The appearance of the portal also attracted the attention of Ningguang.

"What the hell is this magical door.....

Ningguang's eyes widened.

I feel that this man who suddenly appeared, why is there a secret all over his body?

It's just a matter of having a lot of strength.

I even thought about doing a big job...

Of course, the dart game was proposed by her.

But according to travelers, as well as some merchants who travel to and from Mondstadt.

This man named Ye Chen, his strength~ is really strong!

Solved the dragon plague and suppressed the Wind Demon Dragon....

I've never seen such a powerful guy.

This is also the reason why Ningguang decided to believe in Ye Chen and start a dart game!

As a result, the matter has not been resolved.

Instead, a strange door has appeared?!

Looking through the door, it looks like there's another world inside.

The sky is gloomy, and there seems to be a lot of floating debris......

It's fast.

As the owner of the Vision, he couldn't even see clearly.

Conservatively estimated, their Liyue means of transportation can't compare to those things!

"Could it be a mechanism or something.... Maybe I can let Liuyun Zhenjun study it....."

Ningguang also secretly wrote down this matter.

Ganyu went out temporarily.

When she comes back, then I have to tell her about the strange things that happened today.

With her relationship with Liuyun Zhenjun, she is giving Ye Chen a little benefit.

Study this door.

Maybe it can replace most means of transportation!

Get more advanced technology than Fontaine!

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Chen was also about to pass through the door.

But as a result, he noticed Ningguang's expression, and he was immediately stunned....

What is this guy staring at himself?

It can't be that you like yourself, right?!

"Ahh No, I just think this door is interesting....."

Ningguang also coughed dryly.

It's embarrassing to be found out like this!

"You mean this door? This is called a portal. Want to research? No problem. Five billion, lent to you for research. "

Ye Chen is also very generous.

This one-off version can be kept forever as long as it is turned on and not closed.

A research opportunity in exchange for five billion dollars is obviously very profitable.

Of course, Ye Chen didn't guarantee that even if he took it to them for research, they would be able to delve into something.

After all, the system is a product, but there is no reason to talk about it.

"Five billion .... It's a bit expensive...."

Ningguang frowned.

But noticing the expression on Ye Chen's face, Ning Guang also said immediately.

It's not expensive at all!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This door is really worth the price!

After all, she was already excited.

And it's safe to say that this door cliff is far more advanced than the world of Teyvat!

If the research can be successful, it will definitely make the entire Liyue mechanism process go further!

As for.... Can't do it?

Ningguang didn't think about it.

No way!

Liuyun Zhenjun is proficient in manufacturing all kinds of mechanisms!

If it's her who does the research.

In a few days, I'm sure I'll be able to get through this door!

Then lead Liyue Technology to take off!

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