Hmm? What do you say?!

You're asking me how it's going?!

Rogge didn't speak, just spread his hands.

It's like saying to Ye Chen, do you think I'm like this?

"That's normal....... After all, RELIC chips pay attention to the right time, place and people. "

"Even V was between life and death, and he was parasitized by Johnny's silver hand. "

Ye Chen took a sip of the wine glass and said.

V looked over with a stunned look.

"Hmm?!When did I get stuffed with the RELIC chip?!"

"I am who I am, Johnny didn't send 02 life on me!"

Hearing V's protest, Ye Chen remembered...

That's not the right timeline.

Before it reached 2077, V still went to find it himself.

It's normal to not understand your own words......

"When I didn't say ....."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and signaled everyone not to care.

"Don't panic, maybe you can go to your brother Lai Xuan for help. "

"He's Arasaka's son, and I think he'll definitely help you. "

Hearing Ye Chen say this, what else could Rogge do?

I can only agree to it for the time being.

And Ye Chen is right.

Arasaka Yoshinobu as Arasaka's heir.

Although the company is now gone, it is good to know some inside information about the company.

Moreover, it is said that Lai Xuan has long been rebellious against Arasaka.

Even attacking the gods with Ye Chen, this is a fact.

Maybe you can really help yourself with this?!

After a brief conversation, the drinking party ended and everyone went home.

The next day.

"Hey, Ye Chen, come here. "

"There's something for you to see. "

Sitting in an office is boring.

I was thinking about whether to find Lucy and Sasha to make a game or something.

As a result, the silver wolf suddenly ran over, saying with an expression on his face that he was looking for something to do.

Ye Chen was also stunned when he heard this.

Hmmm?!Silver wolf, you're too small.

Isn't it okay to make a game or something?!

But he didn't say it, but arranged a room directly.

"The cyber security of this planet is so poor. There is nothing to care about. "

"But yesterday evening, I noticed someone talking about you on a nearby network signal. Do you want to hear about it?"

The silver wolf blew bubbles and said indifferently.

I have to say that I really have the style of a female ghost. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Ye Chen was really curious about these news.

"Then you can talk about it. "

Ye Chen shrugged.

Then, the silver wolf threw a stack of brand-new Mewtwo in front of Ye Chen.

"Ah, the technology in this world is so interesting. Although 403 is very old, it inexplicably makes people have a desire to explore. "

"This is a version of the Mewtwo Silver Wolf based on some black Mewtwo. You can look at it and you'll know what happened yesterday night. "

Boy.... Mewtwo Silver Wolf Edition?!

Ye Chen can only describe this in two words.

That's awesome!

"It's a cosmic hacker...... The entire cyberpunk world's network can be easily snooped in, hacked in. "

"The bounty of 5 billion is indeed something...."

Saying that, Ye Chen also opened Mewtwo.

I brought special equipment and started to look at it.

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