"You don't have to worry about that..... When the time comes, you just have to do what I ask. The official can send some people to come over and broadcast the video. "

Regarding the curiosity of Ning Guang and the others, Ye Chen couldn't help but smile faintly.

There's nothing more convincing than showing strength in person.

And live broadcast is the best opportunity to really show your strength!

"I just don't know what the live broadcast is....."

What came out of Ye Chen's mouth seemed to be a little beyond Teyvat's comprehension.

For example.... Live broadcast!

Because Teyvat's comprehensive technical ability is not strong in 017.

Even the phonogram was only available outside of Fontaine.

This is the highest version of the photographic device.

And the camera:

This kind of thing, sorry, is still a little too advanced for Teyvat right now.

"Live... It's like I'm giving you a video device. Then by way of projection. Project my image to the whole of Liyue!"

"It's like a big advertisement. It's just that you don't have to advertise. Just be responsible for video recording and corresponding screen projection. "

"I'll come out of these devices. "(cbaf)

Ye Chen also smiled faintly.

Fortunately, video recorders are the most basic category in the system store.

Objects with the most basic functions tend to be sold at very low prices.

For example, the price of a video recorder is on par with that of Blue Star.

Just over a hundred euros will do it.

This is also a drop in the bucket for Ye Chen.

It's really great to use it for publicity.

"Then we still have to help in Liyue... Should we be paid some too?"

Ningguang's eyes lit up.

Another chance to gather wool?

"Makes sense.... Then after the live broadcast is over, these devices will be given to you Qunyu Pavilion. The right is a memorial. "

Ye Chen also raised his hand.

Said very generously.

Although this kind of live streaming equipment is very advanced for Teyvat, it is tantamount to a dimensionality reduction strike.

However, the price is at most a few hundred euros for Ye Chen.

A few hundred euros in exchange for tens of billions of Mora of income and profits every month!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That's a lot of money!

Ningguang is also happy to hear this!

I didn't expect Ye Chen to be so generous, and easily give them the magic video equipment!

"With the research of Liyue workers and related craftsmen, we may be able to figure out how it works. "

"Then copy it, so that my industrial technology in Liyue will definitely improve!

Ningguang is also strange.

Why did Ye Chen give them such an advanced thing so easily as a reward.....

This could lead to the outbreak of an industrial revolution in Liyue!

Originally, Ningguang also planned to ask Ye Chen for a reward of tens of millions of Mora.

However, the remuneration for these equipment makes Ningguang feel that he has really made a lot of money!

Of course.... Ye Chen thought so too.

Ningguang wouldn't have thought of it anyway.

They hail it as a magical video recorder.

In fact, it was only worth a few hundred euros on Ye Chen's side.

"It seems to be a win-win!"

Ye Chen sighed.

Then he also said to Ningguang.

"Now that we've said that, let's start preparing. "

As he spoke, Ye Chen took out the portal.

One-off version of the kind.

After all these things are done, it is natural to go back to Night City.

Then bring Mann and his team with them.

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