Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 301 To become famous, first sign up?

After Han Yun arranged the matter, he left the Tianjue secret realm with peace of mind.

After all, the safety of Lan Yu Jianjian is a major issue, and he can’t ignore it.

Now that Lan Yujian stays in the Tianjue secret realm, he can rest assured.

Before Han Yun left, he explained to Tianjue Demon Emperor:

"You have arranged the Lan Yujian, I am going back now, I will not stay here!"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he quickly left the Tianjue secret realm,

Han Yun returned to the ancient city of King Dan in an instant by opening the space tunnel

He is a little tired and wants to rest in the room.

As soon as he lay in bed, he heard the noise outside, frowned slightly, and said to himself:

"Huh? Why is it so noisy outside? It seems like a quarrel, when has the ancient city of King Dan become so lively?"

He originally wanted to take a good rest, but it was so noisy outside that he couldn’t rest at all.

Han Yun quickly called Baby Dragon and asked directly:

"Baby, it's so noisy outside, what happened? You help me take a look!"

Baby Dragon was also puzzled after hearing the words, this ancient city of King Dan is generally relatively quiet.

Baby Dragon nodded and replied cutely:

"Daddy Han Yun, I don't know what happened, I will come back to tell you when I go out and have a look!"

After the dragon baby finished speaking, he quickly left the room.

It didn't take long for Baby Dragon finally ran back, and she said breathlessly:

"Daddy Han Yun, I just went out to take a look, and it turns out that's the way it is,"

Baby Long talked to Han Yun about the whole thing.

A Daoist who called himself Jiu Xuan came to King Dan’s ancient city. He said he wanted to accept an apprentice in this place.

He said that he didn’t want his magic to be lost, so he wanted to accept an apprentice so that he could inherit his legacy in the future.

He also showed a lot of magical spells on the spot, and the onlookers all applauded and wanted to learn his spells.

That Jiu Xuan Daoist not only knows the spells, but is also proficient in pill refining. He also refined many Medicine Pills on the spot. The onlookers felt that the Jiu Xuan Daoist did have two tricks.

The onlookers have been talking about it all the time, and the voices are loud, so Han Yun felt it was noisy outside.

After Han Yun heard it, he felt that things were a bit weird.

A Taoist master came to the ancient city of King Dan to collect disciples? What is going on here?

Baby Dragon continued:

"Although the Daoist said he wants to accept disciples, he still has the conditions. He also set up a martial arts platform in the city!"

"He said that the apprentice he wants to accept must be the best talented. He doesn't accept ordinary people."

Han Yun frowned slightly, shook his head and said:

"This matter is not that simple. Why did he come here to accept apprentices? He also set up a special martial arts platform, saying what apprentices with the best talents can receive."

"One more thing, since he is so powerful, he shouldn't be short of apprentices. Why did he come to the sparsely populated ancient city of King Pill?"

"Why not go to those prosperous cities with more people?"

Although Han Yun thought so, since the Daoist Master came to King Dan’s ancient city, he didn’t need to be so wide.

Baby Long saw Han Yun frowned slightly, and thought he had encountered something difficult?

Baby Dragon said softly to Han Yun:

"Do you have anything on your mind? You might as well say it!"

"Hey, I'll help you solve your worries. Since you came back from the Tianjue secret realm, I feel that your mental state is not so good!"

Han Yun looked at Baby Dragon, and said helplessly:

"Hehe, I just came back and wanted to take a break, but suddenly something came out of the Nine Profound Dao Master, who made a lot of people, how can I rest!"

"I don't want to worry about his mess. I want to rest but can't rest, so I'm naturally bored!"

After hearing the words, the baby dragon on the side nodded vigorously, blinking and blinking with his big eyes.

On the other side, Jiu Xuan Daoist is talking a lot of words, although there are many people watching,

But there are not many who are willing to become his apprentices. Everyone has a lot of discussions, thinking that Daoist of Jiu Xuan may be a Rivers and Lakes liar.

Everyone is watching here just to see the excitement!

"Everyone, come and take a look. After Peng Dao has said so much, doesn't anyone want to be Peng Dao's apprentice?"

"Being a poor apprentice has a lot of benefits, so why is there no one's heart?"

Jiu Xuan Daoist said helplessly,

The Nine Profound Daoist saw that the onlookers were not moved at all, he had painstakingly prepared for so long, and now he is propagating,

Those people are still indifferent, he has to think of a way,

Can't bear the children, can't hold the wolf!

It seems to be bleeding!

In the end, Jiu Xuan Daoist decided to give out some low-level Medicine Pills for free and lure those people to sign up.

In this case, the own purpose may be achieved,

Anyway, they are all low-level Medicine Pills, which don’t cost a lot of medicinal materials. You can make a lot of them by refining them.

At this time, Jiu Xuan Daoist cleared his throat, and said in a strong voice:

"Everyone is quiet, listen to the poor Taoist first say a few words, since everyone is here, the poor Tao will not let everyone go back empty-handed,"

"Pan Dao has many elixir and elixir here, which can cure all diseases. These elixir is a rare good Medicine Pill in a century,"

"Now, for everyone's health, Pan Dao is going to distribute these elixir and elixir to everyone for free,"

"Everyone line up, I will give out one by one, everyone will have it, don't squeeze!"

"Why are you still jumping in line, go to the back in line!"


After Jiu Xuan Daoist finished speaking, I think everyone should take action at this time.

Sure enough, after Jiu Xuan Daoist distributed Medicine Pill, many people became very interested.

They just came to watch the excitement, but they didn’t expect Medicine Pill to receive it.

Jiu Xuan Daoist saw that this method was more effective, so he started the next step.

He said earnestly:

"You must keep these Medicine Pills distributed to you by the poor road, and don't squander the Medicine Pill if you have nothing to do. Do you understand?"

"If you can become a poor disciple, there will be unlimited Medicine Pill. By that time, you will have as much as you want!"

When the onlookers heard this, they were immediately excited. As long as they become a disciple of Jiu Xuan Daoist, will there be unlimited Medicine Pill?

It was the first time they heard such a good thing, and they signed up enthusiastically.

"Nine Profound Daoist, are you true? As long as you become your disciple, you will have unlimited Medicine Pill? Don't deceive us!"

"Being your disciple will have a lot of Medicine Pill? If so, I am willing to sign up to be your disciple!"

"Well, for Medicine Pill, labor and management are also willing to sign up!"

"Count me, I'll sign up too!"

"Will the beggar be charged? Come, count me!"


All of a sudden, the onlookers were all talking about it, as long as you become a disciple of the Jiu Xuan Daoist, you will have endless use of Medicine Pill?

Will there be such a good thing in this world?

Jiu Xuan Daoist continued to shout, his voice was deafening, everyone present could hear it.

"You heard it right, it's true, as long as some of you become poor disciples,"

"You can have unlimited Medicine Pill, as much as you want. This is a rare opportunity in a thousand years!"

As soon as everyone present heard that registration was free anyway, they enthusiastically started signing up.

The first person successfully signed up, and then one after another began to sign up.

When they think of the infinite elixir and elixir, they will surely fly up and down in the future, and they feel agitated.

The little heart is beating and pounding...

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