him quietly, her eyes glowed like the light that broke the darkness before dawn, and said solemnly, "When I can stand side by side with you."



in the car.

Ning Xi was driving in front, and in the back seat, Lu Tingxiao was sitting on one side, and the little baby was sitting on the other.

The disguise on Lu Tingxiao's face hadn't been removed at the moment, it was still Ke Mingyu's image, the little guy stared at him for a long time, curiosity prevailed, and he decisively stretched out his little hand again.

This time, Lu Tingxiao reluctantly cooperated and leaned over to touch him.

The little bun touched it and touched it again, curious about unknown things.

Ning Xi glanced at the father and son in the rearview mirror, clicked her tongue, and said, "Lu Tingxiao, do you think our little treasure has special abilities? He can recognize us no matter what we look like!"

Lu Tingxiao thought about it for a while, but he was not surprised.

He had discovered that his son had such abilities before.

Some people have their own special ways of observing that are different from ordinary people, and they will discover things that ordinary people cannot.

"It's hard to explain. It's probably like a dog's sense of smell, a way of observing that can penetrate the essence."

"Damn it, how can you compare our son to a dog! By the way... there is another question, I just wanted to ask, why don't you put on a more handsome face? I heard from the director that you originally wanted to play the male lead, but you ended up as the second male lead because your image didn't fit you!" Ning Xi asked curiously.

Lu Tingxiao: "Because he's handsome enough."

Ning Xi: "..."

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