This method of threatening is also a little familiar to Lucy and the others.

Especially Lucy remembers.

Hmm? When I first met Ye Chen, this guy seemed to threaten himself like this!

As for Mann and the others, well, get used to it.

For Ye Chen's character.

Resistance has been abandoned.

He's such a person.

Rich, but bad.

However, the silver wolf disarmed and surrendered so quickly was really unexpected by Mann and the others.

Playing games?

That should require a network..... Could it be that Ye Chen controls the network of all the areas around here?!

Mann tried to look at it with the 30s.

Is the network working?

Not distracted?

Then why does Silver Wolf look like he can't play the game?!

"This guy, he seems to have cut off my network alone. "

The silver wolf said with some resentment.

Secretly asked Rebecca about them.

It has no effect on the prosthesis and can be used.

But it was her mobile phone that went wrong.

Obviously, Ye Chen deliberately blocked only her Internet link.

I don't know how this is done.....

However, the operation of this threat.

The silver wolf is helpless.

"Block the Internet?!If you can do this....."

Mann and Lucy look at each other!

Streaming AI, along with Black Wall, as well as the Night Company, and Buttermoss's use of hacking techniques require a network to be able to proceed smoothly.

However, Ye Chen can freely manipulate the network?!


Why didn't Ye Chen directly completely interrupt all the networks of the entire Night City, and even the entire Blue Star!

Isn't this a smooth solution to the problem?

"Ahh Your ideas are interesting. "

Ye Chen first affirmed the thoughts of the two.

It is indeed possible to do this.

But in the system's exchange shop, it is an astronomical amount of euros that can be exchanged.

Control the entire network of Blue Star.

Now this point is 100 billion euros, credit points ....

It's a fraction of this huge amount of money.

So it's impossible to find another way.

"Unfortunately, I can't do that right now. "

"Do you think I'm a god? I can do anything?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Chen put his hands in his pockets and asked rhetorically.

Lucy and the others thought about it, and it was really like that.

They can think of such a solution to the problem once and for all.

It was impossible for Ye Chen not to know.

It seems that it still has to be taken one step at a time.

"Lucy, let's go, I'll teach you hacking techniques. "

Silver Wolf 870 said weakly to Lucy.

It is somewhat similar to the usual lazy personality, but it is very different.

It's all about coping.

"That..... Because hacking technology requires a network, can you please block it?"

The silver wolf looked at Ye Chen with bubbles.

This is a reasonable request, and it would be unreasonable for you to limit it any further.

"Be reasonable, why be reasonable about things that can be easily solved......

Ye Chen said that the recruitment is not new, as long as it is useful.

The easiest way to deal with the silver wolf.


And then whatever you want her to do, she'll agree.。。

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