Learning hacking doesn't happen overnight.

Even a genius like Lucy has to learn for a few days to get some of the fur to his senses....

After all, the technology of the silver wolf comes from the universe.

The breadth is far from being comparable to cyberpunk.

Ye Chen specially gave Lucy three days to study.

As for the source plan, there are also Yeshi companies.....

There are robots dedicated to monitoring, so I don't have to worry much about it at all.

Three days passed.

The silver wolf looked like "finally completed the task".

I was finally able to take out my phone and start playing unscrupulously.

After all, Ye Chen just said that she should give Lucy guidance for the time being.

I didn't say anything after that.

Then don't you have the right to do it.

"That's right.... Silver Wolf, how's it going?"

"Lucy's talent should be pretty good, right?" Ye Chen asked by the way.

As a result, the silver wolf gave Ye Chen a disdainful glance.

"Her talent..... Make do with it. Don't be ignorant."

"It's a little better than the average person. And just a few. "

Ye Chen suddenly regretted asking the silver wolf this question.

It's no different from.

"Ahh In other words, the hacking technology in this world is too low-end, right? It's still playing with network implantation? Can't you use etheric reality technology?"

"In this way, the scientific and technological development of this world will go further. "

What? Aether reality?!

You mean something like a projection doppelganger?!

Don't expect too much from a level 0.7 civilization, right?

Ye Chen simply went to see Lucy's situation.

By the way, spent a million euros from the system to a whole garbage robot.

Roughly equivalent to the strength of Adam's hammer.

See the results.

Adam's hammer is almost 95% mechanized throughout his body, which directly makes Lucy have deep memories of what happened at the beginning....

However, then I thought of various hacking techniques that I learned from Silver Wolf.

Links, hacks!

The prosthetic modification on Adam's hammer-type robot actually started to catch fire!

This is clearly a sign of a successful protocol invasion!

"It seems that the learning results of the past three days are very obvious!"

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

It's not just the silver wolf who is such a good teacher.

It also has something to do with Lucy's talent.

Adam's hammer is an absolute ceiling-level combat power in cyberpunk, whether it is a fringe walker or 2077.....

Takemura will not mention it for the time being.

No one can be sure of the victory over Adam's hammer in terms of strength. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The whole body prosthesis is the highest grade part of Arasaka Company!

This progress is visible to the naked eye!

"It's even better than T-BUG. "

Ye Chen suddenly remembered this unlucky guy in his mind.

V Jack invades the Kambi Mansion together.

Tbug is responsible for answering.

Instead of being killed by Adam's hammer, he was burned to death during the invasion.


was praised by Ye Chen by name (Nuo Qian Zhao), and Lucy also looked happy.

But, T-BUG?

This man seems to have never heard of it.

The famous Night City hacker doesn't have that name either.

Is it another legendary boss from the universe?

Ye Chen scratched his head in embarrassment.... Adorn.

There are still discrepancies between the timeline of 2077 and the Edge Walker.

This T-BUG may not have been born yet.

So Lucy doesn't know T-BUG, it's normal.

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