Because things in Night City are pretty much settled.

Ye Chen is also ready to start a new journey.

Of course, Lucy's agreement was still there, so she simply brought them along.

It is naturally very happy to be by Ye Chen's side.

Silver wolf, Ye Chen originally planned to give her a vacation or something.

After all, the purpose of pulling her over was to easily solve all the problems of Night City at once.

Now it's done.

Ye Chen is not an unreasonable person.

It's just that when you pass through the portal~ you come to the world of Teyvat.

Ye Chen turned around.

Found out except for Lucy.

Hmmm?!The silver wolf is also there?-what's going on?!

"Ahh If you find it close to you - the internet will be fast. "

"Anyway, there's no work on the Starcore Hunter's side for the time being. "

The silver wolf said casually.

Ye Chen's face suddenly darkened.

Good guys, this is fishing in the name of a business trip?!

"You're not going to cut off my net all of a sudden, are you? "

The silver wolf found that Ye Chen's expression was a little strange, and immediately glanced at it vigilantly.

If Ye Chen is going to deliberately make it bad, then she might as well go back to playing the game.

"Of course it won't ......"

Ye Chen also shrugged his shoulders.

Look at the environment here.... It should be just .....

"Mondstadt, I thought it was Liyue. "

Ye Chen's brows furrowed slightly.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the ability is here.

The distance between the two countries is not far, and it is very convenient to travel through.

And the environment in Mondstadt is also very good.

However, Ye Chen still has one more thing to do.....

That is.

"Let's take a look at the current timeline first. "

With that, Ye Chen planned to take Lucy and the others to Mondstadt City first.

The culture here is very good.

And he is also very warm to outsiders.

This can be seen from the Traveler Yingmei.

"Let's go. "

Ye Chen was preparing to take everyone to Mondstadt City as a tour guide.

As a result, when the girls saw the sight of Mondstadt, they were immediately fascinated!

"Wow... The environment here!"

Green mountains and green waters, as well as cliffs.

The main thing, the green color.

It's a color that you can't see at all in cyberpunk!

After all, wasteland mechanical style.

Although he was born in that era, he also coveted the beautiful natural environment that his ancestors said. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see you in another world today?!

Lucy felt that there was no need to go to the moon.

Staying here seems to be even more beautiful than the environment of the moon!

Entrance to Mondstadt.

The two janitors of the Knights of the West Wind couldn't help but be stunned when they saw Ye Chen and these strangers.

He muttered in his mouth.

"Why are strangers always coming to town during this time...."

Always with strangers?

Ye Chen noticed this sentence.

Who is the stranger? It can't be Yingmei, right?

This is a time travel to the beginning of the plot of Genshin Impact?!

Although at this juncture, the old man Zhongli has indeed not retired yet.

But it's about the same.

Ye Chen was thinking about whether to go directly to Liyue.

But at first glance, the women are so fond of Mondstadt's environment.

After thinking about it, I still counted zero.

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