"It's too picky...."

Paimon couldn't help but mutter.

You're leaving right away.

It won't take long at all.

Talking about this and engaging in yarn?!

Seeing and hearing the domineering perception of Paimon's inner thoughts...

Ye Chen also felt very speechless.

It's no wonder that the reviews about Paimon in Genshin Impact are getting worse and worse.

It seems that this has a lot to do with Yingmei's discipline~ Department!

It's completely free-range, and I don't care about etiquette at all.-....

There's no obligation to use it for you, is it?!

"Ahem.... Maybe you can take care of this little guy next to you in the future....."

"It's time to fight, it's time to eat. "

"Otherwise, sooner or later, the house will be untiled. "

"Didn't you notice that a lot of inexplicable commissions were arranged for you by this guy who was talkative?!"

Ye Chen also didn't care about Paimon's face at all.

Take power and use Yingmei as Paimon's guardian.

said to Yingmei with a bitter look.

Originally, Yingmei didn't feel this way.

But after hearing Ye Chen's words, Yingmei also felt that something was wrong....

"You seem to have some truth in what you say. "


There were a lot of inexplicable and wonderful commissions along the way, and Paimon was nosy for the next one.

Though... Part of the commission she also wants to take on herself.

But Paimon always responds.

I did the work myself, and then most of the money was used to buy Sweet Stuffed Chicken for Paimon.

There's not much left.

"What's the difference between this and a white prostitute?"

Ye Chen also leaned into Yingmei's ear and said a word.

It's like a torture from the soul......

What is the difference between prostitution and prostitution?

It doesn't seem to be ......

Paimon was angry by Ye Chen's words....

Frequent stamping in the air.

Ah, damn it!

However, I recalled the last sentence left by Ye Chen.....



Travelers don't really eat it as an emergency food, do they?!

Unknowingly, Paimon also ranked Ye Chen in the "No. 1 place on the list of the most unprovoked characters".

The original Lord Diluc has been banned.

Diluc has dropped to outside the top ten.

And from 9 to 1.

All of them are Ye Chen's names.

This guy is horrible. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I was afraid that the traveler would listen to Ye Chen's words.

And then while he wasn't paying attention, he really used her as emergency food.

"That's about it. "

"I'll have to find a suitable place for Lucy, too....."

Acquaintances or anything, Ye Chen doesn't have them here.

It can only be said that those he knows definitely don't know him.

This is all a one-sided understanding.

There are still some ways to do it.

"Isn't the Xingqiu family a chamber of commerce.....?

"Maybe you can ask him for help?!"

The last disciple of the Guhua sect.

It's still pretty good.

If you can give him some good novels.

It is estimated that this matter is not particularly difficult.

Then after concentrating for a while, it's time to contact the Jade Pavilion again.

Help, suppress Osel or something.

Then let the old man of the emperor be more serious and responsible.

Don't always think about retirement.

There are many ways to make money.

After doing this, you can follow the silver wolf and set off to the world of the Star Dome Railway.

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