After some experience, it's no different from the rest of cyberpunk.

Maybe the silver wolf really used the level of technology here to imitate it...

The only thing that is commendable is the drastic increase in clarity. Compared with the original Mewtwo, it makes people feel more immersive.

As the picture deepened, Ye Chen also saw it.

Yesterday's conversation with Gryffindor, the president of biotechnology, and the intention of Mr. Blue-Eyed and Gryffindor, the agent of Ye's company, afterwards.

"Ah..... Did you reach a cooperation......

Ye Chen was not surprised.

Just a simple sigh.

"It's not because you're too aggressive......-"

The silver wolf also complained.

"Hmm? Did I say anything? I just sighed. "

Of course, Ye Chen knew that his behavior was excessive.

But it doesn't change.

Too lazy to change, money is the primary productive force.

This is the rule of the cyberpunk world, if you have money, you have power, you can do anything.

"That's it?"

After taking Mewtwo down, Ye Chen's heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh.

Well..... Two ants, trying to unite against him and his company?

What is this....

You don't need to worry at all.

However, since something happened, Ye Chen naturally had a reason to do something.

If Griffondo doesn't go into contact with Mr. Blue-Eyed.

That Ye Chen directly broke the news again about the defects of biotechnology pharmaceuticals back then.

In addition, some of the obscure deeds are now made public.

The whole point of strength threatens something, and maintains the heat to the highest.

Ye Chen admitted that he did receive the money.

But you guys are unkind first, and you can blame me for breaking the contract?!

"Silver wolf, it's up to you. "

"Good news awaits you. "

He casually placed Mewtwo on the table.

The silver wolf looked at Ye Chen in the distance with a confused expression.


Are you being used as a tool again?!

However, considering that if he didn't agree, Ye Chen was likely to cut off the Internet for himself at all times.

I couldn't bear that feeling for a minute.

Gaming is the greatest joy.

Therefore, Silver Wolf is also very willing to spend a minute or two hacking into the entire Blue Star Cyber Network.

Then, the news about biotechnology from that year will be sent out again.

And the hidden secrets of biotechnology that are hidden in the present.

Even if the biotechnology side spends money to settle it, it is useless.

With the hacking technology of this world, there is no way to pose a threat to the silver wolf. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's that simple and crude!

Thereupon..... A day later.

The news of Night City exploded directly!

Even, even the headquarters on the news side was confused.....


Their machine is broken?!

Why is the same news being broadcast all day long?!

Moreover, (good Zhao) is all negative news about biotechnology?!

"'Lao Tzu just took Griffondor's money!' said he would take all the news down!"

"Why?!Why is all this news coming out now?!"

"Besides, you can't delete the spear!"

But that's secondary.

The one who really felt the anger was the president of biotechnology.

At this time, he was already exhausted.

I don't know what this is all about.

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