Me, Super Tyrannosaurus Rex! Sitting In Prehistoric Times, The Future Humans Will Come!

083. Don't Mind Letting Them Know What Atomic Breath Is! (Please Subscribe! Please Support!)

Outer Arctic waters.

Lu Chen has already absorbed the storm beams of the day and night.

From the initial 0.01 increase in progress, it can now be increased by about 0.02.

And the energy of the atomic furnace in the body also gained 100,000 points in this short day.

Moreover, Lu Chen can very keenly discover that this storm beam invisible to the naked eye seems to be constantly getting stronger!

The core temperature is also rising continuously.

Right now, it has reached the point where it can dry dry grass in an instant.

Lu Chen floated on the surface of the sea, narrowed his eyes, and arrived at a small island about ten kilometers ahead.

However, there are many hot spots on this island!

Needless to say, these heat points are all human beings.

Moreover, Lu Chen observed carefully for a while, and found that there are actually many military buildings on the island in front of him.

There is a huge sign on the building.

A gigantic lighthouse symbol.

Well, needless to say, this must be the stationed island of the Lighthouse Kingdom.

Lu Chen couldn't help shaking his head, no matter where they are, these guys are pretty much the same!

In the bay, there are many small fleets.

Now, Lu Chen is more sure that this is the island base that the Lighthouse Kingdom forcibly stationed in the North Pole.

However, after discovering that it was an island base, Lu Chen did not stop his pace.

Could it be that the other party is the camp of the Lighthouse Kingdom, so I will give way to 13 and the others?

Moreover, this powerful solar storm beam is galloping straight towards the island.

Tsk tsk tsk, God can't stand it anymore!

Lu Chen moved forward steadily.




Above the ocean, the area illuminated by the solar storm's beams is about five kilometers in length and width.

As long as it is irradiated by this increasingly stronger beam of light, there must be boiling hot water on the surface of the sea!

Among the Longguo Peace aircraft carrier.

"How is it? What's the latest status of the current tracking?"

Zhang Ke didn't close his eyes almost all day and all night.

Especially after he got the observation news from the Space Bureau, he couldn't sleep even more.

The anomaly of the sun, as well as the strange and incomparable solar storm beam in front of me.

And the ozone layer, which has been pierced by solar storms.

This series of events is really too weird.

After walking into the subjective observation cabin, Zhang Ke quickly found Lin Zijie.

Lin Zijie pointed to the monitor in front of him and said:

"Same as the data from Starry Sky Headquarters, the temperature in the center of the eastern solar storm I observed is also rising rapidly.

"And, it's more than three times stronger than yesterday."

"Not only that, but it will continue to heat up for 30 days, according to calculations."

"About 10 days later, nothing will grow in the path of the solar storm!"

"The temperature of its core is enough to melt steel! At that time, as long as it is within the range of the beam, everything will not exist!"

After listening to Lin Zijie's explanation, Zhang Ke also took a deep breath, "What's going on here......"

"I don't know..." Lin Zijie smiled wryly.

He really didn't know why this happened.

On the Arctic Wake Island.

This is the military division of the Lighthouse State stationed in the Arctic.

And, take orders directly from Colonel John.

"Major Cameron!"

"Hurry up and take a look! There is a magical scene in the distant sea!"

In the fortified fortress, a young man in full military uniform was scanning the documents on the table.

At this time, a patrolling soldier rushed into the house and told the news about the strange scene he had just seen.

"A miraculous scene?" Cameron put down the document in his hand, a look of displeasure appeared on his face.

"Is there any magical scene? What magical scene can there be? I have been sent here for three years."

"What shit hasn't come across? What is there out there in the ocean? Except water and ice!"

The patrol officers lowered their heads, enduring Cameron's unprovoked anger.

No way, who let the family's father be Colonel John.

After cursing for a while, Cameron said indifferently: "Okay, take me to see the miraculous scene you mentioned.

"Yes! Major Micklen!" The patrol officer nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he brought a group of people to the top of the fort.

Holding the binoculars in his hand, following the instructions of the patrol personnel, he looked above the sea level.

"What's going on with these sea water..."

"It feels like it's on fire?"

Cameron froze for a moment, in front of him, he had been stationed here for three years.

He had never seen such a strange sight before.

"Should I inform Colonel John..."

"Fart!" Cameron's face darkened when he heard this, and he cursed angrily.

"What? You all think I'm incapable?"

"Do you all think that I can only sit in this position because of my father?"

After hearing Kemillen's words, the surrounding patrol personnel all lowered their heads.

Among them, an elderly-looking person walked up to Cameron.

"Major Cameron, we never thought about it that way."

"It's just that we have to report the weird situation over there right now to our superiors..."

"No need!" Cameron waved his hand, "It's not a big deal."

"Don't you know about natural wonders?"

"Besides, this is the periphery of the Arctic Circle. Isn't it normal for such a strange spectacle to happen?"

"Such a trivial matter has to be reported to my father?!"

"Let people know, I'm afraid it's not a joke!"

Cameron narrowed his eyes, carefully looked at the distant sea for a while, and then laughed.

"Maybe it's just an ordinary seabed heat flow, no, it's not even a heat flow."

"It's just a phenomenon caused by ordinary backflow."

"You are just ordinary soldiers, it's normal to not understand these things, I'm from Hafcia!"

"Got it? Hmm..."

Cameron looked down on these people from the bottom of his heart.

Since he came here three years ago, there have been people pointing at him behind his back.

Especially the original commander here, who was suddenly dismissed, naturally felt even more upset.

As for Cameron's purpose of coming here, the original commander also knew it clearly.

It was John for his son's exploits.

As long as he stays here for three years, his son can be transferred out of here and directly enter the general military headquarters of the Lighthouse Kingdom.

If Cameron had a better personality, those people stationed on the island would be fine.

However, they never imagined that the 660 Kemilon is a domineering master.

And very self-centered.

"Okay, don't be dumbfounded."

"All of you continue your daily patrol!"

"If your task is not completed, your merit points will be deducted!"

Cameron waved his hand, and then said coldly.

After finishing speaking, he left the top floor directly.

"what to do?"

"What else can I do?"

"Without Major Cameron's biometric identification, the information here cannot be transmitted at all..."

"Then why are we just watching?"

"There is no other way, maybe it is really what Major Cameron said..."


After moaning for a while.

These patrol personnel once again entered the daily patrol.

And they don't have the energy to deal with the weird phenomena in the sea area.

The news has been passed to the supreme commander here.

The rest has little to do with them.

This moment.

above sea level.

Lu Chen was swimming slowly.

In less than five kilometers, we will go to the island.

Are the people on this island so tough?

So powerful UV rays and radiation they can't detect?

Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, it doesn't matter how tough these people are.

I'm just a passing behemoth, just a behemoth trying to absorb the solar storm.

If these human beings don't mess with themselves, it's okay, if they really mess with themselves.

Lu Chen didn't mind letting them know what atomic breath was.

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