"What the hell, exorcise evil spirits?"

"Then how to crack this rune that exorcists evil spirits?"

"If it is cracked, what will be the consequences?"

Han Yun asked curiously after hearing what the Head Teacher said in a confused manner.

The head teacher of the confused Xianzong was uncharacteristically, and said very seriously:

"Boy, this rune is not that simple,"

"Since its function is to exorcise ghosts and suppress evil spirits, it must be to suppress a certain big devil, and this big devil must be related to ghosts,"

"If someone really cracks this rune, then the big demon will be released, and the entire Nine Nether Continent may be implicated,"

"Perhaps the consequences will be unimaginable,"

"But there is no way to crack it, it's just almost impossible,"

"Haha, Calabash head, tell me how to crack this rune,"

After hearing the words, Han Yun asked very curiously,

The head teacher of the confused Xianzong stood up, turned his back to Han Yun, and said solemnly:

"Wanfa has a way to crack everything!"

"This is the case for formation, so is the rune,"

"As long as you gather the Blood Essence of the seven immortal ghosts, and the old man applies the demon-breaking method, you can naturally crack this rune,"

"The reason why the old man said it was impossible is because the old man has lived for so many years and has never seen a ghost in the longevity realm."

"Not to mention seven, boy, although the old man doesn't know why you want to crack this rune,"

"But the old man advises you to give up, it's really impossible!"

Han Yun frowned slightly when he heard it, and continued to ask:

"Then I ask you, is a cultivator or spirit beast who cultivates the power of Yellow Springs, is it a ghost?"

"The power of Yellow Springs is the power of rules that can only be cultivated by ghost cultivation, of course it is considered a ghost,"

"That's good, seven are them, hehe, others may not be able to do it, but I do,"

"Then you just come with me, you open the door first, we leave here,"

After Han Yun finished speaking, without saying anything, he grabbed the head of the confused head teacher and said,

The confused Xianzong Head Teacher wants to get rid of Han Yun’s hand, but no matter how hard he struggles, it will be of no avail.

"Boy, you are too rude, you...you quickly let go of the old man,"

"If you don't let go of the old man, the old man will not help you,"

Confused Xianzong Head Teacher, yelled, blowing his beard and staring,

Han Yun Xiexie smiled, took out a Medicine Pill from his arms, and forced it directly into the mouth of the confused head teacher.

"Calabash head, don't pretend to be garlic with me,"

"I just gave you the Ninth-Rank Gu Poison Pill. If you are not obedient, I promise to make you better than death, do you believe it?"

After hearing the words, Head Teacher lost his face in shock, and then quickly checked his body.

With the strength of the mid-rank emperor in his longevity realm, he quickly discovered something was wrong.

At this time, he completely wilted, and said to Han Yun fiercely:

"Hmph, kid, count you cruel, the old man admits it this time!"

"You'd better not fall into the hands of the old man in the future, the old man will definitely not ask you to go around,"

"Head Calabash, stop talking nonsense, open the mountain gate, hurry up!"

The head teacher of the confused Xianzong reluctantly opened the mountain gate.

Han Yun pulled him from the confused fairy sect to the outside world, which is Calabash Island,

Xiaobai, Zhenzhen and others saw Han Yun coming out and ran over quickly.

But they soon noticed that a little old man standing beside Han Yun, with long eyebrows and rat eyes, did not look like a good person.

Xiaobai glanced at the Head Teacher confused, and asked Han Yun curiously:

"Han Dage, who is this short old man?"

"I don't think he looks like a good person, why are you taking him out?"

"You are a dwarf, your whole family is dwarf, and your whole family is not a good person, do you know how to talk!"

The head teacher of the confused Xianzong was unhappy when he heard it, and suddenly jumped up and cursed.

