"I don't think there's anything wrong with Ye Chen calling you Miss. "

"If you don't believe me, look in the mirror for yourself. "

Ye Chen was still thinking about what excuse to explain this matter.

As a result, the silver wolf was very caring, and I don't know where to get a mirror.

Then he threw it to Xingqiu.

It is well known that Teyvat has an overall level of technology.

The fault is relatively large.

Sumeru is a demarcation point.

The countries before Sumeru were relatively backward in science and technology.

From Sumeru onwards, Fontaine, Nata, and Solstice.

The overall level of scientific and technological development of the country is very high!

And these are also reflected in things like mirrors.

The mirrors on Liyue's side are a bit of an ancient Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, although it is possible to shine on oneself.

But the picture is more distorted.

The mirror that the silver wolf took out this wave belongs to the latest version of the interstellar.

You can see your own appearance in all directions!

As a result, when the mirror reflects the dress of the person.

Xingqiu also fell into deep thought...


It seems that this dress seems to be a bit more neutral...

Although it may not be possible to see that it is a girl.

However, it is also true that it is difficult to see the style of men.

And these people come from somewhere else.

The first time I saw and admitted my mistakes, I couldn't understand it..

"Looks like I might be able to go back and change my clothes in the future.... `.."

"It's not just the clothes, it's the hairstyle that has to be changed. "

Ye Chen felt that the reason why Xingqiu looked a bit neutral was that dressing was secondary.

Instead, it's the hairstyle.

It's too easy to get people wrong.

So Xingqiu didn't bother with Ye Chen about this matter.

At the same time, he was also extremely curious about the sudden appearance of Ye Chen and his party.

Because it seems that this person took the initiative to find him just now....

Is it just to give yourself this book?

And tell him that he looks a lot like a girl?

"It's not ....."

The topic finally came back to the point.

Ye Chen also briefly explained the current situation to Xingqiu.

"You have a lot of money, and a lot of residential areas should be empty. "

"These are my girlfriends. Please entertain me. "

"I'll have to leave in a few days. "

When Xingqiu heard this, he looked at the two girls in front of him with a shocked face.


Two girlfriends?

This is not shallow!

"Then this young lady...."(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Xingqiu looked at the silver wolf again.

Is this also the case?

Three girlfriends?!

"I'm not an adult yet......"

The silver wolf glanced at Xingqiu coldly.

Do you look so old?

Obviously a little girl in her prime, okay?

However, Xingqiu heard the meaning from the mouth of the silver wolf.....


Not yet an adult?!

And what about adulthood?!


Xingqiu couldn't help but secretly give Ye Chen a thumbs up.

Although he himself is not at this age.

And (well) and talk about marriage or something, he doesn't have this idea for the time being.

But this does not affect Xingqiu's admiration for Ye Chen.

It can attract three beautiful women who want to be girlfriends at once!

Not all men can do that!

"Of course it's fine!"

There is one thing to say.

Ye Chen's book really made Xingqiu feel a strong interest.

It feels like a new world has been opened!

As a disciple of the Guhua School, this favor has to be repaid no matter what.

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