"You...you say it again!"

"Are you talking about the Ten Thousand Demons Sect? And what is your name?"

"As long as you tell me clearly, I will give you how much you want!"

Han Yun looked at the old beggar carefully, and asked with a look of surprise.

After hearing the words, the old beggar Huazi immediately came to his head, sat cross-legged on the ground, and said triumphantly:

"Boy, listen to me, the old man is the second-generation head of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect. The old man's name is Tang... Tang... Tang what?"

"Ahem, the old man's name has been forgotten, you can just call me Old Man Don!"

"Um... You said just now that you can make as much money as you want? So let me do it, you give me all your money, you are still young, can you make more money in the future!"

"Huh? You asked me to give you all the money? Hehe, you, old man Don, are really rude to me!"

After Han Yun heard the words, he looked Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this old man is really greedy, and he is really indifferent to himself.

Is it true that the heads of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect are all virtuous?

Also, his Ten Thousand Demon Sect and his own Ten Thousand Demon Sect are in the same vein, right?

Moreover, his surname is Tang, and Mr. Tang from the Ten Thousand Demons School is also surnamed Tang. Is it a single pass?

Damn, this TM is too coincidental!

Han Yun looked at Old Man Tang, smiled slightly, and continued to ask:

"Old man Don, let me ask you, who is the first generation head of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect? How many people are there in your Thousand Demon Sect?"

"Are the heads of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect all beggars?"

After listening to Han Yun's words, Old Man Tang seriously pondered for a while, and then replied very solemnly:

"The first-generation head of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, that is, my Master. He was the first owner of a pawn shop, his surname is Tang, and he almost has the Cultivation Base of the Diyuan Realm,"

"Because he was cheated by his mistress, which caused him to sell all his assets, and in the end he also lost his wife and had nothing, ‘’

‘’ So he can only wander around by himself. Later he founded the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, and later he took me as a disciple and taught me Kung Fu, that’s it! "

"Our Ten Thousand Demon Sect is the old man alone. The old man looks at you, Heaven Court is full, and his eyes are full of spirit. Are you interested in being my apprentice?"

After Han Yun heard the words, his brows wrinkled slightly, and he felt helpless.

f*ck, what a terrible plot this is!

The first-generation leader was pitted by Xiaosan, and he founded a Ten Thousand Demon Sect. There were only two people in the whole sect, an old beggar and a little beggar.

What is the difference between this TM and Beggar Sect?

I really hope that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect of my time has nothing to do with this Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

Han Yun directly took out a storage bag from his arms, handed it to the old man in front of him, and said silently:

"Okay, Don, you don't have to go on, there are 10,000 top-grade Spirit Stones here, all for you,"

"You can save some money, and save more money for your apprentice in the future, so that you can carry forward the Ten Thousand Demon Sect."

After hearing the words, Old Man Tang was very excited and took Han Yun’s storage bag, his eyes turned green.

I have never seen so much money in my entire life. It's really a windfall!

Old Tang jumped up immediately, bowed to Han Yun a few times, and then slipped away like a leopard, without even saying hello.

That speed can only be described in one word, it is extremely fast,

What he fears most now is Han Yun's remorse, what are you waiting for if he doesn't run quickly?

Old Man Don ran tirelessly for a few streets, then stopped.

He looked around carefully, until he didn't find Han Yun's shadow, then he was relieved.

"Hey, labor and capital got rich today, that silly boy is really rich, that's ten thousand top-grade Spirit Stones,"

"A wave in the wave, a wave in the wave, you are the only one today!"

While humming a little tune, Old Tang swaggered into a gambling house.

What he didn't know was that Han Yun kept watching him walk into the gambling house just around the corner not far away.

Han Yun looked speechless:

"Hey, it seems to be right. The heads of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect are all virtuous, and they have everything to eat, drink, prostitution, and gambling!"

"The good things have not been passed down, but the bad things have been passed down to the f*ck!"

"My bastard Master, Mr. Tang still doesn't know where to beg for food!"

"I don't care about it, they love it, and I did everything I should do!"

After Han Yun finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared in place!

In the past two days, Han Yun has been with the moon god Fairy, drinking tea and chatting together, it’s so uncomfortable.

The body of the moon god Fairy was completely restored, and occasionally he played the piano for Han Yun to listen to.

The high-levels of King Dan’s ancient city often came to give gifts, and then flattered Han Yun.

Han Yun didn't say anything to these people, and accepted it all.

f*ck, I just gave Old Man Don 10,000 top-grade Spirit Stones two days ago, can't you just make up for it!

The countless tycoons and hermit families in the world of cultivating immortals also sent people to visit Hanyun senior in the ancient city of King Dan.

It’s a pity that Han Yun didn’t see all of them, but all the gifts were received, which made those cultivators and the hidden families feel inexplicable.

f*ck, you accepted all the gifts, why don't you see them? What's the point of this!

Later, no one came to visit Hanyun senior in King Dan’s ancient city.

Because they know that gifts are given for nothing, and no one can be seen at all, and gifts have to be accepted.

At this time, Han Yun was drinking tea and chatting with the moon god Fairy in the attic.

"Moon God Fairy, do you have any impression of the person who attacked you that day?"

"Are there any characteristics in him? How many can you remember?"

"I have to find him, or I won't be able to get out of the bad breath in my heart!"

The moon god Fairy took a sip of tea, pondered for a moment, and slowly said:

"The man is wrapped in a black robe, I can't see his face at all,"

"But I don't know why, I have a very familiar feeling for him, as if I have seen him somewhere!"

"His Cultivation Base is very high, at least it is also the high rank emperor, I am not his opponent,"

"Han Yun, I can't find it, just forget it!"

"That won't work, I have to find him, this matter can't just leave it!"

Han Yun replied decisively, with a trace of firmness in his eyes.

"Moon God Fairy, after I get rid of that person, I will take you back to our time,"

"There is one thing I haven't told you yet, because my Realm has made a breakthrough, so I always use the power of time and space to return to our time!"

"Ah? What? We can go back? Is this...is this true?"

After hearing the words, Fairy was very excited. She jumped up like a child and walked around in the attic constantly to calm her inner excitement.

Han Yun smiled helplessly after seeing the appearance of the Moon God Fairy, and continued:

"Why are you so excited, as for?"

"We can go back anytime now, so don't worry, as long as we find the black-robed man, we will go back!"

After hearing the words, Fairy, the moon god, walked to Han Yun and said softly:

"Han Yun, otherwise we don't care about the black-robed man, don't you think I'm fine now!"

"Shall we go back today, okay?"

"I have been out for so long, I don't know how my shrines are now, I really miss them!"

After Han Yun heard the words, he thought about it, and then replied:

"Moon God Fairy, or else, give me three more days,"

"If I can't find the black runner within three days, we will go back to our time!"

"But for these three days, you must cooperate with me to find the man in black robes!"

"Are you optimistic?"


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