When Xiao Bai was about to fight back, he was held back by Han Yun, and Han Yun smiled and said:

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble,"

"He is the Head Teacher of the Confused Xianzong, the head of Calabash, and also a master of Ninth Stage formation,"

"I'm going to take him to the place where the ghost is going to live, and find a way to crack that broken door,"

"True, you should stay in the South China Sea first, and when I come out of the land of ghosts, I will look for you."

"Well, okay, Han Dage, then I am waiting for you in the South China Sea, you must come to me!"

Zhenzhen replied with a look of dismay, and then she stood there obediently, looking at Han Yun idiotically,

"Go, let's go!"

Han Yun nodded with a smile at Zhenzhen, and then boarded the Ninth-Rank Immortal Ship with the confused Head Teacher and Xiao Bai.

After about a short period of time, Han Yun and others once again came to the Jiuyou Ghost Land where the Jiuyou Ghost Sect was located.

Han Yun shouted at Jiu You Ghost Land:

"Old ghost, we are back,"

"Aren't you coming out quickly and taking us in?"

Han Yun’s seemingly modest voice penetrated through the mists of the Nine Ghosts, and reached the Nine Ghosts.

The Nine You Ghost King is now in the room Closed Door Training cultivation, when he heard Han Yun, he jumped up in shock.

Before he had time to wear his clothes, he broke the window shirtless and flew out directly.

While flying, he shouted:

"Han senior, brother is here, wait a moment,"

"Little brother will be here soon!"

Soon, the ghost king of the nine ghosts dispersed the heavy black mist and rushed to Han Yun.

Han Yun looked at the shirtless Ghost King Jiuyou, frowned slightly, and asked strangely:

"Old ghost, what's the situation with you?"

"Why ran out without wearing clothes,"

"It doesn't seem appropriate for you, I still have beautiful women here,"

Xiaobai on the side glanced at the Jiuyou Ghost King, and said with a sarcasm:

"Han Dage, don't worry about me,"

"I don't mind at all,"

"I originally thought how strong the old ghost was.

"Old ghost, you should exercise normally,"

"Look at your belly, you are almost catching up with the pregnant woman who was eight months pregnant."

After hearing the words, Jiuyou ghost king looked down at own body, hugged his chest and abdomen with both hands, embarrassed and embarrassed.

At this moment, Han Yun smiled and said to Xiao Bai:

"Okay, just say a few words less,"

"You are embarrassed by the old ghost, haha,"

"Old ghost, you lead the way, let's go to the ghost king hall to talk about things first,"

Jiuyou Ghost King quickly nodded and said yes, and then brought Han Yun and others to the Ghost King Palace.

After Han Yun sat on the throne of the King of Ghosts, he introduced the Head Teacher of the Confused Xianzong to Jiuyou Ghost King and others.

Jiuyou Ghost King looked very curiously at the Head Teacher of the confused Xianzong,

Soon, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Haha, this wretched little old man is the number one formation master of Jiuyou Continent?"

"Haha, I really laughed at me. Why are you so short? I am not as tall as my waist."

"Long thief eyebrows, and that hair, I even combed a few soaring braids,"

"What the hell is this, haha!"

After hearing what the Jiuyou Ghost King said, Head Teacher flashed a cold light in his eyes.

He raised his head and stared at the Jiuyou Ghost King, coldly said:

"Old red-haired ghost, how do you talk!"

"Are you tired of living? The old man will let you know today, what is life is better than death!"

He took out a few small stones from his arms and threw them at the side of Jiuyou Ghost King, and then quickly hand-seals them with both hands.

Just listen to him suddenly shout:

"Heaven and Earth Wanfa, Nine Nine into One,"

"Yellow Springs are nine secluded, without birth and death,"

"Wanfa Wushengfumingjie, show me..."

With a loud shout from him, an ugly ghost head suddenly appeared in the sky in the Hall of the Ghost King, and he swallowed the Nine Ghosts King in one bite.

The Nine You Ghost King didn’t even have a chance to resist.

After seeing this scene, the rest of the Nine You Ghost Sect Elder was shocked...

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