"Who the hell did this?!"

In a fit of rage, Griffondo also suddenly remembered.


Behind the scenes of that night-style company, isn't the famous hacker Buttermoss?!

It is said that half a century ago he was basically recognized as the number one in the world.

Even the establishment of today's cyberspace has his shadow in it.

Although later it was heard that he was dead, the body was found inside the garbage bin.

But, now inexplicably he has become the boss of the Ye's company.

Nine times out of ten, it was that guy's plan.

It is possible that consciousness has already been copied by means such as the RELIC chip.

It doesn't matter what the body is 573, it exists in cyberspace in a virtual way.

If you ask Buttermoss to take action, can the negative news on your side be completely eliminated?!

"Luckily, we were able to work with them. Otherwise, I really don't know how to solve this problem. "

I am very glad that I reached an agreement with Mr. Blue Eyes.

Gryffindor also immediately called the Ye's company.

"Hey, the blue-eyed operator of the Night Clan Company is here for you. "

Good guys still have this business?!

It's completely intelligent AI integration!

"I will send your appeal to Mr. Bartmoss......."

Just got a reply from him. He also couldn't delete the information. It didn't work if the highest authority was used. "

"At the bottom of the deleted information, a villain with the image of a girl was found. There is nothing Mr. Buttermoss can do about it. "

Mr. Blue-Eyed also said.

However, Griffondo could faintly hear the shock implied in these words!

What the?!

Something that even the legendary hacker Buttermoss can't do?!

"As far as I know, Sasha is a hacker......"

"But she's not that high. Lucy..... Rose's ......"

"They're good, but they can't be compared to [adbj] Buttermoss......!

Gryffindor tugged at his hair a little frantically.

It feels as if the hair on my head can be pulled out at any moment.

"Could it be that Buttermoss is lying to me?!"

But there's no reason for that.

There is no need to lie to yourself with Batmoss's wrist.

It can be solved in minutes.

What's more, now it has reached a cooperation with Ye's company.

Both sides help each other.

Why bother with such a show?!

Suddenly, Gryffindor thought of it.

When discussing cooperation with Mr. Blue Eyes, this AI seems to have mentioned it.

Ye Chen also seems to be in touch with people outside the world.

Could it be that someone from outside the world did it?!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Griffondo was inexplicably horrified.

Another sentence came to mind.

The guy who was contacted by Ye Chen from outside the world seems to be very jealous of even Bartmoss!

It is precisely for this reason that the source plan has been delayed.

Griffondo was distressed and angry.

In terms of size, their biotechnology can completely wrestle with Ye's wrist.

Relying on these financial resources, it is no problem to sit on an equal footing with the Yeshi Company.

But these negative news led to a shrinkage of business in the future.

So what confidence do you have to negotiate with the Yeshi company? .

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