"How can there be such a good thing?!"

I spent a few hours with Ye Chen.

Paimon also seems to have a deeper understanding of Ye Chen's character.

This guy seems to have some kind of deep attachment to money!

Otherwise, why would you suddenly think of going to the Jade Pavilion?

I should have the same plan as them!

However, I thought that Ye Chen would take them on a trip.

This may cause Ye Chen's "217" lion to open his mouth or something......

For example, if the content on the note makes them make a windfall, they will receive a commission of about 350% in return.....

Black is really black.

But Ye Chen may really do it!

Therefore, Paimon and Yingmei are also ready to refuse at any time.

If the commission is too outrageous, then they have to find another way to go to the Jade Pavilion.

There are always more solutions than difficulties.

However, Ye Chen's request directly caught the two of them off guard.....


Is this still the Ye Chen they know?

How did you suddenly become a pursuit of money, not so big?!

"Maybe it's a conspiracy ....."

Yingmei whispered into Paimon's ear.

Paimon looked horrified.....

"You forgot that he would read our minds!"

When he came back to his senses, he saw Ye Chen's face with a smile on his face......

Yingmei slapped her head.

Forgot about this one?!

"That ....."

Yingmei thought about it, this did not violate their principles.

After all, to a certain extent, the evaluation of Ye Chen is also decent.

It's not an exaggeration or anything.

He's really strong!

So, it doesn't matter if this favor is sold.

"Alright, let's go. "

The code to get to the Jade Pavilion is simple.

As an OP, Ye Chen has long been familiar with it.

plus the dots of the Xingqiu family.

Therefore, a few people arrived at the Jade Pavilion very easily.

Then, I saw Ningguang.

"What are you guys doing here......

Ningguang glanced at the people very curiously.

Especially noticed Ye Chen....

After all, don't look at the other girls..........

However, a man appeared on the Jade Pavilion.

What prompted him to come?

"That's right. I'm here to apply. "

Ye Chen was simple and rude.

As the commercial capital of Teyvat, Liyue has a lot of trade exchanges. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Among them, there are some wealthy merchants.

The trade caravans traveling from Liyue to Teyvat don't know how many dangers they will encounter along the way.

The resulting loss of goods is bound to be very large.

Demonstrated strength that people can trust.

Then, casually go to some caravans and use them as a golden sign or something.

In this way, it is not difficult to sit in it and make money lying down.

Of course..... These Ye Chen will solve 2.9 through the [Shadow Clone Technique].

You get what you pay for.

Ye Chen felt that if it was his own strength, it should not be a problem to harvest tens of millions of Mora a month.

However, others may not believe it.

If you shoot directly, it's not good to cause extensive damage.

So, when the time comes, it's up to Yingmei and Paimon to step up.

Show yourself what you're good at.

This is Ye Chen's plan to lie down and win.

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