Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 358 This old man is a bit interesting

"I, Han Yun, announce to the whole world,"

"The three Sects of Heavenly Demon Sect, Shen Shenzong, and Feixianzong will no longer exist in the future, and the ancient city of King Pill will be where I live in the future."

"In the future, any immortal cultivation forces are not allowed to enter the ancient city of King Pill, otherwise the killing of Heavenly Demon will be your end!"

"If you think you are good at it, you can give it a try!"

Han Yun stood quietly in the void and said, although his voice did not sound too loud, it spread to any corner of the world.

The huge Void God Gate in the void exudes a dazzling mysterious light, which is extraordinarily noble and mysterious!

The countless cultivators around took a deep look at Han Yun, then respectfully bowed to Han Yun's direction, and finally left here one after another.

At this time, countless mysterious lights suddenly appeared in the sky again, like a meteor shower, it was spectacular.

The name Han Yun will be remembered by everyone,

The fierce man who killed three sects by himself, forcibly smashed the void gate,

Han Yun took the dragon baby and other spirit beasts and returned directly to the ancient city of King Dan.

Senior leaders such as the city lord of the ancient city of King Dan, the landlord of King Dan’s house, and the head teacher of the Dan King’s Yingtao faction, have long known about Han Yun’s extermination of the three sects.

They all personally greeted Han Yun and others outside the city, with a look of flattery,

Han Yun is really blasting the sky, and his Cultivation Base has already stepped into a half-step into the Heavenly Realm Immortal Venerable, and also killed the leader of the Heavenly Demon Church of the same Realm.

This is simply an invincible existence, and now it is announced to the whole world that the ancient city of King Dan will be an absolute forbidden zone from now on.

This is equivalent to protecting all the cultivators in King Dan’s ancient city in a disguised form. The cultivators including King Dan’s Yingtao Sect are also beneficiaries.

Can these high-level members of King Dan Ancient City not be excited!

When Han Yun saw so many big guys coming to greet him, he smiled and walked straight to the inn.

Others followed Han Yun,

Now the whole inn is empty except for a few shopkeepers, and it has completely become the exclusive villa of Han Yun and others.

Because the Danhuang Yingtao faction bought the entire inn for the convenience of Han Yun and others,

To put it bluntly, I didn’t have a lot of money, just a hundred yuan lower grade Spirit Stones.

Han Yun first went to the room of Fairy, the moon god, to take a look at her recovery.

Because the Danhuang Yingtao faction and the Danwanglou both took out the top Medicine Pill and served it to the Moon God Fairy,

Therefore, the Moon God Fairy is recovering very quickly, and his face has become a lot rosy, and it should be awake in one or two days.

Han Yun nodded with satisfaction, then left the room of the Moon God Fairy, and came to a spacious tea room with everyone.

Everyone sat down, Han Yun looked at everyone and said with a smile:

"I am very grateful to everyone sitting here for helping me take care of Fairy, the moon god."

"When I went out this time, I finally didn't come back empty-handed and wiped out the three Sect forces."

"In the future, everyone will no longer have to worry about other forces, they will do anything bad about this place,"

Dan Huang Yingtao sent the Head Teacher to hear the words, he laughed, and hurriedly replied:

"Hanyun senior, the old man has to thank you. Without your two rescues, my Danhuang Yingtao faction would have been destroyed long ago. Where is the current world peace!"

"The three big Sects have long been eyeing this place. If you hadn't had you, the site of our Dan Emperor Yingtao faction would have been divided by them!"

"The injury of the Moon God Fairy, the old man has personally seen it, it is not a major problem, just a few days of training, the old man will use the best panacea to recover her injury,"

"What do you need us to do in the future, even if you speak, we will do our best to meet Hanyun senior's requirements!"

The landlord of King Dan Tower and the landlord of King Dan’s ancient city also quickly agreed with a smile.

And Wu Jieyao, the Ninth-Rank pill refining master standing aside, directly asked Han Yun:

"Now that the three major forces have all been eliminated, can the old man go back?"

