Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 951 Warm family of three~

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Hearing this answer, the corners of Ning Xi's mouth twitched, her face was speechless.

However, it was later discovered that the real reason had something to do with Lu Tingxiao's handsomeness, because his silhouette was more three-dimensional and distinct. After numerous experiments and failures, only Ke Mingyu's face was the most natural.

Uh, as expected, there is no room for being handsome anymore...


It just so happened that today Ning Xi was dressed in men's clothes, and Lu Tingxiao was also Ke Mingyu's image. Before the show was broadcast, neither of them would be recognized.

So it was rare to take Xiaobao and went to the supermarket together in a fair manner.

"Honey, shall we have hotpot tonight? Last time Xiaotao brought me a few packs of hotpot seasoning from my hometown!" Ning Xi asked.

Lu Tingxiao: "Listen to you."

Xiaobao also nodded repeatedly.

So the three of them walked to the vegetables and fresh produce area to choose ingredients.

However, as they walked, they found that more and more eyes seemed to be looking in their direction...

What's wrong again?

Ning Xi was at a loss.

"Ahh! Is this a family of three? It's so interesting and loving!"

"But I think the handsome guy next to him looks a little too ordinary, and he doesn't deserve the brother next to him!"

"Xiaoyou, what do you know, this is called a gentle wife, and it is the best match for this kind of hooligan attack!"


"What is a wife's punishment?" Lu Tingxiao suddenly turned his head and asked Ning Xi.

Ning Xi almost spat out a mouthful of blood, "You don't need to know this!"

However, I am so happy! The big devil is receiving, she is attacking, wow ha ha ha! ~

Ning Xi's mistake was that she didn't expect the two men to bring their baby to the supermarket to attract more attention, so she hurriedly bought the ingredients and returned to the apartment.

Back home, Lu Tingxiao used a special potion to remove the mask from his face.

Ning Xi looked at his slightly flushed face, and reached out to touch it, feeling extremely distressed.

"It's fine, I'll be fine in a while, not to mention I'm a man." Lu Tingxiao comforted.

"That's not okay, a man's face is also very important, besides, it's about my welfare! Come here!"

Ning Xi pulled Lu Tingxiao to her dressing table and sat down, then opened her bottles and jars, "Don't move, I'll give you a full set of skin care!"

When his wife wanted to serve him, Lu Tingxiao naturally sat down obediently.

Essence, water, lotion...

Ning Xi looked serious, and meticulously wiped Lu Tingxiao's face layer by layer, "Wait, there's face cream! From now on, I have to apply it after washing my face every day!"

While it was being wiped by Lu Tingxiao, the little bun ran over, pointed at his little face, and signaled that he wanted it too.

Ning Xi chuckled, "Your father needs it because he's not handsome enough. You're already handsome enough, so you don't need to wipe it off."

The little bun nodded and accepted the statement decisively.

After the family of three finished dinner, Lu Tingxiao went into the study because he had urgent business to deal with, while Xiao Baozi was urged by Ning Xi to take a bath.

"Honey, do you need Mama's help?"

Xiao Baozi shook his head shyly, and then said that he could.

Ning Xi rubbed the little bun's head with a smile, "Oh, my bun has grown up~ Then slow down and be careful of slipping!"

After helping Xiao Baozi put the water in, Ning Xi sat on the sofa in the living room, covered with a blanket, and watched an old but classic foreign language musical.

The gentle sound of music flowed in the night air, and the room was quiet.

At this time, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Who could it be so late?

Xiao Baozi and Lu Tingxiao are both here with her...

Nervously, Ning Xi glanced outside through the peephole. After seeing the people outside, she immediately opened the door with an expression of disbelief.

As soon as the door opened, the girl at the door jumped up and threw herself on Ning Xi, "Brother Xi—"

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