"Safe place?!"

In fact, Ye Chen was right.

After all, in the cyberpunk-style world, wars and events are too frequent.

And all kinds of companies are almost the same in nature, fighting for resource profits or something.


Don't look at Lucy, Sasha and the two of them are hackers.

But if you have the opportunity, you definitely yearn for a normal life.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that Ye Chen actually planned to take them out of here and go to live in another world.

There was naturally a look of excitement in his eyes!

"Hey.. You're not going to take the two of them to HQ, are you?!"

The silver wolf looked at Ye Chen with a frightened expression.

I'll go..

Take to headquarters?

That's a bit out of place, isn't it?!

"That 823 won't ..... How can I trouble you Star Core Hunters every time?"

"I'm going to take them to a safe place. The scenery is very nice. "

If he was looking for a Feng Shui treasure, Ye Chen would have to choose between Teyvat World and Mondstadt Liyue.

It depends on the timeline.

If the timeline is right, and the girls haven't messed around yet, maybe Mondstadt is good.

Take advantage of the dragon plague to raise your popularity, and then the Knights owe a favor or something.

That way, Lucy and the others can live safely.

If the Glowing Sisters have solved the Mondstadt Problem (AEFG), then Liyue.

With a prosperous and retired Mr. Zhong in charge, Liyue is also very safe.

A few people were talking like this, and they were ready to leave at any time.

As a result, Mann and David also heard it, and immediately frowned.

Only two people to go?

They can't go? Is this discrimination?!


Ye Chen suddenly turned his head and thought about it carefully.

Yes, Ye Chen admitted.

There is indeed a partial eccentricity in this. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the same cannot be said in the Eight Classics.

Gotta find a suitable excuse.

"The City of the Night is in ruins. Arasaka Yoshinobu is difficult to support alone. You will help him. Then build a whole new world. "

Ye Chen himself believed what he said.

Of course, this was not Ye Chen's main idea, it was just an excuse.

However, after hearing this, Mann and his party felt that it seemed to make some sense.

As a man, you really should take on such a responsibility!

"Then we're not going. "

"In the future, Night City will definitely develop better!"

Mann patted his chest.

There was a "click" sound of a mechanical prosthetic.

Lucy, Sasha, and Rebecca couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this.

You believe all such a clumsy lie?!

"Let's go. "

I spent some money to buy a one-time dimensional door.

The money seems to be a little bit insufficient.

"If the timeline is when Lord Yan has not yet retired, I wonder if I can have a good relationship with him and borrow some money to spend?"

Suddenly. Ye Chen thought of the allusion that "the five gods can't make up a mora".

Although Mora was created by the rock god, he himself seems to have basically no money......

"So, Ningguang?"

Ningguang is a rich woman.

And the people are also very nice.

Ye Chen also didn't know if he could get some pocket money after he had a good relationship with her.

Then through the system store, you can exchange some abilities to become stronger.

There's little hope, but it's okay to give it a try.

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