Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 82: A Treaty Can Be Signed, But Surrender Is Impossible!

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the conference room became quiet.

Tahar looked at Jiang Cheng's slightly smiling face, with a lot of thoughts in his mind. He was thinking about how he should persuade Jiang Cheng to give up the weapon in his hand.

After a while, Tahar slowly spoke: "Mr. Jiang, the emergence of nuclear energy should have benefited all mankind and replaced old energy. However, nuclear energy research experts from various countries have taken the lead in making nuclear energy into a terrible weapon."

"After the successful test explosion of the first source bullet, all countries have understood the power of this weapon, and they have invested heavily in wanting to own this weapon."

"Today, under the supervision of the Nuclear Energy Supervision Organization, a total of 160 countries have abandoned the research and development of HE weapons, and there are only eight nuclear countries in the world. The International Nuclear Energy Supervision Organization has made considerable contributions to world peace." "Nine seven three"

"Mr. Jiang, you are also a member of all mankind. You should be more aware than ordinary people of the damage that nuclear weapons can bring. Once a nuclear war breaks out, human civilization that has developed for such a long time will regress, or even be destroyed. Cease to exist.”

"Chairman Tahar, I understand what you are saying, and I support your work. With all due respect, for the sake of my own safety, it is impossible for me to hand over the Destroyer intercontinental ballistic missile." Jiang Cheng was helpless. The shrug expressed his attitude.

No matter what Tahar said, there was no way Jiang Cheng would hand over the Destroyer ICBM.

It is conceivable that once he hands over this kind of thing, the United States, which has just suffered a big loss, will never let him go.

To be honest, the Destroyer intercontinental ballistic missile does not have much effect on Jiang Cheng, and he is even less likely to sell it to the outside world, nor can he take the initiative to use it.

The reason why he took out such a weapon was just to express an attitude to all countries: don't mess with me casually. If I get angry, I will be afraid!

"Mr. Jiang, maintaining the peace of Blue Star and jointly building a nuclear-free Blue Star are the obligations of every Blue Star person." Tahar said earnestly.

He is still unwilling to give up. Whether it is due to pressure from various countries or to eliminate the hidden dangers caused by this weapon, Tahar will not give up persuasion easily.

"Your Excellency, Chairman, I agree with everything you say. If all countries are willing to destroy their weapons and promise to only use nuclear energy as a new type of energy, then, without you needing to say more, I will immediately destroy the Destroyer Intercontinental Ballistic missiles." Jiang Cheng stared into Tahar's eyes and said something he could not possibly do.

Despite the great reputation of the International Nuclear Energy Supervision Organization, in fact, this organization can only have considerable regulatory capabilities for small and medium-sized countries.

However, in the face of the world's major powers, the international nuclear energy monitoring organization is simply unable to effectively supervise the nuclear energy processes of the major powers.

To put it bluntly, the International Nuclear Energy Supervision Organization was established by the top eight nuclear-weapon states. The main purpose of this organization is to restrict non-nuclear-weapon states from developing nuclear weapons.

"Mr. Jiang, you know better than me that it is impossible for the eight nuclear-armed countries to destroy their own nuclear weapons." Tahar's face was full of helplessness.

It can be said that if such a proposal appears, perhaps only the United States Congress will fully support the passage of this proposal, while the other seven countries will fully oppose it.

The United States is the largest country in the world, and their comprehensive strength can suppress a large number of countries behind them.

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of weapon that the United States does not dare to use force against the next seven nuclear-weapon countries and can only resort to economic suppression.

Because once a nuclear war breaks out, Midland United will suffer the greatest losses.

Of course, unless the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed, the major nuclear-armed countries will not resort to nuclear war that kills one thousand enemies and damages eight hundred themselves.

"Your Excellency, Chairman, no matter how much you say, it's useless. I can't possibly hand over the Destroyer intercontinental ballistic missile." Jiang Cheng's attitude was firm and there was no room for negotiation.

"This..." Tahar's eyes twitched. He knew that it was almost impossible to get Jiangcheng to hand over the Destroyer intercontinental ballistic missile.

Before getting on the plane, Tahar was fully prepared, and he also expected such a result.

After a short while, Tahar stepped back and said, "Mr. Jiang, I understand your situation very well and understand your concerns. However, for various reasons, I hope that Mr. Jiang can sign the non-proliferation agreement." Treaty, and make a commitment to never provide such weapons to a second party force or individual...

"I can sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and I can agree to this promise..." Jiang Cheng nodded lightly, having no objection at all.

The reason why he took out the Destroyer intercontinental ballistic missile was just to increase his deterrence.

Jiang Cheng has never thought of using such weapons, and he does not want other countries or forces to possess such weapons besides himself.

In short, if you have a weapon like this, forget it; if you don’t have it, never have it!

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for your contribution to world peace." Tahar stood up and bowed directly, with a very low posture.

"Have you brought the treaty? I can sign it now!" Jiang Cheng pointed to Tahar's briefcase and asked.

"Mr. Jiang, since the weapons you hold are known to the whole world, in order to eliminate all mankind's concerns about the weapons you hold, I hope we can sign this treaty with the notarization of the media from various countries." Tahar tentatively said ask.

The reason why he did this was entirely to show the outside world his merits and the role that the international nuclear energy monitoring organization can play.

You must know that there are still many countries around the world that are unwilling to join the International Nuclear Energy Supervision Organization. These countries believe that the International Nuclear Energy Supervision Organization's handling style is not fair at all. It only serves the eight major nuclear-weapon countries, and the purpose is to prevent them from having , it cannot be developed in 5.8 either.

"My time is very busy. I still owe the bank 300 billion. It is best for the chairman to arrange the place and time for signing the contract as soon as possible." Jiang Cheng did not refuse, but asked Tahar to move quickly and not Waste of everyone's time.

"Mr. Jiang, I will inform the media of various countries later that we will sign the non-proliferation treaty at ten o'clock tomorrow morning at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel." Tahar then spoke.

Originally Tahar wanted to arrange it three days later, but when Jiang Cheng said this, he could only arrange it tomorrow.

"That's very good..." Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement.

Due to time constraints, Tahar left after chatting with Jiang Cheng for a while. He still had a lot of work to do, such as arranging the venue, notifying the media, etc. .

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