Where is Xingqiu's house here?

But soon, a difficult problem was placed in front of Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen is not very clear about Xingqiu's background story.

Although he is known as a four-star water god, Ye Chen thinks about his functionality.

Who cares about this?

"Luckily, I'm also someone who has done the task...."

It seems that when I was visiting a bookstall, I met Xingqiu by chance.

"Zero20" Well, maybe you can try your luck at the bookstall there?

If you're lucky, just pick up a conversation.

And then help?

Presumably, as a disciple of the Guhua Sect, Xingqiu should not refuse.

Remuneration or something.,It just so happens that there are a lot of novels in the system store.。

Like "Horse Breaks the Sky", "I Learn to Kill God in the Hospital", these .....

It's also not expensive.

After all, it's not a functional item, so it's not very useful.

At most, it is to take a look at it when you have nothing to do, and cultivate your mood to pass the time.

There are more than fifty books in one book.

This is completely free for Ye Chen!

As for things like giving money or something......

This Ye Chen himself is not rich.

How do you have so much spare money for Xingqiu?

Moreover, their family is not short of money.

changed a copy of "Horse Breaking the Sky" and "Contra Continent".

This is all based on the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom as the background of the story.

And the fantasy element is added.

It is estimated that it is very in line with the taste of Xingqiu.

Walking on the bookshelf, as expected, Ye Chen also noticed a familiar figure.

Then, Lucy and the others were temporarily left behind, and walked directly over.

Holding a few books in his hand, he began to put it on.

"The bookstall .... It occurred to me that I could buy a copy of the Teyvat Guide. "

Yingmei also had a flash of inspiration when she saw Ye Chen walking towards the bookshelf!

It seems that he needs Ms. Alice's book to learn more about Teyvat.

This will make it easier to travel in the future.

So I also walked over.

Ye Chen seemed to be walking towards a person..... Acquaintance?"

The silver wolf is also a rare interest.

When Ye Chen redeemed "Horse Breaking the Sky" from the store.

Out of curiosity, the silver wolf also took a look.

I am very interested in the setting of the kind inside, the horse man, the horse master......

But I couldn't help but see the back.

"The setting here doesn't mean that the emperor's strength is the strongest..... Why do you have to fight for a division?"

If there is no horse, an emperor-level can't even beat a division-level fight?!

This setting makes Silver Wolf feel very strange.

Fantastic settings aside, though.

The plot is still quite attractive.

For a while, the silver wolf forgot that he was still playing the game. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

My mind is full of plots.

But later, Ye Chen took the book away from the silver wolf.

It also makes the silver wolf mentality a little broken....

"I haven't finished reading it yet!"

"This wasn't meant to be for you...."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders 5.3.

"But if you want to, you can see it. I paid a lot of money to get this book. If you want to see it, you have to spend money. "

"How much?"

The silver wolf didn't realize that he had entered Ye Chen's trap.

"It's not expensive, half a million. "

The silver wolf thought for a moment.

It's only 500,000 yuan, such a thick book.

It's so attractive.,From the point of being out yourself.。。

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