Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 420: Unveiling Its Real Veil

"Zong... Sect Leader was killed?"

" should this be good, oops!"

Elder, a Nine Ghosts Sect, beat his chest and feet, and said with a sigh,

They never imagined that this unbelievable little old man would be so powerful.

The Nine You Ghost Kings were destroyed before they could fight back?

What kind of background is this little old man able to kill the eternal emperor in an instant?

Could it be that he is also the Immortal Venerable of the Heavenly Realm?

Is the Heavenly Realm Immortal Venerable all rotten on the street now!

At this moment, Han Yun was also taken aback for a moment. The head teacher of Immortal Zong was so confused just now that he moved too fast, and he didn't react for a while.

Han Yun looked at the head teacher of the confused fairy sect, and shouted coldly:

"Head Calabash, you wouldn't really kill him, would you?"

"Before you kill him, why don't you say hello to me,"

"You are too courageous!"

"Dare to kill in front of me, I don't think you need to be alive anymore,"

"Head Han, don't... wait... he's not dead yet!"

After hearing the words, Head Teacher of the confused fairy sect hurriedly explained to Han Yun,

When Han Yun heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and continued to ask:

"not dead?"

"Isn't the old ghost swallowed by the big-headed ghost you summoned?"

"Master Han, don't worry, it's like this, he was only temporarily swallowed by my formation, I will release him now,"

After the Confused Xianzong Head Teacher finished speaking, he hand-seals again with both hands and immediately shouted:

"Wanfa has no life, no form of destruction,"

"Give me out!"

The next moment, in the sky of the Hall of Ghost King, once again, the huge ghost head appeared,

Seeing it opened its blood basin, and only heard a puff, it vomited the Nine You Ghost King.

Jiuyou Ghost King now has a dumbfounded look, his eyes are filled with horror, and his body is covered with slimy green liquid.

Han Yun looked at Jiuyou Ghost King, nodded slightly, and said to Jiuyou Ghost King:

"Old ghost, so are you, what are you doing to provoke him!"

"It's a loss this time, it deserves it,"

"Everyone is our own, don't mess with each other in the future,"

"Head Calabash, I can warn you, if you don't get my permission, you are not allowed to kill anyone,"

"Otherwise, I will never spare you lightly, I will definitely kill you,"

"do you understand?"

"Okay... OK... Head Han... I remember it!"

Confused Xianzong Head Teacher replied flatteringly,

No way, who made own's life completely controlled by Han Yun?

Keeping your own life is the most important thing, the other is nothing,

The Nine You Ghost King originally wanted to go crazy with the Head Teacher of the confused Xianzong,

The head teacher of the confused Xianzong asked him to fold his face in the public. How could he easily forgive the head teacher of the confused Xianzong,

But when he heard Han Yun just talked about it, he obediently changed into a set of clean clothes, stood aside with an unhappy expression, and glanced fiercely at the confused head teacher from time to time.

At this time, Han Yun said lightly to the people below:

"Everyone, I have invited the number one master of formation on the Jiuyou Continent,"

"He has a way to crack the mysterious portal in the land of the ghost gate, but he needs a drop of Blood Essence from the seven immortal ghosts,"

"I have already thought about it, me, Xiaobai, and the nine ghost kings plus the four nether lords of the land of ghosts, exactly seven."

After hearing the words, Jiuyou Ghost King asked with a look of doubt:

"Han senior, you are not a ghost, how can you count as one?"

"Hehe, since I can also use the power of Yellow Springs, at least I can be considered half a ghost,"

Han Yun smiled slightly, then waved with one palm, and said softly:

"The River of Yellow Springs, come out to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, a dark yellow turbid river fell from the sky, rolling down,

Everyone was shocked when they saw it, and they were all dumbfounded.

Han Yun senior is so awesome, he is proficient in so many rules, and he can even cultivate the power of Yellow Springs.

Hanyun senior is truly the first person in Jiuyou, the sky may not be the limit of Hanyun senior.

Soon, Han Yun smiled, took the River of Yellow Springs back, and then continued to say to everyone:

"Old ghost, without further ado, let's set out now to the place where the ghost is going to live!"

"Okay, Han senior!"

The Nine You Ghost King replied respectfully,

In this way, Han Yun, together with Xiaobai, Jiuyou Ghost King, and Head Teacher of the Confused Xianzong, entered the land of ghosts for the second time.

Confused Xianzong Head Teacher came into the land of ghosts for the first time and was very curious about everything.

"This is the place where the ghost gate, one of the seven forbidden places, lives?"

"What a broken place, there is no root grass,"

"That's it... it's still a forbidden place, bah, it's just a place to die,"

"Too disappointed the old man, broken place... ghost place... bad place!"

The Jiuyou Ghost King on the side said with a sarcastically expression to the head teacher of the confused fairy Zong:

"Cut, you really don't understand anything,"

"This is just the outer area of ​​the Land of Ghosts. The Yellow Springs bugs in the outer area have already been incorporated by Han senior,"

"Otherwise, would you still talk like this?"

"The really terrifying place in the land of the ghost gate is the ghost domain of the ghost, where is the place where the death of the nine lives,"

"Hehe, but there was also cleared by Han senior,"

"Now the Nether Lord brother of the Nether Ghost Realm is a family with us,"

"Hey, I haven't served anyone since I was a kid, Han senior is the person I admire most in my life,"

Soon, Han Yun and the others passed through the heavy mist and entered the ghost domain.

As soon as Han Yun and the others stepped into the ghost realm, hundreds of skeleton soldiers rushed over and surrounded Han Yun and the others.

When they saw Han Yun’s face clearly, they immediately stood in a square formation orderly and collectively bowed to Han Yun to salute.

Han Yun took a look, nodded slightly, and said to the leader of the skeleton soldier:

"Call all your lord,"

"Just say I'm here,"

"Okay, my lord, the young one will report it right away."

The leader of the skeleton soldier replied respectfully, and then dashed towards the volcano group behind.

After about a stick of incense, four Nether Lords with a height of 100 meters were rushing from a distance.

"Haha, sir, some of our brothers are here,"

"I knew that the adults would come back, haha,"

Guida was the first to rush over, grinning, and at the same time kneeling on one leg in front of Han Yun.

After a while, Ghost Two, Ghost Three, and Ghost Four also dared to come one after another, and they kneeled in front of Han Yun respectfully.

The confused head teacher of Xianzong standing beside Han Yun was stunned when he saw this scene in front of him.

Damn, every one of those hundreds of skeleton soldiers is actually the emperor of the longevity realm?

The four flame giants kneeling in front of them are even higher rank emperors of the longevity realm.

This strength is also outrageous, if this force runs out of the Jiuyou Continent, it won't be able to sweep the world!

f*ck, such a powerful force will be included by Han Yun?

What exactly is Han Yun? Realm Cultivation Base? Is he the Immortal Venerable in the Heavenly Realm?

What a wicked door!

After thinking of this, Head Teacher immediately changed his arrogant and arrogant character and stopped talking, but stood aside obediently.

Han Yun looked at the four Nether Lords in front of him, smiled and nodded, then shouted:

"The ghost is big, you lead the way,"

"Take us to the mysterious portal,"

"I'm going to break that rune today and lift the real veil of that door!"


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