Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 92: The Dual Effects Of Force

Time passed, and Jiang Cheng and Su Qing chatted until the afternoon in the coffee shop.

Jiang Cheng was still more concerned about Huanyu Industrial. This was his company, and he made almost all the requirements he could think of.

However, Su Qing, who was sitting opposite, felt a little dizzy when she heard it, and she couldn't help but complain in her heart.

It is obvious that Huanyu Industrial is an empty frame and has nothing.

Whether it was the location selection of the company's headquarters or the recruitment of various staff, all the work was taken care of by her, while Jiang Cheng, the chairman, didn't care about anything and was just a hands-off shopkeeper.

Looking at Su Qing's slightly complaining eyes, Jiang Cheng said calmly: "Mr. Su, as the saying goes, those who are capable work hard. You want me to see your ability. You must know that Huanyu Industry is not an ordinary military industry. Enterprise, its future will be something you can’t even imagine for the time being.”

Hearing this, Su Qing blinked her beautiful eyes, and a high fighting spirit appeared on her beautiful face. She smiled and said: "Chairman, although the general framework of Huanyu Industry needs to be built from scratch, this process may be very difficult. , but I believe that almost every professional manager hopes to take over such a company.'

Su Qing's words are not a compliment. You need to know that if a professional manager takes over a large company that has been established for a long time, he will not only face the constraints of the board members at work, but also the founders of the dynasty. bring pressure. "Seven Three Three"

Therefore, blank companies like Huanyu Industrial are the targets that all professional managers are most willing to take over.

In such a company, except for the chairman above, she will not be subject to any restrictions and can play boldly with confidence.

Looking at the time, it was almost dinner time. Jiang Cheng looked at Su Qing and invited: "Mr. Su, if you are not tired, let's have dinner together later. I will introduce President Lu Reed to you. Huanyu The industrial arsenal is placed in Elijah. In the future, you will have a lot of interactions with President Lureed."

"President Elijah..." Su Qingmei's eyes were stunned, and she was a little shocked.

Now it seems that her choice of job-hopping was indeed the right one. She had just joined the job and was about to get to know a president. This was the head of state. In the past, she really was not qualified to contact him.

For example, in the magical city, she had to smile and talk to official officials with a little authority, and she would not offend them if she could. How could she be like now, where she could directly have dinner with the head of a country.

"Chairman, do I need to dress up?" Su Qing looked at Jiang Cheng and asked in a low voice.

Since it was her first time contacting a person of this level, she naturally had to show her most perfect side.

"Mr. Su, you need to change your thinking. You are now the CEO of Huanyu Industries. In short, you are my spokesperson. Therefore, you are very confident. No matter who you meet, you can treat them calmly. "Jiang Cheng looked at Su Qing with a smile and said seriously.

"Uh...I understand..." Su Qing shrugged helplessly. She had just passed the interview and was not yet able to appreciate the deterrent power of Huanyu Industry.

"Manager Sun..." Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at Sun Hongwei, who had been sitting not far away all afternoon.

Tread! Tread! Tread!

Hearing Jiang Cheng calling him, Sun Hongwei quickly ran over and said, "Mr. Jiang, have you finished talking?"

"The discussion is almost over. I am quite satisfied with Mr. Su's performance in all aspects. She has been hired by Huanyu Industrial." Jiang Cheng said softly.

"Mr. Su, I said before that Huanyu Industrial will never let you down. How about that? I'm right!" Sun Hongwei turned to look at Su Qing with a smile on his face.

Once Su Qing is hired, he can get a considerable commission. How can this make him unhappy?

"Manager Sun, thank you for providing the channel..." Su Qing looked back and smiled, as if a delicate peony was blooming, with amazing charm.

"Manager Sun, if you are not busy later, let's have a casual meal together!" Jiang Cheng smiled and invited.

Seeing that Sun Hongwei had flown all the way from the Dragon Kingdom, and that he had just been waiting for several hours, it was hard work and no credit, so Jiang Cheng invited him to have dinner with him.

"Mr. Jiang, I can't refuse your invitation..." Sun Hongwei said cheerfully, with a very happy look on his face.

Although he is the key account manager of Haiyue International Consulting Co., Ltd. and can be regarded as a successful person, compared with Jiang Cheng, the gap is huge. How can he deepen the relationship with such a top-level person? How can he do such a good thing? Can you refuse?

Then, the three of them left the cafe and got into Jiang Cheng's luxury motorcade.

In the car, Sun Hongwei and Su Qing were both in a state of shock, because at the front and back of the convoy, tanks were all clearing the way.

On the way forward, almost no vehicles dared to overtake, and they all stayed far away, for fear of getting too close.

"Mr. Jiang, here in Elijah, I'm afraid your words are more effective than President Elijah's..." Sun Hongwei flattered him with an envious look on his face.

There are many rumors in the outside world, and many people are saying that Jiang Cheng is the uncrowned king of Elijah that no one dares to offend, and President Lu Reed will have to bow his head.

"Don't say such nonsense. I am a law-abiding businessman. How can I compare with President Lou Reed? How can my words be more effective than his?" Jiang Cheng shook his head quickly, he didn't dare. Accept such praise.

"Pfft..." Next to her, Su Qing couldn't help but laugh out loud. She quickly reached out to cover the corners of her mouth to hide her shame.

"Yes, yes, yes, it was a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue..." Sun Hongwei smiled awkwardly.

The flattery hit the horse's hoof, which made him a little embarrassed.

