Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 965: Boss, You Are So Dirty!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

However, just seemingly calm, the momentary brilliance in his eyes still betrayed the master's good mood.

"However, no matter how happy you are, you still have to sleep. It's time to go back." Lu Tingxiao took the wine jar from the girl's hand.

Ning Xi opened her arms, "Hold me~"

Lu Tingxiao naturally responded to such a request.

Being hugged by Lu Tingxiao and carefully placed on the bed, Ning Xi still didn't let go, "Stay with me~"

Lu Tingxiao hesitated for a while for this request, but finally agreed.

Ning Xi lay on the bed, didn't rest for a while, then opened her eyes again, staring brightly at the man lying next to her, "Master Boss, I'm drunk!"

Lu Tingxiao: "Yes."

Ning Xi leaned all over the man's chest, stretched out a finger to poke it, and asked curiously: "Such a good opportunity, won't you take advantage of it?"

Lu Tingxiao held the girl's fidgeting little hand and said expressionlessly, "You have to go to work tomorrow."

Ning Xi was puzzled: "Well, there is an inevitable connection between the two?"

Lu Tingxiao continued to speak calmly, "If I sneak in, you won't be able to go to work tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow."

By implication, you won't be able to get out of bed for days...

"Boss, you are so filthy!!!" Ning Xi immediately put on a accusatory expression, and then hummed to expose, "Isn't it because of what you said before that you have... the principle of not accepting premarital sex?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Did I ever say that?"

Ning Xi: "..."


the next day.

After work was over, Ning Xi went directly to the studio and gave Gong Shangze the letter she asked Xiaobao to write last night.

"Thank you boss!" Gong Shangze was moved, looking at the words with mixed feelings.

"Haha, you're welcome, I can't write this picture, and I hired someone to write it! It was written by a very good little master. Keep it well, and it will definitely increase in value in the future!" Ning Xi joked.

Gong Shangze looked at it cherished for a long time, and then hung it in the most conspicuous place.

Seeing Ning Xi coming, Qiao Weilan hurried over to report to her on high heels, "Boss, in order to ensure the rights and interests of the agents, the Imperial Capital can only open up to five branches, and there are already three, and there are still two left. These are some suitable candidates I just picked out."

"Okay, let me take a look." Ning Xi put down her bag and took the documents from Qiao Weilan's hand.

Before he could read it, he glanced at another stack of documents on Qiao Weilan's desk.

"Those are some of the partners who applied for agency that I picked up." Qiao Weilan explained.

Ning Xi subconsciously picked up the top file, looking at the familiar name on the file with some surprise, "Lu Xinyan?"

"Yes, the boss has heard of Lu Tingxiao's cousin, the president of the Lu Corporation?" Qiao Weilan asked upon seeing this.

"I've heard about it." Ning Xi nodded slightly, and then said, "Why, she doesn't meet our requirements?"

"Lu Tingxiao's cousin, regardless of her status, is enough, but...according to my investigation, this Lu Xinyan loves to start her own business, but she really has no business acumen. Every time she does business, she loses everything.

We are now in the most critical period. We must be rigorous in selecting agents. No matter how strong Lu Xinyan's background is, we can't give her our brand to play casually. At least it will affect word of mouth, and at worst it will disrupt the market. "

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