
Under Xingqiu's recommendation, Lucy and Sasha were settled in the Wangshu Inn.

Wait a minute.... Wangshu Inn?!

Does this place have anything to do with Xingqiu's family?!

"It doesn't matter..... It's just a little familiar, and you still have to pay for it. "

Xingqiu said that this book is very much to my liking.

It's cool to watch, as a rich son.

It's normal to get a place to stay for a friend.

Ye Chen also asked by the way, how much does it cost to stay at Wangshu Inn for a day.

Xingqiu said that it is not expensive.

There are less than 10,000 Mo 633 pulls a day.

"It's really rich....."

Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Of course, in fact, Ye Chen has a lot of money in his hands.

But all this money Ye Chen is saving to buy things in the system store.

Don't dare to spend it casually.

However, Xingqiu's situation is very different.

It's all your own money, and you can spend it freely.

Sometimes Ye Chen himself is complaining.

Fortunately, he now has more than a billion on himself.

How can you be careful about spending money now.

Is it better to enjoy some things in life?

"Looks like we've got to find a way to make money..."

Small money, hundreds of thousands and millions of this kind of Ye Chen can no longer look at it.

If you want to find it, you have to find the big head and ask for money.

For example, Ningguang, the Jade Pavilion...

As Liyue is a thriving country, money is definitely indispensable.

Originally, Ye Chen planned to follow the silver wolf directly to the Broken Iron World after settling down.

But Xingqiu's chic style also made Ye Chen change his mind slightly.

It's all here, or why don't you give yourself a few days off?

By the way, find some rich bigwigs and ask for hundreds of millions of flowers?

This money cannot be asked for in vain.

Show your strength a little, and then put a name on some big family or something.

Earn money lying down.

Ye Chen felt that with his current strength, he didn't have to worry about not having a chance to be named.

"Can you get a chance to go to (bjcb) Qunyu Pavilion?"

Suddenly, Ye Chen turned his head to Xingqiu and asked.

Jade Pavilion?!

What are you doing there......

Xingqiu listened to Ye Chen's request, and suddenly looked confused.....

I heard that there are some pieces of paper on the Jade Pavilion that are sought after by many merchants.

As long as you can get one of them, you can become a billionaire or something.

Could it be that Ye Chen is planning to try to see if he can get a chance to make a fortune?

Not quite like it.... After all, dress up.

Xingqiu can still see that Ye Chen is still dressed very well.

It proves that he actually has financial resources. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's really possible..."

After all, Xingqiu's family background is very deep.

It is also a major taxpayer in Liyue.

So there is also the opportunity to go to the Jade Pavilion.

But it's all with the elders.

"Ah, then please do me another favor. "

"Next time, I will bring you a copy of "Contra Continent 2". "

Ye Chen mentioned it casually.

Xingqiu's eyes lit up.

The setting of "Contra Continent" for soul beasts and soul skills made Xingqiu breathtaking.

I didn't expect Ye Chen to have a second part in his hands?!

"I'm going to tell the elders about this......

When Ye Chen and Xingqiu were talking.

Ying and Pai were caught in the middle.

There was no chance to speak at all.

Now that Xingqiu is leaving, Paimon's eyes are also bright.

I can finally speak.

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