"It seems that the news is right. The chairman is really thick-skinned. He can tell lies with his eyes open, but he can still tell lies seriously..." Su Qing couldn't help but murmur to herself.

Soon, led by tanks and armored vehicles, the convoy arrived at the Elijah Foreign Guest Hotel.

After getting off the bus, the staff of the hotel quickly came to greet the foreign guests.

"This Elijah is quite backward. The hotel that receives foreign guests is only a four-star hotel at most..." On the way to the restaurant, Sun Hongwei couldn't help but make a disparaging comment.

"Elia is just a small country, and it is still a small and backward country. It is pretty good that their foreign guest hotel can be built like this." Su Qing did not mean to be disparaging. Although the environment of the entire hotel is not top-notch, it still has some unique features. of exotic customs.

"It only takes one year. When you come to Elijah again, you will be shocked by its changes." Jiang Cheng said confidently.

His confidence did not come out of thin air, because the military factory of World Industries was established here, and he also obtained the rights to exploit all natural resources in Elijah. He even promised to provide 1.5 million jobs for Elijah. .

Moreover, as president, Lou Reed also wants to introduce light industry and increase tariffs on foreign goods.

After this combination of punches, it was difficult for Elijah not to change.

Soon, under the leadership of the staff, the three of them arrived at the best private room in the Elijah Foreign Guesthouse.

As soon as he entered the door, Sun Hongwei was stunned.

In his sight, there were three people sitting on the right side of the round dining table in the private room. These three people were Elijah President Lou Reed, Elijah Prime Minister Segipp, and one was a yellow-skinned middle-aged man. He is young, but he is wearing a general's uniform, with the rank of major general hanging on his shoulders.

Before coming, Sun Hongwei thought Jiang Chengsong invited him to have a meal.

However, he never expected that the standard of this dinner was a bit high, and Elijah's number one and two people were all here...

"Boss..." Lu You took the lead in saying hello. He also stood up and opened the wooden stool behind him for Jiang Cheng.

"Mr. Jiang, please take a seat..." Sagep said with a smile, without any airs of the Prime Minister.

"Jiang, who are these two?" Lu Lid looked at Su Qing and Sun Hongwei, and then looked at Jiang Cheng, waiting for his introduction.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng was the first to accuse Su Qing: "This is Su Qing, she is the executive president I just hired, which is the CEO of Global Works N.'

Then, Jiang Cheng pointed at Sun Hongwei again: "This is Sun Hongwei. He is the key account manager of Haiyue International Consulting Co., Ltd. This company has business dealings with Huanyu Industrial

"The CEO of Huanyu Industries..." Sagep was a little surprised. He quickly greeted Su Qing and introduced himself.

Then, Lu Reed also smiled and said hello.

Towards Sun Hongwei, the two of them were not so polite and just smiled.

Then, at the invitation of Jiang Cheng, Su Qing and Sun Hongwei took their seats one after another.

"Jiang, according to the method you mentioned before, I have decided to ask the Ministry of Commerce and Trade to announce an increase in tariffs on various imported goods tomorrow." Lu Reed looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

"Your Excellency, you can do it with confidence and boldness. The market for Elijah is not very big. Besides, the Universal Fleet is still the outer fleet of Elijah. Countries cannot make mistakes because of this small market, which will lead to inconveniences." Necessary trouble." Jiang Cheng said while holding a napkin and wiping his hands.

"By raising tariffs on goods from various countries, does President Reid want to support the country's physical manufacturing industry?" Upon hearing this news, Su Qing immediately thought of this possibility.

Trade wars often break out between various economic powers, the purpose of which is to crack down on foreign goods and protect domestic enterprises.

"Your Excellency, you can take a bigger step. After the light industry in Eriya has developed to a certain extent and produced high-quality and low-priced products, you can even dump them in surrounding areas." Jiang Cheng made this suggestion .

It is obvious that the development of light industry in the surrounding areas of Elijah is also very poor, or it cannot be developed at all.

As long as the price is low enough, even if the quality is poor, you can still compete for the market.

For the people from Hezhou, cheap and affordable is the most important thing, and they don’t have much money to spend randomly.

"Dumping it to surrounding areas..." Lu Reed's eyes lit up, and he became a little excited.

Although Elijah is a small country, the surrounding countries are not small. They all have tens of millions of people, and these people have potential consumption power!

"Mr. Jiang, do you think the surrounding areas of Elijah are willing to see our products enter?" Sagep was a little worried. He didn't think those markets were so easy to enter.

"If they are not allowed to enter, what's the point of the existence of the Elijah Defense Force?" Jiang Cheng has a very strong style of dealing with things. In his opinion, if the problem cannot be solved with literature, then force will be used.

You know, the Elijah Defense Force has increased to 120,000 people, and there is also a fully equipped armored division. It is no match for the surrounding areas.

With such military strength, why not use it?

The role of the military is not only to protect the country, but it should learn from the United States. The national team is used to expand overseas interests.

"It doesn't seem good to do this!" Lu Reed smiled, somewhat disapproving of this proposal.

"Then there's nothing I can do..." Jiang Cheng shook his head helplessly.

He knew that Lou Reed was actually a little afraid of several surrounding areas. After all, their economy was higher than yours, their area was larger, and their population was larger than yours. What could he do with them?

As time passed, the dinner soon came to an end.

Jiang Cheng dispatched his own motorcade to take Su Qing and Sun Hongwei back to the hotel where they stayed. .

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