Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 966 We meet again

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Qiao Weilan was worried that Ning Xi was concerned about Lu Xinyan's identity, so she explained to her.

Ning Xi smiled inexplicably, "That's good, it just so happens that I don't want to cooperate with this person."

"Boss, boss! There are a lot of out of stock in the branch, and we need to dispatch a batch of goods from the main store!" Han Momo came panting, holding the phone in his hand.

"Approximately how many sets should be adjusted?" Ning Xi asked.

Han Momo handed over the form in her hand, "There are fifty-two sets in total!"

Compared with Zeling's high-end custom-made non-human fireworks and retro gorgeousness, the quality of Zeling's ready-to-wear garments has also given 12 points of sincerity. From design to material, it has been strictly checked, and the number of pieces of the same style of clothing is strictly limited to avoid the situation of bad street, so the sales volume is very good.

"So many..." Ning Xi glanced at the form and found that most of them were relatively expensive styles, adding up to a lot of value. Most of the current employees are newly recruited and cannot be handed over to others. "Got it, I just happen to be fine now. I'll go to the main store to transfer the goods myself!"


Zeling's main store is located in the largest luxury shopping mall in the center of the imperial city.

Not long ago, when Ning Xi asked Zhuang Keer to go shopping, when she passed by History's flagship store for inspection, she felt emotional.

Unexpectedly, today, not long after, his own store can also be located in this place where every inch of land is precious.

Ning Xi called the main store in advance and told her that she would go over to transfer the goods and let them prepare them, then she took the driver and headed towards the Central Mall.

When they arrived at the mall, Ning Xi was walking towards the main store, but she unexpectedly ran into a few acquaintances while taking the elevator.

In the elevator, Guan Ziyao was holding a noble and elegant woman's arm affectionately, talking to her with a smile, and a pretty and lovely girl next to the woman was also chirping and coaxing her.

Guan Ziyao, Yan Ruyi, Lu Xinyan...

After realizing who was in the elevator, Ning Xi had already stepped into the elevator, and behind her, the elevator door closed automatically.

At the same time, the three people in the elevator were also startled when they saw Ning Xi, and the atmosphere was a little weird for a moment.

"Miss Ning, I didn't expect such a coincidence that we meet again!" Guan Ziyao was the first to speak.

Guan Ziyao was wearing a generous and dignified champagne-colored Prada latest dress, carrying hundreds of thousands of LV bags in his hand, and all the jewelry on his body were treasures. His posture was calm and elegant, as if he had no quarrel with the person in front of him.

After being briefly surprised, Yan Ruyi sized Ning Xi calmly, but did not speak.

"Miss Guan, Miss Lu, Madam Lu!" Ning Xi only nodded briefly, as a greeting, it was acceptable in terms of etiquette, and then she stood quietly by the side, not intending to start a conversation.

"It's unlucky, how could I run into this woman while shopping happily..." Lu Xinyan held Yan Ruyi's arm, looking rather unhappy.

Hearing Lu Xinyan's whisper, Ning Xi subconsciously glanced at her from the corner of her eye. After seeing the clothes on her body clearly, Ning Xi's eyes rarely flashed a hint of surprise.

The ink flower-and-bird pattern skirt on Lu Xinyan was obviously Zeling's high-end custom style. Ning Xi had seen it in Gong Shangze's design draft and was very impressed.

However, these are naturally not the sets that Qiao Weilan sent before, because Lu Xinyan was not on the list, and it is estimated that the order was made some time before the studio released the news of the out-of-stock.

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