Me, Super Tyrannosaurus Rex! Sitting In Prehistoric Times, The Future Humans Will Come!

084. To The North Pole! Exercise Code: The Tip Of The Iceberg! (Please Subscribe! Please Support!)

Arctic waters, above Wake Island.

It is now noon.

Because of the region, the noon here is also extremely cold!

The average temperature is more than thirty degrees below zero.

However, today's Wake Island is very comfortable.

"what happened?"

"Why is it so hot today?"

Not waiting for these people to feel surprised.

A dull voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears!


The sound has just started.

All the personnel on Wake Island are in a mess!

"OMG! Did you guys see that?!"

"What is that!"

"Giant! It's a prehistoric monster!!!"

"Fuck!! Isn't the prehistoric giant beast in prehistoric?!!"

"How did you run into the future!!"

"Run away!!"

All of a sudden, panicked voices sounded everywhere.

The news about the giant beast has also spread to all the military bases in Lighthouse Yinei.

However, the behemoth passed through the super wormhole and returned to the future.

Not all notifications have been made yet.

For example, this is a military base arranged on Wake Island near the Arctic Circle.

For the time being, we haven't received any news about the coming of giant beasts in the future.


Lu Chen continued to walk towards the super fortress on the island in front of him.

And he also stands in the center of the solar storm beam.

Absorbing these energies frantically.

Although the energy is not large, it is not large compared to Lu.

But the biggest! A large amount can fill you up!

This point, Lu Chen still knows clearly.

This is like the uranium element Long Guo gave him before was a big chicken leg.

It's really satisfying, but it's gone after eating.

And this solar storm beam is like cutting a chicken leg into pieces.

Although it is not as refreshing as eating it in one bite, it is almost unlimited supply!

Each has its own benefits!


"The trees around the monster are dead!"

"My God! I said why it's so hot!"

"It turned out that the monster did it!"

"Wipe! What to do?"

"What should I do?! Light up the arsenal for me!!!"

In the super fortress, some people roared angrily after discovering the abnormality of the trees around the giant beast.

And at the same time.

The moment the giant beast arrived on the island, Cameron was scared to death.

In the bunker.

"Major Cameron...!"

"Come here quickly, start the biometric system, we have to send the things here!"

A guard rushed to Cameron's back and said in a low voice.

"I see, hurry up and lead the way!"

Cameron's face was extremely pale, and he quickly followed the defender to the deepest part of the bunker.

In the bunker about 30 meters underground, there is a set of extremely advanced biological communication technology.

After arriving here, Cameron did not hesitate at all, activated the biometric identification extremely quickly, and then directly connected to the strategic headquarters of the Southern Region of the Lighthouse.

"This is Arctic Circle 1! This is Arctic Circle 1!"

"We've been attacked by giant beasts! Repeat!"

"We've been attacked by giant beasts!!"

When the communication was just established, Cameron frantically pressed the communication button.

at the same time.

In the lighthouse country headquarters.

After John learned that the island where his son Cameron was located had been attacked by giant beasts, he was completely stunned.

Isn't the Behemoth supposed to be in the Pacific Ocean?

How did you get to the North Pole in such a short time?!

Moreover, such a coincidence that it is on the island where his son is stationed?!

"This is the South Division!"

"Please describe your situation in detail!"

John asked quickly.

Father! Is that you?" In the underground fortress of Wake Island, Cameron heard his father's voice.

Hastily said, "Father! Come and save us quickly!"

"We have been attacked by giant beasts here! The temperature around the giant beasts seems to be very high!"

"Also, the giant beast is heading towards us..."

Before finishing speaking, the communication came to an abrupt end.

The muscles on John's face twitched violently.

"Come on! Send T9 supersonic bombers! Each bomber carries a River Destroyer!"

"My division here has a total of nine bombs! Bring them all to me! Send out nine T9 bombers!"

John roared hysterically.

Things were completely beyond his expectations.

It turned out that the nine Destroyers were specially ordered by him to his superiors.

Moreover, it is planned to cooperate with the sub-super class aircraft carrier battle group and the Zeus amphibious assault ship fleet to deal a devastating blow to the behemoth.

But now it seems that the situation has changed!

"Vice Special No. 1, this is the Southern District Headquarters, and I am Colonel John!"

"Please reply if you receive it! Please reply if you receive it!"

After John lost communication with Wake Island, he quickly connected to the sub-special aircraft carrier battle group that was heading to the Pacific Ocean.

"This is Deputy 1, Colonel John."

On the outskirts of the Pacific Ocean, a huge fleet is slowly sailing above the sea.

And within 200 kilometers behind this fleet, there are nine such fleets!

Top ten deputy super aircraft carrier battle groups!

Not only that, but 500 kilometers away, there are 30 Zeus amphibious assault ships fleet!

These warships add up to almost one-tenth of the current naval power of the Lighthouse Country!

And these are all the combat power that Colonel John can apply for at the risk of his life!

"The target has shifted!"

"The new target is the Arctic Circle, and the Behemoth is now within the Arctic Circle."

"I order you to be the main attack fleet this time."

"Leading all the sub-special aircraft carriers, and all the amphibious assault fleets!"

"I will also send nine T9 heavy supersonic bombers and nine Destroyer river bombs in the air."

".々The mission representative this time! Behemoth destruction!"

Colonel John sat in his divisional headquarters and said hysterically.


On the Deputy Special No. 1 aircraft carrier, after hearing John's order, the captain quickly notified it.

At this moment, all the fleets in the Pacific Ocean turned around.

Target the North Pole!

At this time, nine T9 heavy bombers, carrying nine Destroyer river bombs, began to take off in the southern area of ​​the Lighthouse country.

Target the North Pole!

In the East District of Longguo, in the headquarters.

The middle-aged man with a resolute face was looking at the documents on the monitor.

Naturally, the documents are all about the prehistoric interaction between the scientific research personnel of the Dragon Kingdom and the giant beasts.

"What team!"

"There is a situation in the southern area of ​​Lighthouse Country!"

"And those fleets near the Pacific Ocean, it seems that all of them turned to the North Pole at the same time."

A member of the military region quickly came to him and told He Pengzheng what he had just detected.

"North Pole... the position of the giant beast..." He Pengzheng revealed a trace of coldness on his resolute face.

"A battle group of ten sub-super class aircraft carriers, plus a fleet of thirty amphibious assault ships."

"Bombers were also launched from the air (Denuo Zhao). 11

"It seems that they have the purpose of killing the giant beast this time!"

"Deputy Team Zhang, please inform the Longguo Scientific Research Headquarters and the Peace aircraft carrier about this matter.

"Yes!" Vice Captain Zhang nodded.

"Also." He Pengzheng stood up slowly, twisting his neck.

"Xiao Zhang, do you think it's been a long time since our Dragon Kingdom conducted a large-scale exercise at sea?"

"It's been about 20 years..." Vice Captain Zhang was taken aback for a moment, then thought about it, and said.

"It's been too long since our Ancestral Dragon was released last time, Bing!"

"Xiao Zhang! Dispatch 30 Zulong-class river-powered aircraft carrier battle groups, 100 Xuanwu amphibious destroyer fleets, and 200 Suzaku God supersonic fighters.

"Well, let me think about it, by the way, 300 Jiaolong assault submarines, and 100 Qinglonghe strike submarines.

"That's all for the time being, the tip of our iceberg should be Lulu!"

"Xiao Zhang, tell me everything I said!"

"Tomorrow! All to the North Pole!"

"The code name of this exercise! The tip of the iceberg!"

"Yes! Team He!"

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