Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 451 This mirror is a bit cool!

"Quick...Go and see how the Lord of the World is going,"

"The Lord of the Realm is so strong, he must be fine, Han Yun is fine, so how come the lord is fine,"

"Go, hurry up and take a look!"

The senior members of the ghost tribe army of Wangui Cave ran to the other giant pit and looked inside.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it.

f*ck, what's that thing inside?

A bunch of shriveled things, dark and invariable, and it's no longer a person.

This...this is the Lord of the World?

I'll take it, he has been beaten into this kind of force?

The two supreme guardians of the Ten Thousand Ghost Caves jumped directly into the pit, carried the unknown object out, and gently placed it on the ground.

The other people in Wangui Cave also gathered around, looking at the group of unknown objects very seriously.

After everyone watched a full tea time, one of the generals of the sky ghost said decisively:

"Everyone, this general can be sure that this is the Lord of the Realm,"

"Look, although his waist card is broken, there is still a small piece left,"

"Look at the color and texture, it's absolutely correct, it must be Lord Master,"

"Oh my God, Lord Lord is really dead?"

"It seems that this world is really going to change,"

"Hey, the Lord of the Realm was beaten beyond recognition. Tsk tsk tsk, Han Yun is too cruel,"

"No, this general must seek justice for the Lord Lord, and none of you should stop me,"

"Dammit, I must go and kill that kid,"

"Ahem, you guys really don't stop me, hehe..."

After hearing the words, everyone in Wanguiku automatically gave way, with a strange expression on their faces, looking at the general of the heavenly ghosts,

When the general of the sky ghost saw that no one stopped him, and couldn't stop his Face, he could only bite the bullet and walk to Han Yun.

Han Yun frowned slightly when he saw a general of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave approaching him.

In the next second, when he heard a "puff", the general of the sky ghost knelt.

"Master Han Yun, small crimes deserve a thousand deaths, and you shouldn't join the ten thousand ghost caves to help you be abused,"

"Adults, the younger ones are willing to submit to the grown-ups, and they can be either cows or horses."

"Your lord has a large number, so you can spare my life."

"I... I have the old and the young, it's really too difficult, oooo..."

The person on the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave almost didn't vomit blood after listening to it. The General Ghost is too foolish this day, right?

Just now I vowed to seek justice for the Lord of the Lord, good fellow, in less than a second, did he kneel like this?

The ten supreme guardians of Wanguiku and the other generals, look at each other at me, I look at you, with a very solemn look.

Soon, they also came to Han Yun and knelt down.

"Master Han, I am willing to submit to Master, Master Han is the master,"

"Master Han, I am also willing to submit to Master, Master Han is the master,"

"Master Han, I..."

The ten million ghost tribe army in Wanguiku, when I saw that General Own had surrendered, what was it going to do? They all knelt down in the direction of Han Yun.

Han Yun and others nodded in satisfaction after seeing this scene in front of them.

The reason is very simple, Gui Wuji, the lord of the arrogance world, died TM.

Ten thousand ghost caves now have no leader, and there is no other way out. They can only choose to surrender.

At this time, Han Yun also slowly walked to the body of Gui Wuji and glanced at random.

In the next second, Han Yun seemed to have discovered something suddenly. He knelt down and grabbed something on Gui Wuji’s head.

It’s a dark thing, something like a headband. It’s hard to find if you don’t look closely.

When Han Yun confronted Gui Wuji before, he remembered that he was wearing a black crown at the time. Why did that crown disappear?

At this time, Han Yun subconsciously wore the black headband on Own’s head.

The next moment that black headband emits a thousand black lights, it turned into a black crown,

It also automatically adjusts to the best size according to the size of Hanyun’s head,

At this moment, Han Yun only felt that there was a huge ghost power that poured directly into own body from the black crown. The whole body seemed to have infinite power.

At this time, Han Yun slowly stood up, his red cloak was blowing in the wind, his jet-black armor appeared cold and capable, and the eye-catching black crown symbolized his current status.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts were greatly shocked, and they knelt on the ground again and shouted.

"My lord, long live, long live!"

"My lord, long live, long live!"

"Master of the Realm..."

At this moment, everyone on the Evil Dragon Plain regards Han Yun as the new world lord of Purgatory First Stage.

Han Yun looked at everyone, smiled slightly, and said:

"Haha, brethren, this world lord, I can take the place temporarily,"

"In the future, when there is a better candidate in the first stage of Purgatory, I will give him this crown."

"From now on, you are all my soldiers. Heiyan Forest and Ten Thousand Ghost Caves are no longer divided. Do you understand?"

"Because I still have a very important task to complete, so I hope you will cooperate with my work,"

"After everything is done, everyone will have a great reward,"

"Ahem, um... I'll talk about this first,"

"Um...who of you take me to the ghost palace of the arrogance world, I want to take a look,"

As soon as Han Yun’s words fell, the ten Supreme Dharma Protectors of the original Ten Thousand Ghost Caves were leading the way forward.

In desperation, Han Yun finally appointed a chubby-looking middle-aged protector to lead the way.

Everyone returned to the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave in this way, and all the soldiers in the Black Yan Forest settled down in the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave.

Wangui Cave is a vast area, and there is no pressure to arrange millions of people.

Han Yun led Wen Da and others, surrounded by Ten Thousand Ghosts Guardian and Twenty Generals, and soon came to Jiaojie Ghost Palace, where Gui Wuji lived and cultivated.

After Han Yun came in, he began to look around at the ghost palace of the arrogance world. Not to mention, this palace is indeed magnificent and has everything you need.

At this moment, Han Yun glanced at the fat guardian and asked faintly:

"Where is the place where Gui Wuji usually practices?"

"You take me to have a look,"

"Okay, Lord, please..."

The Fat Guardian smiled flatteringly, and then continued to walk deep into the palace, Han Yun followed closely.

After walking for about a stick of incense, the Fat Guardian pointed to a purple-golden door and said respectfully to Han Yun:

"Lord Lord, this room is Lord Lord, no, no, the place where Gui Wuji cultivates,"

"But there is a taboo under Gui Wuji on this door. The little one can't open it, so the little one can't help Lord Master to open this door,"

"My lord, look..."

After Han Yun heard the words, he waved his hand and said:

"Haha, it doesn't matter, you can't open it, doesn't mean I can't open it either,"

"I'll give it a try,"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he directly slapped the door with a palm, and a majestic force of chaos poured into the door.

In the next second, the mysterious pattern on the door suddenly disappeared. Han Yun pushed it lightly and the door opened.

The taboo imposed by Gui Wuji is too pediatric in front of the power of Chaos.

The next moment, Han Yun led everyone into Gui Wuji’s cultivation room,

When they entered this room, the first thing they saw was a mirror that looked very old, how tall a person was,

Han Yun glanced at the fat guardian, and asked very curiously:

"Fatty, let me ask you, why is this mirror used?"

When the fat guard heard this, he grinned and said:

"My lord, it is estimated that everyone present does not know the function of this mirror,"

"But it just so happened that Gui Wuji had used this mirror once before,"

"Gui Wuji once said to Xiao that this mirror is called the Purgatory Realm Master Treasure Realm, and it is used for the Seven Realms Realm Masters to exchange things!"

When Han Yun heard it, he was taken aback, and then said:

"Purgatory Realm Master Treasure Realm?"

"For communication with the masters of the Seven Realms?"

"Wow, good baby, this stuff is very useful to me, hehe!"


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