Will be here.... Level to the ground?!

What kind of monster is this?!

After hearing Ningguang's words, everyone couldn't help but show shocked expressions...

This is also an exaggeration!

It's completely beyond the power of the Vision owner, isn't it?!

I'm afraid that only an emperor can do this level!

However, although everyone was skeptical.

But in the end, no one refuted Ningguang's words.

After all, when the emperor does not come forward on weekdays, Ningguang is the real leader of the group~ Jade Pavilion.

Undoubtedly, it has a very high right to speak.

And the speech is also about evidence, which is very convincing!

Since even she said it.....

Just in case.

Then it's better not to provoke this guy named Ye Chen again.

"I didn't plan to advertise it today. It is more appropriate to choose the time to invite the immortal ceremony. "

"But there are a lot of people today, so it's better to choose a day than to hit the day. "

Ningguang also said simply.

Paimon, the Traveler two heard this.

"Immortal ceremony, please?!, does that mean, after this ceremony, the rock god himself appear in Liyue?!"

The two of them also looked excited!

That's the purpose of their trip!

But it's a pity that ....

Although he followed Ye Chen's light before, he went to the Jade Pavilion.

But I found that the note on it didn't seem to have as much effect as the legend.

It is impossible to say that a single sheet makes them rich.

So I had to die of this heart.

Let's wait for the emperor obediently.

"Now that the dart game is established, you should be leaving soon, right?"

"Who will be in charge of the funds then?"

Ningguang listened to Ye Chen's words.

The whole game is here, and then I'm afraid I'll have to go to another world.

As an investor and a shareholder of the party.

Ningguang also attaches great importance to managing money.

Yingmei, Paimon.

And Mann and the others couldn't help but glance at Ye Chen in surprise.

This is leaving?!

"Not so fast..... I guess I'll leave after the Immortal Ceremony is over?!"

"After all, there will be some changes in this Immortal Ceremony.... If I just leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it even if I have a dart game. "

Ye Chen also shook his head helplessly.

Ningguang heard this.

Please, there will be an accident in the Immortal Ceremony?!

Could it be that someone is planning to do something to the emperor?!

Or is it .... The Fatui are planning to do something?!

"Can't even deal with the people in the dart game?!How strong should these forces be.....

In Ningguang's opinion, the strength of Mann and David has surpassed that of ordinary Vision owners. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Words on combat power ....

Stronger than the average person.

Worse than the Yaksha immortals.

It can already be regarded as the third level of combat power under the emperor and immortals.

But with such a lineup, please Xian Dianyi will have an accident?!

What's going on here....

Could it be that the Fatui arranged the first three seats to come?!


The Ancient Demon God has appeared?!

"That's not the case..... Some of the explanations in the middle are not clear. "

"Anyway, I'd better stay. This thing is inevitable. It's bound to happen. "

"It doesn't matter how strong or weak you are."

Ye Chen also sighed helplessly.

The emperor forcibly wanted to use this fake death to relinquish power.

What's the solution?

So the assassination of the emperor is sure to happen!

Unless, before that, Zhongli can be found first, and then his identity can be revealed.

This is the only way to completely avoid this incident.

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