Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 960 She Will Cry and Beg Me

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Annie seemed to realize it too, and said with a sad face, "What should I do now..."

She didn't know what was going on with her, but she unknowingly forgot about her mission, and in the end even she was convinced.

Feng Xiaoxiao spread her hands and said, "Last time it was the elder brother who came to be tough, but this time you are the one who is soft, soft and hard are useless, what else can I do..."

Because of Annie's failure, the atmosphere was dull for a while, and no one spoke.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from a certain room upstairs——

"Little bait... a bear, a broken book, bought you?"

The voice reverberated in the empty hall, showing a bit of coolness and eerieness.

Hearing this voice, Annie's shoulders trembled immediately, her face turned pale, she raised her head and said, "No! That's not the case, it's Lu Tingxiao who really talked to the rumored..."


Hearing the infinitely cold voice upstairs, and seeing Feng Xiaoxiao eagerly reminding him with his eyes, Annie immediately fell silent, not daring to say anything nice about Lu Tingxiao.

"One by one, if you are bold, who will allow you to find her and come back?"

Annie didn't dare to say a word, Feng Xiaoxiao also touched her nose like a quail.

Tang Ye was about to speak when Feng Jin held down his shoulders. Immediately, Feng Jin said, "I came up with the idea. It would be best if Tang Xi could come back. If not, we have nothing to lose."

"Oh, she will come back naturally, begging me crying to let her come back."

Hearing the man's sinister voice, Annie and Feng Xiaoxiao both looked a little unhappy.

Feng Jin said expressionlessly, "Satan, now that we have just arrived in China, the top priority is to gain a firm foothold. Please don't be distracted at this time. Besides, this is Lu Tingxiao's territory after all, so there is no need to startle the enemy at this time. As for Tang Xi's matter, please leave it to me, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Finally, there was a dead silence inside the house, and there was no sound from upstairs, probably acquiescing to Feng Jin's statement.

Hearing Feng Jin's words, worry flashed across Feng Xiaoxiao's eyes, and she approached Feng Jin with a flattering smile to inquire about the situation, "Master Military Advisor, what are you going to do?"

Feng Jin glanced at her, and at the same time at Annie and Tang Ye, and said coldly, "Everyone performs their duties, this is not something you should worry about."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left directly.

Looking at the back of Feng Jin leaving, Feng Xiaoxiao scratched her hair with a headache, "Feng Jin is different from us... We have some friendship with Junior Sister, no matter what, we won't really hurt Junior Sister, but he is different... I don't know what he wants to do..."

Tang Ye's thin lips parted lightly: "Feng Jin is right, this is really not something we should worry about. As for the little junior sister, she will have someone to worry about for her. This matter ends here, and no one is allowed to intervene without authorization."


After Feng Jin and Tang Ye left, Feng Xiaoxiao immediately pulled Annie aside, and asked anxiously, "Annie, what exactly is going on? Tell me quickly!"

Annie sat on the sofa, took a look at Feng Xiaoxiao, and then said, "Brother Xi is beautiful in women's clothing, Lu Tingxiao is very gentle, Xiaobao is cute, obedient and cute. The three of them are very happy, that's how it is."

Feng Xiaoxiao: "..."

Well, don’t ask any more questions, Baby Annie is obviously completely instigated...

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