But although the face is very surprised.

But overall.

Zhongli is also a demon god born thousands of years ago.

Seeing something or something, this is naturally very broad.

So after being a little surprised, I reacted immediately.

There are no wonders in this world.

Stepping on a stone to heaven may not be unacceptable.

It's just that what Zhongli really cares about is....

What exactly did this stranger do here?

"Ahh That's a good question!"

Before Zhong left the mouth, Ye Chen also directly said his thoughts.

Zhongli was stunned again.....

Yourself, did you say 07 just now?!

Why can this guy predict his own words in advance?!

"That's right...... As the ruler of the world, he must take the common people of the world as his own responsibility. No matter how hard it is, you have to do your part. "

"A job like retirement is not something that a civil servant can consider..."

In the first few words, Zhongli felt that something was wrong.


Why suddenly use the phrase "earthly ruler" to describe him?!

You know, this incarnation of him has not been publicly explained to anyone so far.

Even if they had a good personal relationship with Liuyun Zhenjun before....

Not a word was revealed!


In addition to the first sentence, the following sentences also seem to have a deep meaning!

"Could it be that this guy knows who I really am.... You even know the plan to connect?!"

"How is this possible...."

Zhongli felt very strange....

Standing in front of Ye Chen, it was as if everything about himself had been seen through by the man in front of him!

I feel very uncomfortable....

A country's gods are seen through?

Even those guys on Sky Island can't do this!(To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Who are you?"

Zhongli's face immediately filled with vigilance.

What is the purpose of this guy, and is it possible that Liyue's powerful forces are intending to destroy the country?

It seems that it is necessary to make a shot as a martial god!

The moment he put on a posture, Ye Chen felt that he might smash down a heavenly movement at any time.

"I'll go.... Why don't you be so brutal? There are still a lot of Liyue residents here....."

Ye Chen also looked at Zhongli's movements with some surprise.

Is this taking yourself for a bad person?!

"Don't be nervous.... I'm just here to warn you that you have to be a god with a sense of responsibility, that's all. "

"What, the deal with the Ice God, I think it can be withdrawn first. Such a mess is handed over to Tianquan, and these girls in Yuheng can't cope with it. "

Prophet 843 Daniel.

After all, Zhongli is still relatively rational as a whole.

And Zhongli only confirmed it now.

Sure enough, this outsider actually knew all about his plans!

I won't act anymore.

"The intention to abdicate is on the one hand, and on the other hand, I also plan to live in Liyue for a while as a human being. "

Of course, God has a responsibility. But God can't always solve everything for man. Sometimes you have to make your own wishes. "

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but pout.

It's a nice thing to say, it's just to find an excuse for your retirement.

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