"The old man still likes my paradise. I have never been used to staying here. At the same time, the old man wants to take Lan Yujian back together and teach her to learn pill refining!"

"No, I will not leave Hanyun Big Brother. Where is Hanyun Big Brother, where I am, Teacher Wu, go back by yourself!"

After Lan Yujian heard Wu Jieyao’s words, she immediately became unhappy. She had decided to follow Han Yun for a long time.

After Han Yun heard the words, he looked at Lan Yujian and said with a smile:

"Wu fellow daoist is right, Yujian, I will leave here after all. I will go to a mysterious place, and you can't go to that place,"

"Instead of this, you might as well learn pill refining with Teacher Wu. Maybe in the near future, you will also become a Ninth-Rank pill refining teacher!"

"Ah? Hanyun Big Brother, are you going? Where are you going? Why can't I go? Tell me!"

After Lan Yujian heard the words, he asked curiously.

Han Yun touched Lan Yujian's little head, and smiled slightly:

"That place, I said you don't understand it, anyway, I will leave here, you should go to cultivate with Teacher Wu!"

"Next time I have fate, I will naturally come back to see you. I hope that when I see you next time, you are already a well-known Pill Refining Master, ha ha,"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he gave Wu Jieyao a color, and Wu Jieyao immediately understood.

Sometimes only one look is enough between men!

If you don’t come hard, Lan Yujian, the little girl, will definitely stay alive.

Without saying anything, he pulled Lan Yujian's arm directly, hand-seals with one hand, and shouted:


A dazzling white light flashed, and that white light instantly wrapped the bodies of Wu Jieyao and Lan Yujian,

In the next second, the dazzling white light disappeared, and Wu Jieyao and Lan Yujian disappeared together.

After Wu Jieyao and Lan Yujian left, Han Yun was still somewhat sad.

No matter what, if everyone has been together for so long, there will always be some feelings.

Dan Huang Yingtao sent Head Teacher and others. Seeing that Han Yun’s face was not pretty, they stopped disturbing too much.

They simply flattered Han Yun and left one after another.

And Han Yun came to the street alone, walking boringly alone, to soothe his own mood,

When Han Yun was strolling on the street, he was a little dazed and suddenly felt that he had hit something.

Han Yun looked up, he didn't know when he actually bumped into an old man.

This old man with a gray beard and rags, a wooden walking stick in one hand, and a large copper bowl in the other,

This is a complete old beggar,

Han Yun had a bitter smile on his face. He, a magnificent half-step Heaven-passing Realm Immortal Venerable, would still make this kind of low-level mistake.

He would bump into an old beggar inexplicably!

Han Yun quickly smiled and said:

"Sorry, I accidentally bumped into you,"

"Hehe, I didn't mean it, are you alright?"

"Bah, it's okay? The old man's ribs were broken several times by your kid, you said what to do, oops, it hurts me to death!"

After the old beggar finished speaking, he immediately fell to the ground and yelled,

When Han Yun saw this scene, he was instantly stunned.

f*ck, feelings have met with porcelain today!

Okay, labor and capital have agreed to plant, an old beggar, what can you do to him?

Han Yun looked at the old beggar, and shook his head repeatedly:

"Okay, don't pretend to be, and ask for money, yes, I'll give it to you,"

"Come on, this is a piece of low-grade Spirit Stones, you put it away, enough for you to eat for a while?"

"A piece of low-grade Spirit Stones? How about your kid beggars? No, you must give me ten pieces of top-grade Spirit Stones, or else there is no end!"

"Do you really treat me as a bully by the Ten Thousand Demons School? My old Tang is also somewhat famous in this street,"

The old beggar lay on the ground and continued to sneer, while rolling and shouting, looking like it was painful.

After Han Yun heard the words, he was instantly stunned.

What is calling a beggar? You TM is a beggar. Okay!

Wait, what did he just say?

Ten Thousand Demons?

Old Tang?

f*ck, this name sounds so familiar...

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