"Hmm.... Where is Qiao Yingzhuang ....."

The stones under your feet fly automatically under the force of gravity.

I have to say it's really very easy.

Ye Chen only needs to control the direction.

It's okay to even stand on the stone in a daze and think about things.

However, the current situation also appeared in front of Ye Chen.

That is, although Ye Chen is a traverser. "Zero Sixty Three"

I am also very familiar with the relevant maps of Teyvat.

But before the crossing.

Ye Chen's version, Qiao Yingzhuang is not open at all!

Isn't that just a conjecture?!

"Rub .... I knew that I should have asked Ningguang first where the location of this Qiao Yingzhuang was. "

Ye Chen also felt very speechless.

After all, in addition to Qiaoyingzhuang, Liyue's unopened maps include Shenyu Valley...

These are the only ways to get to Fontaine!

The Mighty Moon of Liyue.

It's quite troublesome to find someone, actually.....

But..... It's hard to say that Ye Chen asked, and Ningguang would definitely answer.

After all, he also made a lot of money before.

In case this guy holds a grudge, take the opportunity to open his mouth.

Like yourself, what's the matter?

Money can only be earned by yourself, but if you are cheated out of money by others, it is still difficult to accept!

"Forget it... Instead of blindly looking for the location of Qiao Yingzhuang. "

"It's better to hang it up. "

Well, at this time, smelling domineering can come in handy!

Because Zhongli, the sixth child, is not an ordinary human in essence, but a demon god!

At this time, Zhongli should have only reached an agreement with the Fatui executives, and did not say that he would completely hand over the heart of God.

The power and the divine power are in themselves!

Therefore, Ye Chen's sight and hearing can easily detect the abnormality!

However, Liyue's terrain is huge.

This piece of land in the north is conservatively estimated to stretch for hundreds of kilometers. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Chen has never tried to find a person in such a large area, with what he has seen and heard....

Well, even the whole Night City isn't that big!

However, Ye Chen still had the mentality of giving it a try.

Gave it a little try.

Maybe Zhongli's aura is too different from ordinary people!

So it's easy to find?

It's all entirely possible!

And after a search, 0......

Ye Chen was indeed in a village-like place to the north of Liyue.

There is a lot of people, and you can see vendors everywhere, peddling their own tea.

Uncle Zhongli Zhong was carrying tea leaves at this time, walking in the direction of Qingce Village.

He looked laid-back and didn't seem to know what was going to happen next.

So, in the direction of Uncle Zhong.

Ye Chen also manipulated the stone and slowly landed.

As expected, Uncle Zhong also felt abnormal!

Then his eyes froze, and he looked in the direction of Ye Chen.

Then I found out...

It turned out to be a strange 1.6 person?

It's not a native of Liyue..... Or are you coming for yourself?!

"Hmm.... Hello. "

Ye Chen also came up to say hello.

To Zhongli's great surprise, Ye Chen actually stepped on a stone and landed in front of his eyes.

What kind of weird ability is this?!

You can fly in the sky with stones?!。

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