
Ningguang was also a little surprised.

What to apply for:

They had never heard of a similar job to apply for.

However, the traveler who heard it and the flying object on the side turned out to be proof.

Coupled with the strange talk of the caravan that just came from Mondstadt today....

Seems to have something to do with the traveler, and the man in front of him?

So in this way, maybe this man really has a lot of strength?

"But it's a pity for 21.... We don't have any similar jobs here. "

"But ....."

Think about it.

If the strength of this man in front of him is indeed extraordinary.

Even an elemental dragon like Stormterror can be suppressed.....

Maybe partnering and starting a new business could be a way to make money as well?

After all, Ningguang's means of making money are even more powerful than Ye Chen to some extent.

This Ye Chen can't deny it.

Otherwise, Ye Chen would have no reason to directly find the Jade Pavilion, instead of cooperating with a chamber of commerce like Xingqiu and them.

And now.

Since there is a figure whose strength is praised even by the head of the piano troupe.

Make good use of his strength and open a "dart bureau" similar to a "dart bureau" to transport goods?

Isn't that very promising?

They are the commercial capital of Liyue and the center of Teyvat.

But the last thing to do is these caravans!

"Mr. Ye Chen, I have a general understanding of your thoughts. "

"Although we don't have a similar position, depending on your strength, maybe we can work together to start a dart game. "

Ningguang came to Ye Chen's side and said with a smile.

Ye Chen was also stunned fiercely when he heard this.


"Why didn't I think of that....."

Ye Chen couldn't help but pat his head.

Privately acting as a security leader for some chambers of commerce is just a strategy after all. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He has never departed from the identity and status of a worker.

But if you change it to a "dart game".

Then you will become the boss by yourself!

Collaborate with Liyue Official!

It's not just a single Liyue Chamber of Commerce.

It's all chambers of commerce that can be the target of security!

"And then get Mann and them....."

"Although they don't have a vision, they do have a lot of powerful prosthetic means in the store. There is also a three-color domineering, Devil Fruit ....."

"These can also strengthen their strength!"

Mann is a mercenary squad.

And Night City is clearly not as turbulent as it used to be.

Mercenaries don't have much future in Night City.

Why don't you come to Teyvat?

Continue to work with 530 and make money together?

Of course, the dividend policy is naturally the same as before.

Things like Devil Fruits, Tricolor Domineering, and Legendary Prosthetics are purchased with a loan first.

Then wait until the business is up, fill the vacancies and pay them.

They are very familiar with this old routine!

"It's a good proposition. But I just don't know, how should we calculate the share if we cooperate?"

Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh, this condensation was really a bit powerful in the way of making money.

Once the dart game is opened, even if Ye Chen himself is not in Teyvat.

Through Lucy's channel.

The money can also be transferred back to your account endlessly!

It's just blood!.

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