Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 302 This person is not a good bird!

"Don't be in a hurry, wait in line, as long as there is one person to sign up here, the poor will be here, everyone has a chance,"

Jiu Xuan Daoist said with a look of enthusiasm,

He was already happy in his heart, and he only used some low-level Medicine Pills to trick so many people into signing up.

Jiu Xuan Daoist looked at these people who squeezed their heads to sign up. He thought it was very funny, really a bunch of stupid people!

On the other side, people who are buying Medicine Pill at the Medicine Pill shop, when they heard that Jiu Xuan Daoist had a free Medicine Pill, they thought it was incredible.

"Where did you hear about it? Now that Medicine Pill is so expensive, someone actually distributes Medicine Pill for free?"

"Did you get it wrong?"

"It turned out to be true? The Jiuxuan Daoist gave me Medicine Pill for free. You sell it so expensive here. I won't buy it. I'll get the free Medicine Pill!"


When people who were buying Medicine Pill heard such good news, they immediately put down the Medicine Pill in their hands and quickly ran in the direction of Jiu Xuan Daoist.

It's a bastard if you don't take advantage of it!

Immediately after this news spread faster and faster, and soon everyone in the ancient city of King Dan knew.

There was a rush of people on the street, and everyone rushed to get the free Medicine Pill.

At the Medicine Pill shop opened by the Alchemy Alliance, no one came to buy medicine anymore.

When Dan Wang heard about the news, he was very worried.

After all, the people from the ancient city of Pill King came to him to buy medicine, and they all recognized the Medicine Pill refined by the Alliance of Alchemy Masters.

But since Jiu Xuan Daoist came here, he distributed free Medicine Pill all day long,

Everyone in the ancient city of King Pill has gone to him to receive free Medicine Pill, and almost no one has bought Medicine Pill in the Alchemy Alliance!

If this continues, Danwang Tower’s business will become more and more bleak, and it is very likely to face the risk of shops closing.

"Owner, I really don't know what to do. Basically no one has come to my shop these days, and no one has come to buy Medicine Pill."

"If this goes on, my store will close sooner or later. I really have no idea, so I came to the host to discuss it with you."

"I hope you can think of a solution!"

A Medicine Pill shop owner asked anxiously. There were many Medicine Pill shop owners behind him.

After hearing the words, the landlord of King Dan also looked helpless.

He can't just get him caught just because Jiu Xuan Daoist gave him Medicine Pill for free?

At this moment, the landlord of King Dan thought of Hanyun, if it is not possible, please discuss it with Hanyun.

Although Hanyun senior does not seem to ask about world affairs, in fact, people are more enthusiastic.

After a moment of contemplation, the landlord Dan Wang said to the bosses of Medicine Pill:

"You go back first, leave this matter to the old man, the old man will find a way to solve it,"

"If there is no one, no one, but the business still has to be done. Just keep your own shop, and leave the Medicine Pill business to me!"

Although Dan Wang said so, he was not completely sure, after all, Han Yun had no obligation to help himself.

But now in such a situation, he can only hold on to the attitude of giving it a try.

Soon, the landlord of King Dan came to Hanyun. He hesitated for a long time before telling Hanyun what happened.

He looked at Han Yun with pleading eyes and said:

"Hanyun senior, the old man is really helpless, so I came to discuss with you and see if you can do anything?"

After hearing the words, Han Yun said lightly:

"Owner, I know the purpose of your coming here. I also knew before Jiu Xuan Daoist distributed Medicine Pill for free. If he simply distributes Medicine Pill, I can't control it!"

"But if he had any conspiracy, I wouldn't stand idly by!"

After the Lord Dan Wang heard what Han Yun said, the hanging heart finally let go.

After all, Han Yun has vast magical powers, and everything can be solved. He believes in Han Yun very much.

The Lord Dan Wang smiled and said to Han Yun:

"Then Hanyun senior, this matter is left to you, this time you have done me a big favor!"

Han Yun smiled and said nothing,

Most importantly, Han Yun is also very interested in this Jiu Xuan Daoist.

He always felt that Jiu Xuan Daoist must not only distribute Medicine Pill, but accept apprentices as simple as that.

There must be other purposes, but he won’t know it for a while.

"Pill King Lord, you go back first, let me see where is this Nine Profound Daoist Sacred? Why do you keep giving out Medicine Pill for free?"

After Han Yun bid farewell to the Lord Dan, he was going to take a look at the Daoist of Jiu Xuan,

Because the place where Jiuxuan Daoist is located is relatively close to the inn, he didn't go long before he walked to the place where Jiuxuan Daoist distributed Medicine Pill.

Han Yun saw not far away, the surrounding water in Daoist of Jiu Xuan was impenetrable and crowded,

Everyone lined up waiting for Jiu Xuan Daoist to issue Medicine Pill,

On the other hand, Jiu Xuan Daoist had a meticulous smile on his face. While distributing Medicine Pill, he said words of benevolence, justice and morality, hoping that everyone would be safe and healthy.

Han Yun grabbed someone casually and asked politely:

"Hello, brother, is Jiu Xuan Daoist who is distributing Medicine Pill before? Is it true that Jiu Xuan Daoist distributes Medicine Pill for free?"

When the person heard Han Yun's question, his face suddenly became ill, and he replied in an annoyed manner:

"What do you mean? Jiuxuan Daoist is so kind to hand out Medicine Pill, and it doesn't require any money!"

"Look at anyone in the city who distributes Medicine Pill like the Jiu Xuan Daoist. If you are heard by others, you will definitely be scolded!"

"What a good person Jiu Xuan Daoist is, he just wants to accept an apprentice!"

Han Yun asked several people in a row, and they said roughly the same.

Roughly speaking, it was the first time they met a kind person like Jiu Xuan Daoist who gave out Medicine Pill for free in order to receive disciples.

This is a rare good thing in a century,

Han Yun felt that the name Jiu Xuan Daoist seemed to have been heard somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Then Han Yun stood on a high place. He saw the face of Jiuxuan Daoist. He felt that the face of Jiuxuan Daoist was too familiar.

Intuition tells him that this Jiu Xuan Daoist is not simple, and must have done some damaging things.

"This Jiu Xuan Daoist, I must have seen it somewhere. The strange thing is, I just can't remember it!"

Han Yun muttered to himself,

The Jiuxuan Daoist in front of me must not be a good person. If it is a good person, Han Yun will definitely make friends.

This Jiu Xuan Daoist must have changed his status!


Somewhere in the secret realm,

A human combat team is resting in a dense forest,

This combat team was formed temporarily. Several people were newly added to the team, and some were eliminated by other teams.

Joining the battle team can’t say good or bad, only that you can take care of each other in times of danger.

Lan Yujian easily joined this team by virtue of his own beauty.

Several new players have been added, so they naturally have to redistribute supplies.

The captain glanced at everyone and said solemnly:

"Next, everyone will be allocated the same amount of food and water. We don't know how much distance we have to travel yet,"

"We will divide all the resources equally at once. Who has any comments?"


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