Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 228 The Lin Family's Patriarch Is Too Tough

"Huh? Sacrifice yourself?"

For some reason, Yu Lanqing vaguely saw an unpleasant feeling in Birdman’s eyes.

Birdman smiled, looked at Yu Lanqing and said:

"At the beginning, I kept saying that my master watched you take a bath, which caused my master to be questioned in the fairy cave and suffered,"

"I'm a spirit beast, it's really uncomfortable for the master!"

"That incident has always left a deep shadow on the owner, and he is always lingering!"

"So, this bird decided to solve problems for the master!"

Birdman looked at Yu Lanqing with an evil smile, and Yu Lanqing couldn't help but shudder.

f*ck, what an international joke!

Is there any pain and shadow in Han Yun's appearance?

But even if Yu Lanqing understood it in her heart, she couldn’t refute anything.

Birdman then smiled and said:

"My bird, I have trouble sleeping all night, since you want this bird to take action so much, this bird will also give you an explanation!"

"If you really care about Immortal Cave, why don't you sacrifice yourself!"

"As long as you swear, from now on, you will be a maid by my master's side. The master says to go west, you can't go east. Only if the master's order is to follow, this bird will take action!"

"Huh? What?"

Yulanqing was shocked when she heard the words, but she didn't expect Birdman to say such things.

Her dignified arrogant girl actually wants to be someone else's maid?

Who can accept this change?

What's more, Han Yun!

Han Yun saw some secrets of own, and he chased him all the way.

Become him a maid, isn't that sending yourself to The Underworld?

From now on...

When Yu Lanqing thought about this, she couldn't help but get angry, but now the situation is crisis, it is not the time for her willful anger.

She hesitated for a while,

Bird God glanced at her disdainfully and snorted coldly:

"You girl, you really don't know what is good or bad!"

"I don't know how many beauties are vying to be the maid of the bird's master. They don't even have this opportunity. You don't cherish such a good opportunity in front of you!"

"Well, since you don't really want to save the Immortal Cave, the bird is also helpless,"


After the birdman said, he turned around and prepared to return to Immortal Cave. Yu Lanqing was anxious all of a sudden.

It seems that there is no room for negotiation!

For the foster father! For Little Sister!

Yu Lanqing gritted her teeth and stomped her feet and said:

"I...I do!"

"I implore the bird god senior to take action and rescue the fairy cave!"

"Oh? Hey, that's good!"

Birdman was delighted. From its point of view, this magnolia is quite beautiful.

Although she may have own Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, what storm can she set off in the face of absolute strength?

So the birdman came to push the boat along the river, it was a credit to save the fairy cave, and it was a credit to the master of Hanyun to receive a beautiful maid.

I made two credits at once, and the birdman felt happy in his heart.

"You wait here first, and the bird will go back!"

Birdman opened the taboo of Immortal Cave, leaving Yulanqing to stay here, while he turned into a gust of wind and left quickly.

At this moment, there are many fairy caves. Elder is fully defending to prevent death!

It’s a pity that the attacks from the Lin Family outside are so powerful, far beyond these fairy caves Elder can resist.

However, the Immortal Cave Lord still has no way to deal with it, and the Guardian Array finally collapsed with a bang under the constant fierce attack.

Elder from the fairy cave also vomited blood because of the backlash.

The mountain range that originally isolated the space finally disappeared, and the entire fairy cave appeared in front of everyone,

In the void, the powerful swords of the Lin family flew, glaring at him with murderous aura!

Just listen to the Lin family head yelling:

"Offensive! Blood-stained fairy cave!"

Countless Lin family experts have poured into the fairy cave,

The immortal cave crowd Elder saw that the immortal cave could no longer bear it, and they were seriously injured by the formation backlash, and they were anxious.

"You go, keep the inheritance of my Xianrendong lineage!"

The Lord of the Immortal Cave jumped up, and the Spirit Power all over his body spurted crazily, bursting out with the greatest power for a time.

The mighty peak of the Tianyuan realm swept across the world. He wanted to stop everyone in the Lin family and leave a glimmer of life for the others in Xianrendong.

But unexpectedly, the space around the fairy cave shook for a while,

I saw a blue barrier appeared on the void of the Immortal Cave, and it was the ancestor of the Lin family who shot!

The Xianrendong disciples and the Elders who wanted to escape encountered this barrier, but they tried their best but still did not break this barrier.

For a time, despair continued to spread in the hearts of the many Elder disciples in the fairy cave.

An ancestor of the Lin family who is the overlord of the Transcendent God Realm, a master of the Lin family who is at the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm and the master of the Immortal Cave, and there is also a middle-stage expert in the Heavenly Origin Realm.

How can such a strong lineup make them resist?

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Immortal Cave, with a bitter face, shouted in despair:

"Heaven is going to perish my fairy cave!"

"My true person Xuankong, sorry to the ancestors of Xianrendong!"

"In that case, my real person Xuankong can only go one step ahead!"

The Lord of the Immortal Cave begins to burn his whole body Blood Essence, Spirit Power skyrocketed, and he is about to fight to the death!

The Immortal Cave Crowd Elder looked at such a decisive Immortal Cave Master and shouted:

"Tonglord, don't!"

"Tonglord, come back soon!"

"Xianren Cave can't live without you, Master Dong..."


But it's too late!

The Immortal Cave Lord's whole person reached the peak state and turned into a bright light to welcome the ancestors of the Lin family!

The ancestors of the Lin family looked at the Immortal Cave Master like a clown jumping beam, sneered:

"Huh, do you want to fight to the death?"

"A mere pinnacle of the Heavenly Origin Realm is trying to fight against the overlord of the Transforming God Realm. The old man will let you see what it means to know the height of the heaven and earth!"

Just listen to the loud noise of "boom"!

A mysterious light suddenly enveloped the Immortal Cave Master, surrounded by weird patterns. The Immortal Cave Master's original state of burning Blood Essence and Spirit Power suddenly stopped.

At this moment, the Immortal Cave Lord was trapped in the void, and there was no strength to move.

The Lord of the Immortal Cave was easily restrained in this way, and there was no chance of resistance.

Everyone in Xianrendong was shocked!

The immortal cave master who had already fought to the death was easily controlled by the ancestors of the Lin family!

The difference between the powerhouse of the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Overlord of the God Transformation Realm is too big, right?

Facing such a terrifying power overlord of the God Realm, do they still have any hope?

For a time, everyone in Xianrendong saw this scene, and couldn't help falling into a burst of despair.

"Haha, Immortal Dongzhu! For so many years, it's time to end our grievances and grievances!"

"You killed me, Little Brother, Lin Gangqiang, I want you to survive, and let you watch your fairy cave with your own eyes, how we destroyed the sect!"

The Lin Family Patriarch viciously shouted to the Immortal Cave Master, and then a powerful seal condensed in his hand!

I saw him moving towards Elder, the immortal cave crowd, fiercely punching the powerful seal in his hand!

The Elders were shocked and wanted to defend themselves!

But they were severely injured by the formation backlash, and coupled with a blow from the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm, how could they be able to stop it?

Just listen to the "boom",

Their defenses collapsed instantly, seeing Death coming soon!

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