"T-BUG, a famous hacker.... From the future. "

Ye Chen also said casually.

Then, Lucy gave Ye Chen a blank look.

This guy is nasty, but he also likes to joke.

Hackers from the future?

However, Lucy misunderstood Ye Chen a little this time.

After all, Ye Chen could even invite a silver wolf from the universe.

How can this be measured by the cyberpunk worldview.....

It's not impossible to introduce a person from the future, right?

"That's right...... Why don't you go to the afterlife bar for a drink?"

"I'm in for a treat?"

Ye Chen thought that this company had been established for so long.

Because it replaced the Arasaka company, it earned a lot of money.

On weekdays, 147 can find all kinds of excuses to exploit Mann and them.

But for such a long time, is it a little unreasonable not to build a team a little?!

After Ye Chen finished speaking, Lucy, Mann, and even Sasha all looked at it with a very strange gaze.

This look is clear.....

Hmm?!you're in for a treat?!

Are you sure?!

I didn't expect Ye Chen to be so generous!

Obviously, a little work mistake can be a reason to deduct money.

The wages they openly announced to the public must be hundreds of thousands of euros.

(DBAA) is only 70 percent likely to get it.

But they never thought about leaving anything.

Because even 80% of the salary is paid, which is more than the various salaries that other companies give to their employees!

And ordinary life is also free.

It's very relaxed, and no one comes to provoke.

So Mann, David, and the security guards usually drink casually and talk a little faintly.

Even David fell in love with watching all kinds of black super dreams.

More than once, Glonia came to Ye Chen's company and accused David of being young and depraved.

The quarrel between the old mother and her son could be heard from several rooms away.

However, Ye Chen is not a nosy person.

Anyway, there are so many empty rooms in the building.

A room on the thirteenth floor was specially vacated and directly transformed into a "negotiation room".

Let them have a good quarrel....

Ye Chen was not involved in private matters at home.

"Of course. To go, not to go, because I didn't say. "

Go out for a team building activity, and no one agrees to go out by yourself?!

Depend on....

It seems that Ye Chen does not handle employee relations very well on weekdays.

It also needs to be refueled. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for a wage increase or something?

Impossible, impossible!

In the end, Mann and his entourage finally confirmed that Ye Chen had indeed taken out 100,000 euros to take them to be chic in the evening.

Of course, it's not fun!

It's hard to have such an opportunity to pick up Yechen's wool, it's a pity to miss it!

"Silver Wolf, are you coming?"

Ye Chen asked by the way.

"Don't. In the evening, I made an appointment with a friend to play a game. "

The silver wolf sat on the couch, and his eyes never moved from his phone.

The bubble gum in his mouth didn't know how many stubbles he had changed, and even Ye Chen was envious of the silver wolf's teeth.

"Well, you can't come, even if you want to. "

"There's no place for you. "

Ye Chen shrugged.

Just a passing question.

Silver Wolf: ???

Ye Chen, you're entertaining me?!。

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