Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 452 The Seven Realm Masters Gather Together!

"Hehe, I'm still worried about how I can find the other six world masters,"

"Ok...very good, with this mirror, it's much easier to get things done,"

Han Yun smiled slightly, and at the same time looked at other corners of the room.

Futons, bookshelves, stone beds, tables and other furniture are readily available.

Han Yun nodded, then said to the others:

"I'm staying here for the time being, so please find a room to rest in your own room,"

"If you encounter any tricky things, you can come here to find me at any time,"

"You go out first, I have a rest!"

After hearing the words, everyone retired and left, leaving Han Yun alone in the room.

Han Yun sat on the stone bed, feeling the strong ghost power on the stone bed, and couldn't help but praise:

"It's such a good baby, hehe, it seems that everything here is a treasure accumulated by Gui Wuji for tens of thousands of years,"

"It's just a pity, I'm not only cultivating ghost power, otherwise I really can't bear to leave,"

"Hey, why are all black robe on his clothes hanger, is this black robe also a treasure?"

Han Yun walked to a simple hanger, picked up a large black robe, and put it on.

Then I walked to the mirror and looked at myself in the mirror,

Wow, the self in the mirror has turned into a cloud of ghost fog, and you can’t see the true face of the person inside.

This is exactly the same as when Han Yun first saw Gui Wuji,

It turns out that the role of this black robe is to turn into a cloud of ghosts, hide the true face of own, and make the opponent completely confused.

"Yes...Yes, this is also a good baby!"

"If you can meet with other six world masters, just wear it, and it looks very mysterious, ha ha,"

"Hehe, put it away first,"

After Han Yun finished speaking, he put all the black robes on the hanger into his own storage ring.

This is so convenient that you can wear it anytime when you go out in the future.

Han Yun walked to the bookshelf again, flipped through a few books at random, and found that they were all the various Cultivation Technique cheats of the ghost clan.

"Thousand ghosts steal rice Dafa?"

"The evil spirit's heart-cutting technique?"

"The way to scary ghosts?"

"Ugly ghosts turned into beautiful prescriptions?"

"Hungry Ghosts' Hunger Therapy?"

"The eight invincible styles of dual cultivation of lustful ghosts?"

"Cultivation of Ghost Foot Spa"

"F*ck, all these messy books,"

"Hey, the arrogant world master like Gui Wuji still reads cheats with such content. His interest is too wide."

"The taste is too heavy, I am ashamed of Han Yun,"

Han Yun could not wait to burn these books with a fire, and finally resisted it and threw those books aside.

Forget it, it's not easy for those old ghosts to write books!

The codeword is not easy, so leave it to other ghost people who need to go to Insight.

When Han Yun was about to go to bed, the treasure mirror of the purgatory realm suddenly flashed a few times.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Han Yun immediately changed into a black robe, which instantly turned into a cloud of ghost fog.

In the next second, Han Yun walked to the treasure mirror of the purgatory realm and waited for the movement in the mirror.

At this time, the purgatory master's mirror flashed again.

Then a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared in the mirror, instantly enveloping Han Yun's whole person and dragging it into the mirror.

Han Yun was taken aback by the fierce operation of the mirror.

Seeing darkness in front of him, when he opened his eyes again, he was standing on the top of a steep mountain,

The world is foggy everywhere,

Around the peak where Han Yun is standing, there are six high peaks, and on the peak of each peak stands a cloud of ghost fog.

Han Yun felt that there were only these seven peaks in the world, nothing else could be seen, it was foggy,

f*ck, what the hell is this?

Could it be the different space in the treasure mirror of the purgatory realm master, where the seven realm masters communicate with each other every time?

At this time, Han Yun did not speak, but quietly observed the other six world masters.

One of the world masters glanced at Han Yun coldly, and asked in surprise:

"Huh? Pride World Master,"

"Your breath is not Gui Wuji, who are you?"

"Your arrogant world has changed the master, when did it happen?"

"What happened in your arrogance world?"

After Han Yun heard the words, he deliberately made a hoarse voice, and said with a cold snort:

"Huh, that's right, I really am not Gui Wuji,"

"My original identity was the lord of the Black Yan Forest, but in the battle just now in the Evil Dragon Plain, I personally defeated Gui Wuji and killed him,"

"Now, I have replaced Gui Wuji and become the new master of the arrogance world,"

"What's wrong?"

"Since I have defeated Gui Wuji and become the master of the new world of Jiaojie, is there any problem?"

"Oh? You actually defeated Gui Wuji?"

After hearing the words, the realm master was surprised.

Purgatory In the first stage of the world, there are actually two ghosts and gods in the world, and the new ghost and gods in the world have killed the original master?

It seems that the world of Purgatory First Stage has really changed.

Gui Wuji’s Cultivation Base is not low, it’s a mid-rank ghost god in the Tongtian realm,

From this, we can see that the strength of this New Territory Lord should be at least the mid-rank Ghost God Venerable,

This New Territories Lord is very strong!

The other five world masters were shocked when they heard what Han Yun said. It has been tens of thousands of years that no newcomer can defeat the world master.

This time the change caught the other six world masters off guard.

At this moment, a realm master standing in the middle position, after thinking for a while, said to Han Yun:

"Very well, I am the master of the realm of color, what is your name? ‘’

"Our ghost family has always advocated the survival of the fittest and the survival of the fittest."

"You can defeat Gui Wuji, which also proves your strength. It is reasonable to be the master of the arrogance world,"

"Haha, Lord of Color Realm, my name is Han Yun,"

After Han Yun heard the words, he sneered and replied unceremoniously.

After hearing Han Yun's name, the realm master of the color world was slightly taken aback, and asked with some curiosity:

"Han Yun?"

"Your name is not like the name of a ghost at all, how could you call such a strange name,"

"Your name came from your parents? Which line of ghost do you come from?"

When Han Yun heard it, he said coldly:

"Haha, is the name important?"

"I think strength is the most important thing. Names and everything are just symbols. It's not a big deal,"

"Hehe, I made my name by myself. I have been an orphan since I was a child and have been cultivating alone in the Heiyan Desert,"

"Actually I belong to the Ghost Snake family, but I have never been with the Ghost Snake Family Life, I am used to the lonely life,"

"My background is as simple as that, Lord of the Color Realm, what else do you want to know?"

"As long as I know, I am happy to answer,"

At this moment, Han Yun is very clear, because he is the new master of the pride, and he is completely a stranger to the master of the six worlds.

They must be very suspicious of strangers and will not easily believe him.

Therefore, the realm master of the color world is testing his background and understanding his background.

The realm master of the color world and the other five realm masters murmured briefly, and then nodded one after another.

In the next second, the realm master of the color world suddenly let out a terrifying laugh, and continued:

"Haha, Lord of the Pride World, no need,"

"The realm master has always been very curious about the new realm master,"

"You know, the Seventh Stage world of Purgatory, for millions of years, every time a New Territory Lord is changed, it is a very sensational thing,"

"You can defeat Gui Wuji, which naturally proves your strength, but we can't easily trust a stranger,"

"Lord of the Pride World, do you think this is true?"

"Well, now that you have made your own life experience clear, we will naturally treat you as one of us,"

"So, please don't worry too much, haha,"

"The purpose of our Seven Realm Masters meeting this time is only one,"

"That's about the world of Nine Nethers, bite, soul, big, war!!!"


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