Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 961 Zeling is completely on fire!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Qiao Weilan predicted that it would take half a month to a month, but in fact, it was shorter than what she predicted.

First, it was the birthday party of the eldest lady of Wang's family, a socialite in the imperial capital. This eldest lady's clothing has always been very good in the circle, and she likes to try some new personal fashion brands.

At the birthday banquet that day, she wore a retro Chinese style dress. The dress was like a cloud of fire, making Miss Wang's whole body bright and moving, and she was all over the place that night.

As soon as the banquet was over, many ladies ran to find out what brand of clothes she was wearing.

After inquiring, she found out that it was a gift from a friend in the fashion industry. The design of the mysterious designer ZX, the winner of this year's Golden Summit Award, is the latest model that has not yet been launched. Even Qin Shengyue once loved and appreciated it.

Zeling was passed on to ten, ten to a hundred in the circle, and those who were gifted but had no intention of wearing them all wore them to show off...

A few days later, a noble lady in the circle was spilled on her clothes when attending a certain banquet, and there was no change of clothes temporarily. It happened that the clothes that Qiao Weilan gave her were in the car at that time. The noble lady loves international famous brands. She originally disdained to wear such miscellaneous brands, so she changed into those clothes in desperation.

That night, after the lady put on this peacock blue cheongsam, she won praises from all the female guests. They all said that not only the design was exquisite, but also set off her temperament very well, as if it was tailor-made for her. Many middle-aged ladies of her age also came to inquire which brand her dress came from and who made it...

And then, the most recent and the most sensational one.

Veteran General Zhuang Zongren, together with General Zhuang Liaoyuan and granddaughter Zhuang Keer, received visiting state-level guests from various countries, and it was broadcast on the national news network.

On that day, Zhuang Keer, the granddaughter of General Zhuang, wore a dignified yet girly and lively dress. Most importantly, this dress perfectly combined fashion with Huaguo elements, and was even praised by international friends, who appreciated the charm of Huaguo costumes on the spot...

Without a sound, Zeling became popular all of a sudden!

From the circle of celebrities to the circle of noble ladies, they even received strong support from the state and an injection of funds to support national brands.

Although a few million is not much, the key point is that it means that Zeling will have the opportunity to represent the country in more important occasions in the future.

"Oh my god my god! Boss! We're on fire! Zeling is on fire! Our phone is about to explode! Orders! They're all orders!" Han Momo excitedly circled around, then jumped up to Qiao Weilan and bowed seriously, "Director Qiao, you are amazing, I apologize for my doubts before! It's really amazing!"

Qiao Weilan glanced at Ning Xi, who was busy looking at customer information, "Actually, the effect I observed visually was just to find a way out to open up the market. I didn't expect it to develop like this, especially Ms. Zhuang..."

She thought that the friend Ning Xi had mentioned before was just an ordinary socialite, how could she have known that it was Zhuang Ke'er, the daughter of old general Zhuang, the number one socialite in the imperial capital.

What surprised her even more was that she didn't expect Zhuang Keer to wear their clothes on such an occasion.

Generally, the clothes worn on such occasions are checked by a special stylist. You can't say that you can wear whatever you want. Unless it is a very, very good relationship, Zhuang Ke'er can persuade the stylist to wear such a set of clothes on that day's occasion.

Of course, it is because the quality and design of their clothes are absolutely passable and brilliant enough that the stylist will agree.

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