Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 964 One step closer to marrying the BOSS

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After dinner, Ning Xi suddenly remembered that there was another very important matter, she hurriedly looked at the little baby and said, "Ah, by the way, little treasure, there is something I need to trouble you for! Can you write a subtitle for Ma Ma?"

Being able to help Ma Ma, Xiao Bao immediately nodded happily.

In the study room, Ning Xi diligently prepared pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and then began to grind ink.

Because Xiaobao couldn't reach the table, Lu Tingxiao hugged him and stood on the small stool.

Xiao Bao tilted his head and asked Ma Ma what to write.

Ning Xi thought for a while, and then said, "Help me write... gold, scales, Qi, yes, pool, middle, and things, when the wind and rain turn into dragons, the dragon's chant will change dramatically, and the wind and clouds will travel all over the world!"

Xiao Bao nodded, then picked up the brush and started writing.

During this period of time, Xiaobao's training has not fallen behind, his physical fitness has improved, and his brushwork has become more stable and powerful. The strength of a single stroke pierces the back of the paper like a dragon, and the combination of this calligraphy is very penetrating...

"My baby is getting better and better!"

Ning Xi was tsk-tsk praising, when Lu Tingxiao next to her glanced at her, "Give it away?"

Ning Xi was suddenly surprised, "How do you know, Lord Boss?"

"To whom?" Lu Tingxiao asked again.

"Well, it's going to be given to Gong Shangze, how about it? Doesn't this sentence suit him very well?" Ning Xi was complacent, but she didn't get an answer from Lu Tingxiao.

Turning his head to look, it really was someone who overturned the jar of jealousy again.

"Pfft, are you jealous?" Ning Xi propped her arms and moved her head closer.

Lu Tingxiao looked at her expressionlessly: "Where's mine?"

Seeing Lu Tingxiao begging for a gift like a child, Ning Xi was so cute that Ning Xi was hopelessly moved. She couldn't help but leaned over and kissed the man's thin lips, "Is this okay?"

The man had an unsatisfactory expression, and was about to turn his back on the guest, when a piece of rice paper suddenly came between the two of them.

I saw the little baby holding up the rice paper with a serious face, and there were a few big brush characters written on the rice paper—the baby is angry!

Lu Tingxiao: "..."

Ning Xi couldn't help laughing, and hastily kissed Xiao Baozi on the cheek as compensation, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Don't be angry, baby!"

Only then was Xiao Baozi satisfied, picked up his exclusive seal, and continued to work.


In the middle of the night, the moon is bright, and the night is as cool as water.

Ning Xi stayed at the villa because she drank some wine.

In the middle of the night, Lu Tingxiao lifted the quilt and got up as if he felt something.

Gently pushed Ning Xi's room away, there was no one there, and Xiaobao was not there either.

While in a hurry, the man's moonlight shined through the window and saw a faint figure in the small garden.

Lu Tingxiao picked up the blanket on the bed and hurried downstairs.

The night breeze caressed gently, the leaves swayed, under the moonlight, Lu Tingxiao saw the girl sitting on a swing from a distance, holding a can of wine in her hand.

"Aren't you going to bed so late?" Lu Tingxiao hurried over, put the blanket on the girl's shoulders, and touched her hand to see if it was cold.

"Lord BOSS!" Seeing the person coming, Ning Xi immediately hung up like a koala, rubbing her head against the man's neck, "I'm so happy! I'm so happy that I can't sleep!"

"Are you so happy?" Lu Tingxiao patted the girl's head with a helpless expression.

Ning Xi nodded repeatedly, with an extremely serious expression, "Of course I'm happy! I'm one step closer to marrying Lord BOSS!"

Lu Tingxiao was obviously taken aback when he heard the words, and then coughed lightly, with a calm posture, "Well, I should be happy."

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