Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 227 You Sacrifice Yourself!

The three Elders from Xianrendong had to go home disappointed after being slumped by Birdman.

"Damn it!"

The Lord of the Immortal Cave became very anxious, and shouted again:

"Where's Han Yun?"

"Why are you not looking for Han Yun until now!"

"As a disciple of my Immortal Cave, Han Yun should also do his part!"


No one in the room answered, there is not much time to think about this question at this time.

With loud noises, the whole fairy cave began to shake violently.

Dense cracks have appeared on the surrounding walls and the ground, and there is a danger of collapse at any time.

The internal space of Xianren Cave is a special space opened up by the founder of Xianren Cave using the big Magic power.

The space has encountered frequent and fierce attacks, and it is about to collapse and shatter.

Just when everyone in the fairy cave was fighting hard, suddenly a mysterious light appeared in the fairy cave.

Everyone was taken aback,

I saw that mysterious light refracted a picture, which turned out to be a picture projected in by the Lin family, who didn’t know how to use it.

This picture shows the scene outside the fairy cave. The leader is an old man with long eyebrows wearing a blue shirt, gray hair and beard, two eyebrows dragging to the ground, like an outsider, but there is one at the center of the eyebrows. Black mark,

The ancestors of the Lin family!

Transcendent God Realm Third Stage Heaven Overlord!

There are also the Lin Family Patriarch beside him, and many Elders!

An overlord of the Transcendent God Realm, a pinnacle of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and a middle stage of the Heavenly Origin Realm,

With hundreds of Qi Refining Realm disciples and dozens of Earth Element Realm Elders, the Lin Family's strength can be described as completely crushed!

The ancestor of the Lin family stared at the immortal cave and shouted hoarsely:

"Xianrendong, the old man gives you the last chance, either to hand over the immortal emperor bird, or the old man to destroy your whole family!"

The fairy king bird? ? ?

Their real purpose turned out to be the Immortal Emperor Bird!

It seems that the birth of the fairy king bird is no longer a secret.

The current Immortal Cave is no longer the original Immortal Cave. How could such a divine beast as the Immortal Emperor Bird be able to possess this kind of strength?

The Immortal Cave Lord sighed and looked at that picture. I thought that even if his Immortal Cave lost to the Lin Family, it would not be too different.

But he never expected that there is still an ancestor of the Lin family in the Lin family.

The real clown turned out to be himself!

The Lord of the Immortal Cave smiled bitterly, and shouted very resolutely:

"My immortal cave is united and will never surrender!"

After he finished speaking, he completely shattered the picture and did not give others a chance to say anything more.

Among the many disciples in the Immortal Cave, Yu Lanqing secretly left and came to the Immortal Cave of the mysterious Elder.

At this time, Yu Lanqing's expression looked very anxious.

"Foster father!"

"Well, you are here, what's the situation outside?"

The voice of the mysterious person in the darkness came,

Yulanqing replied respectfully:

"Enlighten your foster father, the Lin family outside is about to break the guardian formation,"

"If the foster father doesn't make a move again, I'm afraid..."


There was a cold snort, and the mysterious man in the dark said coldly:

"The old man never expected that the old thing was still alive. After all, the old man made a mistake in this move!"

"If you fight alone, the old man will not only expose his identity, but also get injured, which will have a great impact on the old man in the future."

"Lan Qing!"

"The daughter is here!"

The mysterious person in the dark suddenly seemed to think of something. He looked at Yu Lanqing and said:

"You have to do everything possible to get the Immortal Emperor Bird to take action, as long as it is willing to take action, the old man will have a way to attack the ancestors of the Lin family!"

"The fairy king bird is what the ancestors of the Lin family want most, and the fairy king bird itself has the power of rules, even if it can't defeat the overlord of the gods, it will make the ancestor of the Lin family very difficult!"

"As long as it is willing to make a move, the ancestor of the Lin family will be very jealous, and the old man will have a chance to make a move!"

"You quickly force the Immortal Emperor Bird to help out!"

Yulanqing felt helpless when she heard the words. With her strength, what can be done to get the Immortal Emperor Bird to take action!

However, she must obey the order of her foster father!

While many disciples in Immortal Cave were still struggling to defend, Yulanqing quietly came to Hanyun’s Immortal Cave.

Yu Lanqing just came here, ready to solve the taboo here, suddenly a gust of wind came out,

I don’t know when, Birdman has appeared outside Immortal Cave!

Yu Lanqing was shocked, this bird man was indeed very powerful, far from her own.

"Oh it's you…"

Birdman glanced at Yu Lanqing, and asked incomprehensibly:

"Could it be that the Immortal Cave has been breached? Are you coming to this bird to seek refuge?"

"Hey, no problem, as long as you hand over a certain amount of money, this bird can consider sheltering you,"

Magnolia was taken aback after hearing the words, and then replied respectfully:

"I have seen the bird god senior, the fairy cave has not been breached!"

"But the current situation is very bad, and I invite the bird god senior to go..."

"How many times this bird has said that your business has nothing to do with this bird, this bird does not seem to be nosy!"

"Go go, this bird has to make up for it!"

Bird God shouted with contempt,

"But, senior bird god, don't forget, your master Han Yun is also a disciple of Xianrendong, how can you say that it is nosy!"

"The bird said that unless the owner said it himself, otherwise the bird would not be nosy,"

Yulanqing frowned upon hearing the words, and soon stretched out, and continued:

"Although I don't know where Junior Brother Han Yun went, and I also know that he is not in Immortal Cave right now,"

"But, if you really think about Junior Brother Han Yun, why don't you think that his former best friend is fighting hard in front of you!"

"With the character of Junior Sister Zhu Xiaowei, she will definitely move forward courageously. If Han Yun returns and finds Junior Sister Zhu Xiaowei killed in battle, how painful it will be!"

After hearing this, the birdman was shocked and exclaimed:


"If the master comes back and finds that Zhu Xiaowei's girl is dead, he can't take my skin off?"

Magnolia smiled slightly when seeing the birdman in shock.

"So, senior bird god, you might as well just..."

"Hey, so this bird was prepared!"

Birdman patted his own chest with his wings and said triumphantly.

Seeing its body flashed to reveal Zhu Xiaowei who was sleeping in Immortal Cave, Yu Lanqing was shocked when she saw it.

Zhu Xiaowei also came to Birdman for help before, and she wanted to help Sect resist foreign enemies, but Birdman refused.

So Birdman simply knocked Zhu Xiaowei unconscious and put it in Immortal Cave.

Yu Lanqing never dreamed that Birdman still had this kind of operation.

This is really over!

Yulanqing felt anxious when she saw that the birdman wanted to drive herself away!

But she still refused to give up this last chance, and continued:

"Senior Bird God, please think about it again. If your master comes back and finds that the Immortal Cave no longer exists, will he be very angry?"

"What you said seems to make sense, but this bird will not do things that are not profitable. After all, even if you protect this place, the owner may not be so happy!"

Birdman stared at Yu Lanqing, suddenly he smiled, and said with a treacherous expression:

"Hey, since you care about this so much, why don't you sacrifice yourself!"


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