Ningguang simply made a publicity.

Although the reputation of the Seven Stars of Liyue is indeed strong, many people also have a lot of trust in the Jade Pavilion.

But there are still a lot of ordinary people who are doing things, and it's not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"These people don't even have a Vision on them!How can you believe in their strength?!"

Although the big man at the head is indeed very strong.

But there are some things that can't be solved by being strong.

For example, you can often see some Fatui thunder hammer soldiers with big hammers in their hands on the road.

And with Bing Fat and Fire Gun, these are basically teamed up.

It's a collection of elemental reactions.

The average Vision wielder has a hard time coping.

These people don't even have a vision...

Why can you rest assured that the goods will be handed over to them?!

"It's better to trust your own team... The integrity of the cargo up to 903 is guaranteed......"

Some people watched it, and there were a lot of complaints in their hearts.

Ning Guang couldn't help but sigh when he heard this.

It seems that if you come forward, you may not be able to win!

They still have to show their true power.

"Ye Chen, it's up to you. "

Ye Chen nodded.

"Mann, you go show it. "

Mann: What is on display? Hammer Man on display?

"You just need to transform....."

Ye Chen shrugged.

It's like a prosthetic.....

It doesn't seem like a big deterrent.

At least the Teyvat natives don't understand how powerful these prosthetics are.

But if you use animal fruits.

For example, you turn into an Allosaurus.

Giant dinosaurs, combined with your gorilla arms.

"I think this group of people should trust your strength. "

"David, you can show it too. "

David's ability to strengthen the speed of the leopard leopard fruit.

And there is also Snwestein.

So this is speeding up again on top of the original speed type!

And the leopard is a creature that also gives a powerful impression!

"Then let's give it a try....."

Hearing this, the two also transformed together.

A giant Allosaurus appears at the door!

As for David's words, he felt that it was a bit inappropriate to transform into a leopard.

simply became the image of the leopard man.

Fierce and majestic.

The people present were all stunned when they saw this scene...

What kind of elemental force is this?!

"This is not the power of the Vision..... It's amazing how you can transform into an animal!"

"I believe in your strength!

The crowd's comments were reversed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the two people next to him don't seem to move?

A woman.. What happens when you have something like a thread in your hand?

Are you ready to sew clothes? There is a tailor in the dart game?!

Another... He looked like he was only about 20 years old.

So young....

Although Ningguang, Keqing and the others also became seven stars at a young age.

But this time and that time!

In a place like a dart game, you don't show your strength.

It's hard to be convinced!

"I don't think this Ye Chen's strength needs to be showed..."

"He's the leader of this team. If you let him make a move.... Maybe it's going to be a flat land around here, right?"

Ningguang came forward and began to explain Ye Chen's situation.

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